image_dict = { "the movement": "", "vance": "", "the regime": "", "newsom": "", "black": "", "nwo": "", "nwo_advisor": "", "thiel_yarvin": "", "hawley": "", "sanders": "", "vivek": "", "mike lee": "", } const box = document.createElement('div'); = 'draggable-box'; const boxtext = document.createElement('p'); boxtext.innerHTML = ''; // Possible options: Pissed off with, Disappointed with, Dissatisfied with, Satisfied with, Pleased with, Enthusiastic about, Ecstatic about // Style the box Object.assign(, { width: '350px', height: '200px', backgroundColor: '#eee', color: 'black', textAlign: 'left', lineHeight: '20px', position: 'absolute', top: '20%', left: '10%', cursor: 'move', zIndex: '1000', borderRadius: '5px', boxShadow: '0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)', padding: '10px', }); // Append the box to the body document.body.appendChild(box); // Make the box draggable let isDragging = false; let offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0; box.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) >=; { isDragging = true; offsetX = e.clientX - box.offsetLeft; 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} else { return 1-mult*0.05*(1-Math.pow(1.2, -num))/-0.2; } } function base_turnout() { for (let n in campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json) { if (campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["candidate"] == 300) { let state = state_dict_2[campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["state"]]; //console.log(campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["state_multiplier"]); if (populist_dict[state] != null) { campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["state_multiplier"] = campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["state_multiplier"]*geo_calc(populist-3,populist_dict[state]); //console.log(geo_calc(populist-3,populist_dict[state])); } if (christian_dict[state] != null) { campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["state_multiplier"] = campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["state_multiplier"]*geo_calc(christian-3,christian_dict[state]); //console.log(geo_calc(christian-3,christian_dict[state])); } if (darwinist_dict[state] != null) { campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["state_multiplier"] = campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["state_multiplier"]*geo_calc(darwinist-3,darwinist_dict[state]); //console.log(geo_calc(darwinist-3,darwinist_dict[state])); } if (technocapitalist_dict[state] != null) { campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["state_multiplier"] = campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["state_multiplier"]*geo_calc(technocapitalist-3,technocapitalist_dict[state]); //console.log(geo_calc(technocapitalist-3,technocapitalist_dict[state])); } //console.log(campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["state_multiplier"]); } } } function getAnswerFeedbackNumberFromPk(pk) { return>=;; } function turnout_feedback() { let factionnum=0; missingfactions=[]; showedupfactions=[]; if (darwinist >;= 3) { factionnum += 1; showedupfactions.push("Darwinists"); } else { missingfactions.push("Darwinists"); } if (christian >;= 3) { factionnum += 1; showedupfactions.push("Christians"); } else { missingfactions.push("Christians"); } if (technocapitalist >;= 3) { factionnum += 1; showedupfactions.push("Technocapitalists"); } else { missingfactions.push("Technocapitalists"); } if (populist >;= 3) { factionnum += 1; showedupfactions.push("Populists"); } else { missingfactions.push("Populists"); } if (factionnum == 4) { campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_json[getAnswerFeedbackNumberFromPk("340001")].fields.answer_feedback = ` The Movement materializes all around you, slowly, then all at once. You can feel it, in the earth and in the sky, like a sound of an angry storm. The polls begin to swing hard in your direction, but you’re down deeply in the polls. Let’s hope you make it.`; } if (factionnum == 3) { campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_json[getAnswerFeedbackNumberFromPk("340001")].fields.answer_feedback = ` The Movement materializes all around you, slowly, then all at once. The ${missingfactions[0]} are missing, depressed turnout through disillusionment with your policies. This looks to be a repeat of 2028. So hang on tight.`; } if (factionnum == 2) { campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_json[getAnswerFeedbackNumberFromPk("340001")].fields.answer_feedback = ` The Movement materializes all around you, slowly, then all at once. The ${missingfactions[0]} and ${missingfactions[1]} are missing, depressed turnout through disillusionment with your policies. Your coalition is weaker now. Here’s hoping your margin holds.`; } if (factionnum == 1) { campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_json[getAnswerFeedbackNumberFromPk("340001")].fields.answer_feedback = ` The Movement materializes all around you, slowly, then all at once. Only the ${showedupfactions[0]} showed up to help you, everyone else stayed home due to depressed turnout. This is going to be an uphill battle, here’s hoping your margin holds.`; } if (factionnum == 0) { campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_json[getAnswerFeedbackNumberFromPk("340001")].fields.answer_feedback = ` No one. What you’ve gained with the median voter, you’ve lost among your base. You’ve been left all alone, abandoned by the core who supported you. Your lead is far ahead, but your enthusiasm is at record lows. Here’s hoping that your polling lead survives the fall.`; } } function movement_theme() { campaignTrail_temp.election_json[0].fields.advisor_url = image_dict["thiel_yarvin"]; header_color = "rgb(74, 105, 120)"; outer_game_window_color = "rgb(138, 163, 178)"; outer_descriptive_window_color = "#aec8d5"; outer_container_color = "rgb(55, 77, 72)"; header_img_url = ""; background_img_url = ""; results_container_color = "#aec8d5"; //Running Mate Description Window color question_window_color = "#F8F8F8"; question_window_background = ""; question_window_text_color = "black"; question_background_color = "#E8FBFF"; progress_window_color = "white"; progress_bar_text_color = "black"; applyNewTheme(); } function dark_movement_theme() { campaignTrail_temp.election_json[0].fields.advisor_url = image_dict["thiel_yarvin"]; header_color = "rgb(37, 53, 60)"; outer_game_window_color = "rgb(69, 81, 89)"; outer_descriptive_window_color = "#aec8d5"; outer_container_color = "rgb(27, 38, 36)"; header_img_url = ""; background_img_url = ""; results_container_color = "#aec8d5"; //Running Mate Description Window color question_window_color = "#F8F8F8"; question_window_background = ""; question_window_text_color = "black"; question_background_color = "#E8FBFF"; progress_window_color = "white"; progress_bar_text_color = "black"; applyNewTheme(); } function regime_theme() { campaignTrail_temp.election_json[0].fields.advisor_url = image_dict["nwo_advisor"]; header_color = "rgb(4 0 53)"; outer_game_window_color = "rgb(4 0 53)"; outer_descriptive_window_color = "rgb(4 0 53)"; outer_container_color = "black"; header_img_url = ""; background_img_url = ""; results_container_color = "rgb(4 0 53)"; //Running Mate Description Window color question_window_color = "#F8F8F8"; question_window_background = ""; question_window_text_color = "black"; question_background_color = "#E8FBFF"; progress_window_color = "white"; progress_bar_text_color = "black"; applyNewTheme(); } function polarize(issue, minscore_adj, maxscore_adj) { min_score = 1; max_score = -1; for (let n = 0; n max_score) { max_score = score; } if (score <; min_score) { min_score = score; } } } let adj_minscore = min_score + minscore_adj; let adj_maxscore = max_score + maxscore_adj; for (let n = 0; n .game_header { background: ${header_color}; } #header { src: ${header_img_url}; } body { background: url(${background_img_url}) } #game_window { background: ${outer_game_window_color}; } .inner_window_w_desc { background: ${results_container_color}!important; } .inner_window_question h3 { margin: 0 1em .5em; border: double; border-color: #c9c9c9; background-color: ${question_background_color}; } .inner_window_question { background-color: ${question_window_color}; border-style: double; border-color: #C9C9C9; text-align: center; height: 56%; position: relative; clear: both; background-image: url(${question_window_background}); color: ${question_window_text_color}; } .inner_window_sign_display { margin: 0; height: 25%; position: relative; width: 30%; height: 28%; background-color: ${progress_window_color}; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-style: double; border-color: #C9C9C9; } #progress_bar h3 { color: ${progress_bar_text_color}; } `; document.head.appendChild(newtheme); } function changeQuestion(question,pk) { // Sets question pos to pk. let temp1 =>=;; e.questions_json[question-1] = e.questions_json[temp1]; } function changeAnswer(answerpk,questionpk) { // Sets the question of answer pk to questionpk. let temp1 =>=; e.answers_json[temp1]["fields"]["question"] = questionpk; } function add_sign(num) { if (num <; 0) { return(num); } else { return("+"+num); } } function adjust_support(num) { for (let n in campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json) { if (campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["candidate"] == 300) { campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["state_multiplier"] += num; } } } function translate(num) { if (num >; 2.5) { return("ecstatic about"); } else if (num >; 1.5) { return("enthusiastic about"); } else if (num >; 0.5) { return("pleased with"); } else if (num >; -0.5) { return("satisfied with"); } else if (num >; -1.5) { return("dissatisfied with"); } else if (num >; -2.5) { return("disappointed with"); } else { return("pissed off with"); } } function dynamic_text_box() { let christian_temp = translate(christian - expectation); let technocapitalist_temp = translate(technocapitalist - expectation); let populist_temp = translate(populist - expectation); let darwinist_temp = translate(darwinist - expectation); let christian_temp2 = add_sign((christian - expectation).toFixed(2)); let technocapitalist_temp2 = add_sign((technocapitalist - expectation).toFixed(2)); let populist_temp2 = add_sign((populist - expectation).toFixed(2)); let darwinist_temp2 = add_sign((darwinist - expectation).toFixed(2)); boxtext.innerHTML = `State of the New Right Coalition:

Your Christians are ${christian_temp} your campaign. (${christian_temp2})

Your Populists are ${populist_temp} your campaign. (${populist_temp2})

Your Technocapitalists are ${technocapitalist_temp} your campaign. (${technocapitalist_temp2})

Your Darwinists are ${darwinist_temp} your campaign. (${darwinist_temp2})`; } highlight_list = []; function add_highlight() { for (let n = 0; n`+campaignTrail_temp.answers_json[n].fields.description+``; } } } expectation = 0; populist = 0; christian = 0; technocapitalist = 0; darwinist = 0; old_populist = populist; old_christian = christian; old_technocapitalist = technocapitalist; old_darwinist = darwinist; difficulty = "unset"; opinion_shift = "unset"; geopolitical_slide = "unset"; console.log("QUESTION "+1+":"); console.log("Populism: "+populist+" ("+(add_sign(populist-old_populist))+")"); console.log("Christianity: "+christian+" ("+(add_sign(christian-old_christian))+")"); console.log("Technocapitalism: "+technocapitalist+" ("+(add_sign(technocapitalist-old_technocapitalist))+")"); console.log("Darwinism: "+darwinist+" ("+(add_sign(darwinist-old_darwinist))+")"); cyoAdventure = function (a) { ans = campaignTrail_temp.player_answers[campaignTrail_temp.player_answers.length-1]; old_populist = populist; old_christian = christian; old_technocapitalist = technocapitalist; old_darwinist = darwinist; if (difficulty == "easy") { adjust_support(0.002) } else if (difficulty == "medium") { adjust_support(0.0005) } else if (difficulty == "hard") { adjust_support(-0.0015) } if (opinion_shift == "traditionalist") { polarize("Moralism", -0.01, 0); } else if (opinion_shift == "futurist") { polarize("Economic", -0.01, 0); } else if (opinion_shift == "libertarian") { polarize("Bureaucracy", -0.01, 0); } else if (opinion_shift == "nationalist") { polarize("Nationalism", -0.01, 0); } if (e.question_number+1 >;= 2 && 21 >;= e.question_number+1) { expectation += 0.15; console.log(expectation); } if (e.question_number+2 == 10) { campaignTrail_temp.candidate_last_name = "The"; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = "Movement"; campaignTrail_temp.candidate_image_url = image_dict["the movement"]; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = image_dict["the movement"]; setTimeout(dark_movement_theme, 10); } if (e.question_number+2 == 11) { campaignTrail_temp.candidate_last_name = "Movement"; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = "Vance"; campaignTrail_temp.candidate_image_url = image_dict["the movement"]; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = image_dict["vance"]; setTimeout(movement_theme, 10); } if (e.question_number+2 == 26) { campaignTrail_temp.candidate_last_name = 'The Regime'; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = ' '; campaignTrail_temp.candidate_image_url = image_dict["the regime"]; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = image_dict["nwo"]; setTimeout(regime_theme, 10); } if (e.question_number+2 == 27) { campaignTrail_temp.candidate_last_name = "The"; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = "Movement"; campaignTrail_temp.candidate_image_url = image_dict["the movement"]; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = image_dict["the movement"]; setTimeout(dark_movement_theme, 10); } if (e.question_number+2 == 28) { campaignTrail_temp.candidate_last_name = movement_candidate; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = movement_running_mate; campaignTrail_temp.candidate_image_url = movement_candidate_url; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = movement_running_mate_url; setTimeout(movement_theme, 10); } if (ans == 10001 || ans == 10002 || ans == 10003) { campaignTrail_temp.candidate_last_name = movement_candidate; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = movement_running_mate; campaignTrail_temp.candidate_image_url = movement_candidate_url; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = movement_running_mate_url; setTimeout(movement_theme, 10); } if (ans == 10001) { // Medium Difficulty changeQuestion(6,"question_6b"); difficulty = "medium"; } if (ans == 10002) { // Easy Difficulty changeQuestion(6,"question_6a"); difficulty = "easy"; } if (ans == 10003) { // Hard Difficulty changeQuestion(6,"question_6c"); difficulty = "hard"; } if (ans == 20001) { christian += 1; highlight_list = [30004,80003,100001,130003,160002,190003,210001]; add_highlight() } if (ans == 20002) { darwinist += 1; highlight_list = [30003,50001,90004,100003,110004,120002,130002,160004,180001]; add_highlight() } if (ans == 20003) { technocapitalist += 1; highlight_list = [40003,50001,70001,90002,100002,120001,130001,160003,180003,210004]; add_highlight() } if (ans == 20004) { populist += 1; highlight_list = [40002,70002,90003,100004,120003,130003,160001,180004,210002]; add_highlight() } if (ans == 30003) { darwinist += 1; } if (ans == 30004) { christian += 1; } if (ans == 40002) { populist += 1; } if (ans == 40003) { technocapitalist += 1; } if (ans == 50001) { technocapitalist += 2; populist -= 1; darwinist +=1; } if (ans == 50002) { technocapitalist += 1; } if (ans == 70001) { populist -= 1; technocapitalist += 1; changeQuestion(17,"question_17b"); } if (ans == 70002) { populist += 1; technocapitalist -= 1; changeQuestion(17,"question_17a"); } if (ans == 80002) { christian += 1; } if (ans == 80003) { christian += 2; } if (ans == 80004) { christian -= 2; } if (ans == 90002) { technocapitalist += 1; } if (ans == 90003) { populist += 1; } if (ans == 90004) { darwinist += 1; } if (ans == 100001) { opinion_shift = "traditionalist"; christian -= 1; } if (ans == 100002) { opinion_shift = "futurist"; technocapitalist -= 1; } if (ans == 100003) { opinion_shift = "libertarian"; darwinist -= 1; } if (ans == 100004) { opinion_shift = "nationalist"; populist -= 1; } if (ans == 110001) { darwinist -= 1; } if (ans == 110003) { darwinist += 1; } if (ans == 110004) { darwinist += 2; } if (ans == 120001) { technocapitalist += 1; } if (ans == 120002) { darwinist += 1; } if (ans == 120003) { populist += 1; } if (ans == 130001) { technocapitalist += 1; } if (ans == 130002) { darwinist += 1; } if (ans == 130003) { populist += 1; christian += 1; } if (ans == 160001) { populist += 1; movement_candidate = "Vance"; movement_running_mate = "Hawley"; movement_candidate_url = image_dict["vance"]; movement_running_mate_url = image_dict["hawley"]; } if (ans == 160002) { christian += 1; movement_candidate = "Vance"; movement_running_mate = "Sanders"; movement_candidate_url = image_dict["vance"]; movement_running_mate_url = image_dict["sanders"]; } if (ans == 160003) { technocapitalist += 1; movement_candidate = "Vance"; movement_running_mate = "Ramaswamy"; movement_candidate_url = image_dict["vance"]; movement_running_mate_url = image_dict["vivek"]; } if (ans == 160004) { darwinist += 1; movement_candidate = "Vance"; movement_running_mate = "Lee"; movement_candidate_url = image_dict["vance"]; movement_running_mate_url = image_dict["mike lee"]; } if (ans == 160001 || ans == 160002 || ans == 160003 || ans == 160004) { campaignTrail_temp.candidate_last_name = movement_candidate; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = movement_running_mate; campaignTrail_temp.candidate_image_url = movement_candidate_url; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = movement_running_mate_url; } if (ans == 170011) { changeQuestion(31,"question_31_economic_crash"); geopolitical_slide = "tariffs"; populist += 1; } if (ans == 170012) { changeQuestion(31,"question_31_reindustrialization"); geopolitical_slide = "tariffs"; populist += 1; } if (ans == 170013) { changeQuestion(31,"question_31_china_taiwan_war"); geopolitical_slide = "china_taiwan"; populist += 1; } if (ans == 170014) { changeQuestion(31,"question_31_slow_growth"); geopolitical_slide = "globalization"; populist += 1; } if (ans == 170021) { changeQuestion(31,"question_31_recovering_economy"); geopolitical_slide = "globalization"; populist -= 1; } if (ans == 170022) { changeQuestion(31,"question_31_recovering_economy"); geopolitical_slide = "globalization"; technocapitalist += 1; } if (ans == 170023) { changeQuestion(31,"question_31_stagnating_economy"); geopolitical_slide = "russia_ukraine"; } if (ans == 170024) { changeQuestion(31,"question_31_stagnating_economy"); geopolitical_slide = "russia_ukraine"; } if (ans == 180001) { darwinist += 1; } if (ans == 180003) { technocapitalist += 1; } if (ans == 180004) { populist += 1; } if (ans == 190001) { christian += 1; } if (ans == 190002) { christian += 1; } if (ans == 190003) { christian += 2; } if (ans == 210001) { christian += 1; } if (ans == 210002) { technocapitalist += 1; } if (ans == 210004) { populist += 1; } if (ans == 270004) { campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[27].fields.description = "Over 200 people are dead in the aftermath of the numerous Autonomous Zones, with many mayors refusing to intervene out of ideological loyalty. Both the Regime and the Movement had their role to play in the needless deaths today. Newsom gave a full-hearted condemnation of the matter. Hundreds of businesses lost, thousands of livelihoods ruined. What is your response?"; changeAnswer(280001,"hidden"); changeAnswer(280002,"question_28"); } total_points = technocapitalist + christian + darwinist + populist; if (total_points >;= 10) { changeQuestion(20,"question_20c"); } else if (total_points >;= 5 ) { changeQuestion(20,"question_20b"); } else { changeQuestion(20,"question_20a"); } if (technocapitalist >;=3) { changeAnswer(300011,"question_30"); changeAnswer(300021,"hidden"); } else { changeAnswer(300011,"hidden"); changeAnswer(300021,"question_30"); } if (christian >;=3) { changeAnswer(300012,"question_30"); changeAnswer(300022,"hidden"); changeAnswer(230001,"question_23"); changeAnswer(230002,"hidden"); } else { changeAnswer(300012,"hidden"); changeAnswer(300022,"question_30"); changeAnswer(230001,"hidden"); changeAnswer(230002,"question_23"); } if (populist >;=3) { changeAnswer(300013,"question_30"); changeAnswer(300023,"hidden"); } else { changeAnswer(300013,"hidden"); changeAnswer(300023,"question_30"); } if (darwinist >;=3) { changeAnswer(300014,"question_30"); changeAnswer(300024,"hidden"); } else { changeAnswer(300014,"hidden"); changeAnswer(300024,"question_30"); } if (ans == 340001) { base_turnout(); } turnout_feedback(); dynamic_text_box(); console.log("QUESTION "+(e.question_number+2)+":"); console.log("Populism: "+populist+" ("+(add_sign(populist-old_populist))+")"); console.log("Christianity: "+christian+" ("+(add_sign(christian-old_christian))+")"); console.log("Technocapitalism: "+technocapitalist+" ("+(add_sign(technocapitalist-old_technocapitalist))+")"); console.log("Darwinism: "+darwinist+" ("+(add_sign(darwinist-old_darwinist))+")"); } campaignTrail_temp.questions_json = [ { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_1", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "A raging, devouring swarm. The Periphery has come for vengeance, Canada, Britain, Germany, sieging down the strongholds of your Regime. All of these local movements coordinated but separate, they’re devouring you whole. Your resources are global, but they’re spread thinly. An alert, the Movement in America is poised to win another election, threatening to evict you from your very heartland. How do you react?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_2", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are JD Vance, leader of the Movement, and President of the United States. The final battle is about to begin, but in order to win, you will need guidance. Before you are a Bible, a rifle, a black sphere, and a photo. So, JD Vance… To what do you look for guidance?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_3", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The year is 2032. You finish a speech at the Republican National Convention, center of the Movement Resistance. The stadium is packed with energetic and enthusiastic members. As you finish your parting words, on what theme should you end this speech?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_4", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Prices have risen substantially ever since the Great Uncoupling, driving investors and capital back to the United States. While this has allowed America to reindustrialize, it has also pushed up the price of groceries through price inflation. Both you and Trump promised to bring down the price of groceries, how do you address this?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_5", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Another issue that has come up is that of the national deficit. Though both you and Trump have promised to never touch Social Security benefits, the Social Security fund is projected to go bankrupt by 2035, just a few years away. All the while, the National Debt has grown to a monstrous 40 trillion, just over 100% of the US GDP. What are your plans to balance the budget, and assuage these economic anxieties?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_6", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "GERMANY PLACEHOLDER", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_7", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The Chinese have decided to throw down the gauntlet. Thinking you're vulnerable during an election year against the Regime, they've torn up the previous trade agreement, and are escalating tariffs to force you to the negotiating table. This has sent the economy in a tailspin. They demand a renegotiation, something which will clearly favor the Chinese, and seem to be playing hardball to negotiate. Do you concede to their demands?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_8", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "It’s not even campaign season yet, and the puppets of the Regime have already brought it back up as a talking point. They’re once again waving around the fearmongering wand of abortion, in some vain attempt to turn out female voters. With abortion back in the news, you’re once again being pressed on your own views, how do you respond?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_9", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Another issue that has returned to the forefront is education. After you and Trump abolished the Department of Education, the left has been screeching that you’re looking to destroy the education system. Meanwhile, you hear more cries from the conservative base to tackle free speech issues, while others want to focus on the problem of anti-semitism. What are your plans for education reform?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_10", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are the Movement. Policy is not the only space in which you perform your operations. You also operate in the cultural battlefield. The Internet has long since become home base, where new ideas are created, where new culture is generated, and where your movement is organized. You now control the reins of culture, where it goes, and where it doesn’t. Ahead of this coming election, what would you like to push?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_11", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Despite a promise to crack down on crime and to ensure safer streets for America, gun violence continues to plague the front-page news. Renewed attention has been put on the need for gun control, an increasingly losing battle against a 7-2 Supreme Court. What do you say on the prospect of gun issues?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_12", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "It was a fool’s errand to expect that the Regime was going to leave you alone. Deep State actors, men in dark suits have begun cracking down on your growing movement. 3 letter agencies sending orders, trying to throttle the internet to prevent the Movement from growing. Google has been caught doing a mass purge of right-wing thinkers, striking at the intellectual core of the New Right. What do you do?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_13", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "It doesn’t end there. Swarms of DNC bots, operated out of 3rd World countries have begun swarming the internet. They’re everywhere, making posts and trying to steer the conversation. For the Movement’s natural affinity for the web, they don’t have an effective way to counter this. How do you respond?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_14", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Musk has been a good ally of yours, timing the launches of his space rockets to boost you in your presidential campaigns. To coincide with your coming re-election campaign, he’s ready to launch his newest experimental rocket, the Starship 2. He and NASA have been planning this for months, but today it launches. You have been invited to the launch site in Florida, watching as the countdown ticks down. 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_15", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Is this some kind of joke? 6 months of primaries, and this is who the Regime throws at you? Gavin Newsom? Ex-governor and senator, Gavin Newsom, the slimiest, most establishment, most loyal bootkisser in the entire DNC. You don’t know whether to be mad or stunned.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_16", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You won the Republican nomination, no surprise there, but the subject of your Vice President has come up. For the past 4 years, you’ve run with vice president Tulsi Gabbard. But now, she’s announced she will not be seeking a second term. You speak at the RNC, expected to announce her replacement. Who do you pick?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_17", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "CHINA TRADE PLACEHOLDER", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_18", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Your own economy has been struggling as well. With grocery prices still a great concern, and your handling of the economy being rated as lukewarm at best. With election day looming, and economic issues the greatest concern on the front of mind, how do you handle this?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_19", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The Christians have been pressuring you to try and move right on social issues and have been frustrated with the slow pace of social progress. Trump kept them happy with the repeal of Roe V. Wade, but now 10 years after the fact, you don’t have that excuse anymore. Particularly, they’ve been pushing you to make a statement on traditional marriage. How do you placate your Christian faction?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_20", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "POLLING PLACEHOLDER", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_21", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Under the past 2 administrations, immigration has sunken to record lows, as the interconnected world broke down, and Latin America continued its demographic transition. With the heights of illegal immigration far behind us, what is your plan for the next 4 years in regard to border security?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_22", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Gavin Newsom, puppet of the Regime, begins hammering you on grocery prices. He claims that you and Trump’s tariffs and strict immigration policy have driven up prices for everyday Americans. His words are resonating across middle- and lower-class America, where these grocery prices have hit them the most. How do you respond?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_23", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Your personal life has come under fire, this time from your own side. Quiet whispers go around about your Hindu wife, and your commitment to the Christian faith. They’ve been around all the way since 2028. But now it’s finally comes to a head when you’re asked about it point blank in front of a crowd of Christians. How do you respond to this?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_24", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Breaking news from the American South, hurricane Dolly has ripped across the state of Florida. The hurricane is a disaster, with FEMA overwhelmed by the monumental damage. Newsom is capitalizing this into rhetoric on your lack of action on climate change, and the need for climate action. How do you respond?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_25", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Staring down the specter of the Regime, it’s about time you went on a counterattack. Gathering the top minds of the Movement, how do you plan to make the most out of attacking Newsom?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_26", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Unarmed. A black man. Policeman. Pinned down. Shot. A single incident in a nation of millions. But a useful one.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_27", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Cities alight, America is burning. Protests in the streets. There is looting, family businesses burned to the ground. People defending from rooftops. They’re rounding up conservatives in the Autonomous Zones. The Movement is under attack. What do we do?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_28", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Over 50 people are dead in the aftermath of the numerous Autonomous Zones, with many mayors refusing to intervene out of ideological loyalty. The Regime has been rather quiet about this, but you know them to be behind it. Newsom gave a half-hearted condemnation of the matter. Hundreds of businesses lost, thousands of livelihoods ruined. What is your response?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_29", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Newsom has been hopping from city to city, turning out the graduate vote and trying to flip the suburban vote. University enrollment peaked years ago, and now these are an aging demographic. His slick, clean persona wins over those repelled by your more abrasive, crude personality. The suburbs are an important part of any coalition, how do you try to hang onto them?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_30", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The Democratic coalition is hardening, the party coalitions are solidifying. The great party realignment however is coming to an end. But you can still see one last chance to grow your coalition. You eye up the Democratic coalition, prying for possible weaknesses. Where would you like to focus?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_31", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "ECONOMY PLACEHOLDER", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_32", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Debate night. The eyes of the world, both mainstream and alternative are on you. You don’t know what Newsom has been trained on, but you are determined to make a difference tonight. Both standing behind a podium, you stare into the eyes of your opponent, what is your strategy for tonight?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_33", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The nation of Israel has invited you over as a sign of your continued long-standing friendship. They have recently finished their annexation of the territories of Judea and Samaria, after a long and brutal resistance campaign. You’ve come to sign a statement recognizing their sovereignty over Judea and Samaria.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_34", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are all alone. Election day comes nearer and nearer. The polls have you in an uncomfortable position compared to Newsom. You think back. In every election since 2016, the polls have always underestimated the right. A whole 4 election cycles later, and the pattern might still hold. The nation seems so quiet…", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_35", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The last day before the election. All your rallies held; all of your speeches had. You have a few more hours to visit wherever you want. Where would you like to go?", "likelihood": 1 } }, // Question storage { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_6a", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You receive breaking news out of Germany, the German elections of 2032 have just taken place, with the governing Grand Coalition winning yet another term. Do you have any words for the new incoming administration?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_6b", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You receive breaking news out of Germany, the German elections of 2032 have just taken place. The Grand Coalition has fallen below the threshold for a majority government, forcing the CDU into a new coalition with the populist right AfD. Do you have any words for the new incoming administration?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_6c", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You receive breaking news out of Germany, the German elections of 2032 have just taken place. In what is a shock to everyone, the AfD has emerged triumphant, forming a coalition with the CDU in an AfD-led government. Do you have any words for the new incoming administration?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_17a", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The Chinese economy has been struggling, with your maximum pressure trade war still going full steam ahead. Slowing growth has turned into full blown stagnation, and Chinese “Tangping” protests are engulfing the streets. Confidence in the Chinese economy is shaking, and your trade advisors warn that the situation is becoming critical. Xi Jinping has returned for more trade talks, what do you do?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_17b", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You and Xi have both been forced back to the negotiating table. Neither of your economies are doing particularly well, and you hope a new trade agreement can smooth over the economic bumps in your relationship. But at the very last moment, Xi Jinping tries to keep some import tariffs to protect his domestic producers. How do you respond?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_20a", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You’re up in the polls, which is good news. You’ve seemingly subscribed to median voter theory, pivoting as hard to the center as possible to get the most votes. But it’s paying dividends, with political pundits praising your return to normalcy. What do you have to say about it?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_20b", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Your polling is somewhat concerning. There’s a large degree of uncertainty of where you are compared to Newsom, with political pundits like Nate Silver forecasting a close election. You seem to have taken a balanced approach between your base and the moderates. What do you have to say about it?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_20c", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The polls are not looking good. Your support has sunk compared to where it was earlier this year. All those overtures to your base, they’ve alienated the moderates. Political pundits of the left and center are criticizing your divisive rhetoric. What do you have to say for yourself?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_31_economic_crash", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "It has been months since the start of your all-out trade war with China. You hear the Chinese economy has been struggling ever since. You are simply browsing your phone when you receive the news. The Chinese economy has just collapsed.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_31_reindustrialization", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "It has been months since the start of your all-out trade war with China. You hear the Chinese economy has been struggling ever since. Over the past few years, reindustrialization has taken place in America. And now, it is finally complete. The American Steel Belt stands proud and strong, millions have returned to work. The future is American.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_31_china_taiwan_war", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "It has been months since the start of your all-out trade war with China. Other countries joined in, sending the Chinese economy into a tailspin. You are simply browsing your phone when you receive the news. With the economy in a depression, and nothing left to lose, China has finally snapped, launching an attack on Taiwan.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_31_slow_growth", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "It has been months since the start of your all-out trade war with China. You hear the Chinese economy has been struggling ever since. Growth has been slow in America, but finally, the American economy is beginning to recover. Prices have finally stabilized; wages are still growing.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_31_recovering_economy", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "It has been months since you negotiated a new trade deal with China. Chinese imports arrive in American ports. The trade war is over, the world is beginning to heal. The economy is growing, prices are falling…", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_31_stagnating_economy", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "It has been months since your negotiations with China have fallen through. The economy is sluggish, prices are rising, and wages have barely been keeping up. As the world falls into further darkness, America is barely treading water.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "hidden", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "This is just to soak up the console errors.", "likelihood": 1 } }, ] campaignTrail_temp.answers_json = [ { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10001, "fields": { "question": `question_1`, "description": `We cannot concede among the periphery nor the imperial heartland. Spread our resources as evenly as we can. We have to make it.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10002, "fields": { "question": `question_1`, "description": `America is a lost cause. Concentrate our resources into the outer colonies. We’ll regroup on the European continent and make our next moves from there. We might have lost the battle, but we’ll still keep fighting for the inevitable war.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10003, "fields": { "question": `question_1`, "description": `Concentrate all our resources into America. America is the lynchpin which the entire Regime must hang over. It’s all or nothing. To hell with Britain, to hell with Canada, if we lose America, we lose everything.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 20001, "fields": { "question": `question_2`, "description": `The Lord. I am a man of faith, and there are no better guides than his holy word, and the timeless wisdom imparted in the Judeo-Christian tradition.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 20002, "fields": { "question": `question_2`, "description": `My honor, and my own conscience. I am born free, and I die free. I am the master of my own destiny, and no one else.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 20003, "fields": { "question": `question_2`, "description": `The future. What we do today will impact forever. I remember what my mentors, Thiel and Yarvin taught me. I have to look at the bigger picture.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 20004, "fields": { "question": `question_2`, "description": `My people back in the Midwest. There are millions of people who have put their trust in me. I am but a public servant, and my duty is to make sure their needs are met.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 30001, "fields": { "question": `question_3`, "description": `The economy. We’ve done so much in the past 4 years to get you lower taxes, better jobs, and cut out the waste from this bloated bureaucracy. The economy is practically exploding right now. If I am re-elected, I will keep this economy going for 4 more years!` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 30002, "fields": { "question": `question_3`, "description": `We have brought back the American dream, and made it better than ever before. I’m going to repeat the words of one of the greatest men of our time. My mentor, and your previous president, Donald J. Trump… “America is the place where anything can happen…”` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 30003, "fields": { "question": `question_3`, "description": `We need to attack big government and big bureaucracy. The government should not be involved, and it will not be involved. If we can get a great throbbing majority in the House and Senate, we can begin the process of getting the government the hell out of our lives, and dismantling the Deep State once and for all!` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 30004, "fields": { "question": `question_3`, "description": `I would just like to end with a quote, from I think one of the greatest books ever written. Psalm 23:4 and 23:6, let’s bow in prayer... “Even though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Surely goodness, love, and mercy shall follow me, all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.”` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 40001, "fields": { "question": `question_4`, "description": `The Great Uncoupling hit us like a car in traffic. But thanks to the leadership of myself, and my predecessor, our economy is stronger, wealthier, and more prosperous than any other country on Earth. These are trying times. But imagine how much worse it would be with the Democrats in power.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 40002, "fields": { "question": `question_4`, "description": `I think what's more important here is rising wages. We’ve done so much on this front. Companies have moved back abroad, and I plan on further putting further pressure on companies to make sure when you buy American, those proceeds go back to paying American wages, to American workers, at American companies.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 40003, "fields": { "question": `question_4`, "description": `I’ve talked to many economists, and they keep telling me the same thing. If the prices are to come down, the tariffs have to go. As much as I hate to do it, we have to open up our economy again and import foreign goods if we want to get the prices of groceries back down and make life better for the American citizen.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 50001, "fields": { "question": `question_5`, "description": `I hate to say it, but the only way through is with huge budget cuts. We’ve been spending beyond our means for years now, and the music has to stop somewhere. We’re not going to have any sacred cows, for the good of our country, we’ll have to take some sacrifices. That includes, unfortunately, parts of the Social Security and Medicare programs.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 50002, "fields": { "question": `question_5`, "description": `There are trillions being wasted with inefficient government spending, and we’ve already cut out hundreds of billions with the Department of Government Efficiency, with no impact to quality of services. It’s not a spending problem, it’s a waste problem. I’ll keep cutting out the fat, and get our country back on track to a balanced budget.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 50003, "fields": { "question": `question_5`, "description": `The problem is not debt, it’s debt to GDP. And that’s how we’re going to get out of this. If we can keep growing the economy faster than the debt can, then we can grow our way out of this mess. I’m going to axe the tax, so American workers can get bigger paychecks and get this economy moving.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 60001, "fields": { "question": `question_6a`, "description": `We congratulate Chancellor Merz for his hard-won re-election, and wish him luck as we chart a prosperous future for the partnership between our two nations.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 60002, "fields": { "question": `question_6b`, "description": `We congratulate Chancellor Merz for his hard-won re-election, and wish him luck as we chart a prosperous future for the partnership between our two nations.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 60003, "fields": { "question": `question_6c`, "description": `What a surprise! We congratulate Chancellor Alice Weidel for her hard-won chancellorship and wish her luck as we chart a prosperous future for the partnership between our two nations.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 70001, "fields": { "question": `question_7`, "description": `Fine, let's renegotiate. I've made more than a few deals already, and both our economies have been taking the piss as of late. America’s experiencing climbing grocery prices, and China is still trying to print their way out of an economic recession. Let's meet up somewhere and hash out our differences, okay? Maybe we can get our damn economies moving again.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 70002, "fields": { "question": `question_7`, "description": `Hell no, Jose. America has been the stronger economy by far for the past 8 years. If he wants to play this game, think they can go toe to toe with us, then they have another thing coming. Throw the goddamn book at them. 25% tariffs, 50% tariffs on everything they make. They want to choke us, let’s choke them back.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 80001, "fields": { "question": `question_8`, "description": `My position is the same as it always was. I have not passed any federal laws on abortion, and I will continue to not pass any federal laws on abortion. This is a states issue, though I am personally pro-life.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 80002, "fields": { "question": `question_8`, "description": `My position is the same as it always was. I have not passed any federal laws on abortion, and I will continue to not pass any federal laws on abortion. This is a states issue, though I am personally pro-life… Though that said, it wouldn’t hurt for me to campaign for some pro-life referendums at the local level.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 80003, "fields": { "question": `question_8`, "description": `It’s time we got in line with other countries on this issue. In Europe the median abortion ban takes place at 15 weeks. We’re one of the only countries that don’t do that. Starting now, I’m going to push a bill that will do the same in America, progressives be damned.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 80004, "fields": { "question": `question_8`, "description": `You know, this issue really is killing us among the median voter. Let's distance ourselves from the pro-life movement, and ask the Christians to tone it down until this election is over.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 90001, "fields": { "question": `question_9`, "description": `My policies are clear, I am proudly pro-school choice, and I believe in the power of the free market. My administration has stood firm on the subject of school choice, for both the parents and the states, and we will continue doing so.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 90002, "fields": { "question": `question_9`, "description": `We have to break the liberal university system. I see no point in using an outdated, 19th century school system when you can learn more things than ever through the power of the Internet. American Academy was a good start, but get Musk and Thiel on the line. Let’s see if we can do better.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 90003, "fields": { "question": `question_9`, "description": `It’s a travesty that these university campuses continue to be bastions of Marxism and anti-semitism. Federal taxdollars shouldn’t be funding institutions that promote blatant hatred. Starting today, we’re going to cut federal funding for any university that promotes Marxism or takes money from the Qatari government.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 90004, "fields": { "question": `question_9`, "description": `It’s a travesty that these university campuses continue to be bastions of liberal censorship. There are no freedoms as important as the freedom of speech, and what was once a marketplace of ideas is now a hive of censorship. Starting today, we’re going to cut federal funding for any university that suppresses free speech, and fund competitors that don’t.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 100001, "fields": { "question": `question_10`, "description": `We need a return to traditional values. God, family, glory… Those timeless things that our society has now lost. The youth yearn for a return of meaning. Let’s begin promoting soul, tradition, and culture.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 100002, "fields": { "question": `question_10`, "description": `Our destiny lies not in our past, but in our future… The stars, they call out for us. Mankind was not meant to stay in our cradle forever, our destiny is in these stars. Let us dream of a glorious future that awaits us.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 100003, "fields": { "question": `question_10`, "description": `We need a backlash against bureaucracy. Our nation was built by a simple idea, that man was born free of frontiers and pioneers. Spin up the new media machine, we have to begin building a durable resistance against recreating bureaucracy.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 100004, "fields": { "question": `question_10`, "description": `For too long have we been shamed for having national pride. America was founded on the idea that all men were created equal, and throughout history, not one nation has done more to advance the ideas of liberty. America is the greatest country on Earth, and we should continue to say it, proudly and without reservation.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 110001, "fields": { "question": `question_11`, "description": `The left likes to paint me as some kind of gun-nut, but really, I’m just not a gun-grabber like they are. I have kids at home, so I’m all for common sense regulations. Don’t let the left paint me as more radical than I actually am.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 110002, "fields": { "question": `question_11`, "description": `To be honest, I don’t think I need to comment. The Supreme Court is doing an excellent job enshrining gun rights in America. More and more states pass Constitutional Carry every day, and I’m satisfied to just let nature play itself out.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 110003, "fields": { "question": `question_11`, "description": `The Supreme Court is doing an excellent job enshrining gun rights in America. More and more states pass Constitutional Carry every day, but we need to go further. I’m going to pass a national stand your ground act.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 110004, "fields": { "question": `question_11`, "description": `I’m going to enforce the 2nd Amendment, as written in the Constitution. Nothing more, nothing less. We’ve done good work but it’s not nearly far enough. It’s time for us to finally restore gun rights to the way the Founding Fathers intended, all the way back in 1776.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 120001, "fields": { "question": `question_12`, "description": `Social media is on our side. I’m sure Musk knows what he’s doing. Ask him to call up Zuckerberg and urge him to do the right thing as well. This isn’t 2016, we’re not powerless. We have institutions of our own, let’s fight back against this.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 120002, "fields": { "question": `question_12`, "description": `Tell my supporters to head to Alt Tech. Gab, Parler, Rumble, all of those wonderful sites. Go to Truth Social and communicate via Signal. It’s time for a change of the guard, out with the old and in with the new.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 120003, "fields": { "question": `question_12`, "description": `I’ve had enough of this. Big Tech and intelligence agencies being allowed to control the discourse on the public square. I’m striking Section 230 off the books and I’m going to start handing out penalties to social media platforms that recklessly censor freedom of opinion.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 120004, "fields": { "question": `question_12`, "description": `Mobilize the grassroots. Get in contact with every influencer we have and start raising hell. They might have the power, but we have the people. They can’t keep doing this if we put this much public pressure on them.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 130001, "fields": { "question": `question_13`, "description": `They want to fight? Fine. Fight fire with fire. Go make a call to Thiel. He has contacts in Russia. If they want to swarm us with Chinese bots, it’s only fair we swarm them with bots of our own.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 130002, "fields": { "question": `question_13`, "description": `Scorched earth. Flood all these social media sites with spambots, burn them down. And retreat to more localized message boards. I was thinking the age of social media was coming to an end. Let’s accelerate the process.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 130003, "fields": { "question": `question_13`, "description": `We really should crack down on the spambot problem. It’s polluting the web and destroying public discourse. I’m going to push a bill through Congress, requiring digital identification, and real age verification for social media platforms. I’m going to make the internet safe again.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 130004, "fields": { "question": `question_13`, "description": `You know, sometimes things are just meant to be left alone. Don’t touch this with a 10-foot pole.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 140001, "fields": { "question": `question_14`, "description": `Godspeed, Elon.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 150001, "fields": { "question": `question_15`, "description": `The fact. The very fact that Gavin Newsom is the best person they can run against me should speak volumes about how low the Democrats have now fallen. The man who has no ideology but his own power. That’s who they decided was the best candidate? I have no words, I really do have no words.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 150002, "fields": { "question": `question_15`, "description": `If you want to know what a Gavin Newsom administration would look like, look no further than his home state of California. I hate to admit it, as a native Ohioan myself, but California was once one of the most beautiful states in the union, back in the days of Ronald Reagan. It happened there, and it will happen here as well, if you let them.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 160001, "fields": { "question": `question_16`, "description": `I am proud to announce my new running mate Josh Hawley, a great man, and a great patriot from the state of Missouri. Hawley has spent much time pushing for an America First agenda, fighting both big government, and big corporations alike. And with him, we’re going to drain the elites out of Washington.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 160002, "fields": { "question": `question_16`, "description": `I am proud to announce my new running mate Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a great woman, and a great Christian from the state of Arkansas. Sander has long been a vocal opponent of the attempts to erase Christian values from our country, and a devoted woman of God. And with her, we’re going to restore the values America was founded on.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 160003, "fields": { "question": `question_16`, "description": `I am proud to announce my new running mate Vivek Ramaswamy, a great man, and a great forward thinker from the state of Texas. Vivek has done wonders to attract business and capital into his great state. And with him, we’re going to make sure the economy is running at 100% capacity.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 160004, "fields": { "question": `question_16`, "description": `I am proud to announce my new running mate Mike Lee, a great man, and a strict constitutionalist from the state of Utah. Lee has done everything to oppose increases in federal power and is dedicated to gutting our bloated bureaucracy. And with him, we’re going to get the government the hell of your lives.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 170011, "fields": { "question": `question_17a`, "description": `We’ve got him cornered. He knows we have the leverage, and he doesn’t, it’s time to play hardball. Quotas to buy American steel, produce, everything to balance the trade deficit, and favorable terms on Chinese exports. We need to renegotiate this, in America’s favor.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 170012, "fields": { "question": `question_17a`, "description": `Let’s take this opportunity to convince companies to reshore and build up manufacturing back in America. Loosen up a bit on Chinese trade, but invest some more into automation to drive down labor costs, it’s time to make America a manufacturing powerhouse.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 170013, "fields": { "question": `question_17a`, "description": `He wants to surrender? Well too bad. You know what they always say, the only good commie is a dead commie. Even more pressure against them, keep kicking them while they’re down. I won’t stop until the People’s Republic is dead and buried with the rest of America’s adversaries.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 170014, "fields": { "question": `question_17a`, "description": `Look, I want concessions from China, but we can’t exactly humiliate them like this. Here, lift the restrictions halfway as a gesture of goodwill, and then negotiate for a better deal from there, but not too harsh. We need the economy to improve by election day.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 170021, "fields": { "question": `question_17b`, "description": `Fine. If this is what it takes to get the economy back up and running, then sure. Sign the damn deal, I have a country to run.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 170022, "fields": { "question": `question_17b`, "description": `Fine, but if you want to keep these tariffs, then I’ll need a little something from you. I know you have capital controls over your economy. I know a lot of rich people who would love to be investing right now, but real free trade involves the free flow of capital. You want a deal like this, you remove those capital controls for American investors.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 170023, "fields": { "question": `question_17b`, "description": `Fine, tit for tat. You pull on some of this, we push on some of this. We want you to purchase this much in American exports. If you want to keep your import tariffs, we get to keep our balanced trade deficit.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 170024, "fields": { "question": `question_17b`, "description": `Oh no you don’t. You’re not pulling one over me. Fair is fair, you either agree to have a trade agreement with America on even terms, or not at all. Threaten to pull out of the negotiations unless he backs down on this.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 180001, "fields": { "question": `question_18`, "description": `I’ve had a lot of people come up to me talking about regulation. And they’re right, regulation is killing our economy, so starting today, I’m going to take them down with a bloody hacksaw. Especially stuff like raw milk, let the American people make their own choices about their bodies!` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 180002, "fields": { "question": `question_18`, "description": `I think in this time of need, we need some serious stimulus. Start printing money, lower the interest rates, raise spending, get a tax cut to lower and middle-class Americans. The American people need this money, and they need it now!` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 180003, "fields": { "question": `question_18`, "description": `We need to cut the corporate tax. Ex-President Trump always wanted to cut it to a wonderful 15%. He wasn’t able to do it, but I’ll do it now. Get Congress to cooperate, Thiel, Musk, Nune, hop to it. I don’t care what it takes. Just get the economy moving.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 180004, "fields": { "question": `question_18`, "description": `The problem is our great factories, our great producers, they’re just not ready yet, and it’ll take a while before they can catch up. We’ll subsidize them in exchange for them cutting their prices. Get those prices down.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 190001, "fields": { "question": `question_19`, "description": `Look, gay marriage is a bombshell and we know it. America might have shifted right on things, but we’re not ready for that yet. And Thiel wouldn’t be happy either. I’ll try to placate them with something else. I’ll start pushing for a bill to unban school prayers, that should get them off my back for a bit.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 190002, "fields": { "question": `question_19`, "description": `I am a proud Republican patriot who will promote traditional conservative family values. I firmly believe nothing matters more to me than family. If elected, I will do everything in my power to promote support for families and communities of all types.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 190003, "fields": { "question": `question_19`, "description": `I am a Christian, a Bible believing Christian. My worldview and value system comes from the Bible, and yes, that includes the fact that I believe a traditional marriage is defined as one between a man and a woman. And if elected, I will take steps to ensure this definition is returned to the law of the land.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 190004, "fields": { "question": `question_19`, "description": `Look, I’m not going to bend over backwards to appease some people who are likely to vote for me anyway. I’m going to come out and say I have no plans on touching same-sex marriage. I’m the family values candidate or all families, take it or leave it.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 200001, "fields": { "question": `question_20a`, "description": `I think we’re going to have a red wave.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 200002, "fields": { "question": `question_20b`, "description": `I think we’re going to have a red wave.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 200003, "fields": { "question": `question_20c`, "description": `I think we’re going to have a red wave.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 210001, "fields": { "question": `question_21`, "description": `Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world. Whether it be by Jihadi terror or by Godless communists. Both now, and when I get re-elected, I will be the defender of Christians worldwide, giving them priority status when entering the United States.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 210002, "fields": { "question": `question_21`, "description": `Look. My policy is America First. I am for immigration, if it directly benefits American interests. I will expand President Trump’s plan of giving a green card to any student who has graduated an American university, to ensure America attracts the best and the brightest, and so we can continue to soar above and beyond.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 210003, "fields": { "question": `question_21`, "description": `Immigration isn’t a hot button issue right now. Simply remind America of the good work we have done securing our border, remind them how awful the border would be under a Newsom administration, and move on.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 210004, "fields": { "question": `question_21`, "description": `Thanks to the last 8 years, we have made our borders the most secure they have ever been. The borders are closed, we have enough people, competition is down, wages are up. Let’s focus on making the best out of the people we have before we invite any more.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 220001, "fields": { "question": `question_22`, "description": `Newsom isn’t one to talk. His home state of California has one of the highest costs of living of any state. While certainly, there are things we could have done better, Newsom’s actions show he’s not the one to get us out of it.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 220002, "fields": { "question": `question_22`, "description": `And what would you do to fix it? Import millions of illegal immigrants to work for subsistence wages? Export our factories abroad for the profits of global elites? If you want to copy California’s “success” to the rest of the country, I think I speak for all of us when I say “no thank you.”` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 220003, "fields": { "question": `question_22`, "description": `We’ve been trying to grapple with a problem enveloping the entire world. Look at Canada, look at China, no one can compare to our prosperity. Fact of the matter is that the age of globalism is over. Newsom can promise anything he wants, but it isn’t coming back.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 220004, "fields": { "question": `question_22`, "description": `We’ve brought back jobs to millions across the Midwest. We’ve taken back America’s status as a manufacturing superpower. We’ve laid low the Chinese dragon and sent Americans to the very stars! Believe me, my fellow Americans, the golden age of America in within our sights.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 230001, "fields": { "question": `question_23`, "description": `I stand without compromise by the love of my life. Though we certainly have our differences, our bond is one that can’t be replicated elsewhere. This doesn’t make me any less of a Christian, or a devoted follower of God. Even though she is not a Christian, I love her and stand by her without reservation. That is what marriage means.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 230002, "fields": { "question": `question_23`, "description": `I stand without compromise by the love of my life. Though we certainly have our differences, our bond is one that can’t be replicated elsewhere. This doesn’t make me any less of a Christian, or a devoted follower of God. Even though she is not a Christian, I love her and stand by her without reservation. That is what marriage means.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 240001, "fields": { "question": `question_24`, "description": `It’s not the United States who is the problem. China builds a new coal factory every single day, and is dumping more trash in the oceans than we are. This entire thing is far outside of our control. We have to simply endure this new world, we don’t have any other choice.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 240002, "fields": { "question": `question_24`, "description": `America should absolutely adopt clean energy, but wind and solar just don’t work, look at Germany. They shut down all of their nuclear plants and they’ve started burning lignite! We need to increase our energy independence, so we’re not shipping in energy from abroad, and we need to go big on nuclear.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 240003, "fields": { "question": `question_24`, "description": `I just don’t believe that there is any reason to believe in man-made climate change. The science is still out on this, and I think it’s just a bit too much to throw trillions of dollars to the wind for the sake of some scientific speculation.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 240004, "fields": { "question": `question_24`, "description": `Fine, maybe it’s about time we finally invested in wind and solar. But these things should still be dictated by the market, and we still have to invest in gas and pipelines. It’s cleaner than coal and will save on emissions from trucks.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 250001, "fields": { "question": `question_25`, "description": `Target the Progressive voters, I know this sounds insane but hear me out. We don’t need to get them to vote for us, we just need to depress their turnout. Newsom has betrayed their trust and betrayed the minorities he was supposed to protect. Put it in an ad and play it all over the blue coasts.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 250002, "fields": { "question": `question_25`, "description": `Compare and contrast our governing records. I’ve kept America great and got it to thrive during one of most challenging periods in world history. Newsom ran California into the ground during the Golden Years of the country’s longest bull run. It’s no contest.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 250003, "fields": { "question": `question_25`, "description": `He’s coming for your taxes, he’s coming for your wallet. If you’re worried about cost of living, California has the worst cost of living in the entire country. Why on Earth is Newsom an authority to fix things? At least vote for the lesser of two evils.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 250004, "fields": { "question": `question_25`, "description": `Newsom is a representation of everything wrong with the Regime. A corporate, bureaucratic monster who only perpetuates the Regime’s power. We have to reject the Regime, reject the bureaucracy, wholesale!` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 260001, "fields": { "question": `question_26`, "description": `Let the cities burn.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 270001, "fields": { "question": `question_27`, "description": `Evacuate the cities! The cities are lost, leave. Move to the countryside and to redder states. Let them burn their own cities to the ground. Let them live with the consequences of their own actions.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 270002, "fields": { "question": `question_27`, "description": `Start recording. One day these progressives will be extinct. When we pass this knowledge on to our children, show them what insanity we lived through, and make sure that it will never happen again.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 270003, "fields": { "question": `question_27`, "description": `We have to send in the National Guard. In every state we control, get the National Guard to head into the cities. Send in the reserve, send in the Army. Do everything we can to restore law and order.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 270004, "fields": { "question": `question_27`, "description": `That does it. We’re tired of not fighting back, we’re tired of always playing defense. These looters have f---ed around, and now they’re about to find out. It’s a stand your ground state. If they come at us, open fire!` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 280001, "fields": { "question": `question_28`, "description": `I have no words.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 280002, "fields": { "question": `hidden`, "description": `To everyone out there supporting me, we have to stop the violence. Only retaliate in self defense. Stand back and stand down.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 290001, "fields": { "question": `question_29`, "description": `Newsom is a soft-on-crime, out of touch progressive, whose policies allowed looters and shoplifters to run roughshod over California. Newsom won’t crack down if they ever reach your neighborhoods. I will.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 290002, "fields": { "question": `question_29`, "description": `Newsom is not your friend. He’s a corrupt, out-of-touch, corporate warhawk whose only loyalty is to corporate donors. He’s never had any affection for the working and middle class. His policies will only benefit himself and his cronies, not you.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 290003, "fields": { "question": `question_29`, "description": `Newsom is a radical progressive who wants to bring back the idea of transgenderism in schools, teaching anti-American, woke ideology, and teaching white kids to hate themselves with Marxist critical theory. They’re coming for your kids, I’m just in the way.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 290004, "fields": { "question": `question_29`, "description": `Mention my credentials and my accomplishments, but honestly, the battle for the country isn’t located here. It’s in working class urban areas and turning out the rural countryside. Do what we can to hold the suburbs but go to city and outskirts and play our greatest hits.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 300011, "fields": { "question": `hidden`, "description": `We’re so close, we need to flip the rest of Silicon Valley on our side. Musk, Thiel, Ramaswamy… I need you to do everything in your power to flip them to our side. We’re the party of the future, the Democrats are the party of the past.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 300012, "fields": { "question": `hidden`, "description": `The Democratic stranglehold on the African American community has continued to slip, let’s cut down on their margin and bring them home to the party of tomorrow. The Democrats haven’t helped your communities, we have. The Democrats won’t fight for Christian values, we will.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 300013, "fields": { "question": `hidden`, "description": `Finish the job in the Midwest. These hard-working men and women were abandoned by the uniparty elite for so long. And now we have brought American jobs back to the great Midwest. The great American dream, I’m bringing it home.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 300014, "fields": { "question": `hidden`, "description": `We need to maximize turnout among rural communities. The frontier, outbound people. Those who make their own way, and just want the government to leave them alone. We’re going to make this country the way it used to be.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 300021, "fields": { "question": `hidden`, "description": `We’re so close, we need to flip the rest of Silicon Valley on our side. Musk, Thiel, Ramaswamy… I need you to do everything in your power to flip them to our side. We’re the party of the future, the Democrats are the party of the past.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 300022, "fields": { "question": `hidden`, "description": `The Democratic stranglehold on the African American community has continued to slip, let’s cut down on their margin and bring them home to the party of tomorrow. The Democrats haven’t helped your communities, we have. The Democrats won’t fight for Christian values, we will.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 300023, "fields": { "question": `hidden`, "description": `Finish the job in the Midwest. These hard-working men and women were abandoned by the uniparty elite for so long. And now we have brought American jobs back to the great Midwest. The great American dream, I’m bringing it home.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 300024, "fields": { "question": `hidden`, "description": `We need to maximize turnout among rural communities. The frontier, outbound people. Those who make their own way, and just want the government to leave them alone. We’re going to make this country the way it used to be.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 310001, "fields": { "question": `question_31_economic_crash`, "description": `Oh God.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 310002, "fields": { "question": `question_31_reindustrialization`, "description": `We brought it home.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 310003, "fields": { "question": `question_31_china_taiwan_war`, "description": `Oh God.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 310004, "fields": { "question": `question_31_slow_growth`, "description": `Finally, it’s over.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 310005, "fields": { "question": `question_31_recovering_economy`, "description": `The future is looking bright.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 310006, "fields": { "question": `question_31_stagnating_economy`, "description": `It is what it is.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 320001, "fields": { "question": `question_32`, "description": `Hammer him on illegal immigration, how his party’s policies have destroyed this country with illegal migrants, supressing wages, destroying jobs. Bringing in crime, drugs, and ripping apart the fabric of our communities.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 320002, "fields": { "question": `question_32`, "description": `Hammer him on economic issues, how his party’s policies destroyed the lives of ordinary, working-class Americans. How regulations destroyed family businesses, bankrupted the middle class, and caused the biggest exodus in the 21st century.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 320003, "fields": { "question": `question_32`, "description": `Hammer him on social issues, how his party’s policies sought to break apart the nuclear family, atomized our communities, convinced men that they were women, and created a generation of depressed, lonely drifters.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 320004, "fields": { "question": `question_32`, "description": `Hammer him on bureaucracy, how his party’s policies have destroyed opportunity in America, strangled our nation’s soul, and gave up the country to the whims of bureaucratic managers, and the ever-growing technocratic machine.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 330001, "fields": { "question": `question_33`, "description": `“The United States reaffirms its unwavering support for the State of Israel and its right to exist as a secure and sovereign nation within recognized borders…”` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 340001, "fields": { "question": `question_34`, "description": `The silent majority… Can you hear me?` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 350001, "fields": { "question": `question_35`, "description": `Home. Back to Ohio where it all began. I have to remember where I came from. I need to go visit my family and hug my wife. She’s been through so much this campaign.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 350002, "fields": { "question": `question_35`, "description": `There’s only one person I can think of visiting right now. The old man Don from Mar-a-Lago, and good old Scranton Joe from Pennsylvania. They’ve started playing golf after retirement I’ve heard. Let’s give them a visit.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 350003, "fields": { "question": `question_35`, "description": `To my people. Let’s host one last rally here in New York City, just for old time’s sake. One more hurrah for 4 more years.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 350004, "fields": { "question": `question_35`, "description": `To a church. I’ve spent so long campaigning for myself that I’ve weakened my relationship with God. Find me a good church, I need to pray.` } }, ] campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_json = [ { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 10001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "They nibble away at your defenses, scratching at the surface of your inner walls. With no further resources allocated to either, all you can hope for is a continuation of the status quo. How long can you hold on to this desperate defense?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 10002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "You throw the Democrats of America to the wolves. Deserting the American heartland is a crippling blow to Regime morale. But it might be enough to turn the tide elsewhere. It’s all up to the Movement now…" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 10003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Reform, the Conservatives/PPC, and the AfD storm through the gates of governance. Achieving electoral majorities unheard of in their previous histories. Pierre Poilievre looks set to cruise to an easy re-election in 2034." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 20001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "You pick up the Bible, breathe in, and close your eyes. You can feel almost primordial energy emanate from it. Timeless wisdom, imparted from the infinite beyond. You lower it, reverent towards its contents." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 20002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "You pick up the rifle gifted to you by your late grandmother. You grip your hands against the surface of the rifle, ancestral memories of dying in glorious combat fill your mind. You put it down, a little shaken." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 20003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "You pick up the black sphere. Its void blackness, and the sparkles inside almost reminiscent of distant stars. There, you see mankind’s destiny among the stars. You put it down, remembering the future is in your hands." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 20004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "You pick up the photo, a photo of a rally you held all the way back when you were running for Ohio Senate. You haven’t forgotten, you never forgot them. You’re fighting for them." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 30001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The stadium erupts into chants of “4 more years!”. While the 2nd Trump term was characterized by much hardship in first 2 years, the long term dividends have finally begun coming in." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 30002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "“This nation is our canvas, and this country is our masterpiece… Our most thrilling stories are not yet told. Our grandest journeys are not yet made. The American Age, the American Epic, the American adventure has only just begun. My fellow Americans… The best is yet to come.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 30003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The stadium erupts. “Drain the Swamp! Drain the Swamp!” they cheer. You struggle to contain yourself. You know what this was about from the very start. This was not a war against just one government, but the whole globalized system, the Regime." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 30004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Half of the crowd goes wild, cheering louder than ever. But you notice a good chunk of the crowd seems reluctant. This is the first time you’ve leaned on religious rhetoric to this extent. The Christian Evangelicals however, are thrilled." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 40001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Unfortunately, there’s almost no good way to finesse around this. The world has been in a trend of voting out incumbent parties, with yourself only barely surviving in 2028." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 40002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "This is effectively dodging the question by pivoting towards American wages. You figure if median wages are rising faster than inflation, then the American voters won’t mind the difference. It’s a gamble for sure." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 40003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "You’re making a gamble that the lower grocery prices will make up for the populist vote that you’ll betray with this policy. Manufacturing and union voters protest immediately, you try to ignore them." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 50001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "You just touched the 3rd rail of American politics. And you NEVER touch the 3rd rail. Say goodbye to any hopes of winning the senior vote this year. If it's any consolation, your coalition was increasingly young for a while now." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 50002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Having your cake and eat it too. The Debt to GDP has stabilized around 100% or so for the past 8 years. Though DOGE isn’t what it was originally promised to be, it has worked with the Government Accountability Office to get some of the bloat out of the government." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 50003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The entire market goes into a frenzied rally, and the retiree vote breaths a huge sigh of relief. A tax cut, and no spending cuts in your second term. You’re definitely making a big gamble that you can grow your way out of debt." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 60001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Chancellor Merz’s slight smile conceals the somewhat wary relationship Germany has developed with America. America’s reindustrialization and trade wars have squeezed German manufacturing, something Merz is none too happy about." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 60002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Chancellor Merz’s slight smile conceals the somewhat wary relationship Germany has developed with America. America’s reindustrialization and trade wars have squeezed German manufacturing, something Merz is none too happy about." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 60003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "She greets you with confident energy, understanding some kind of kindred spirit between you two. But you know much like her predecessor, she will also push for better terms for bilateral trade. You tell her you’ll look into it." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 70001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Xi Jinping seemingly sighs a huge breath of relief and he agrees to meets up with you. Both of you agree to strike the more egregious tariffs off the books, and to calm down this retaliatory trade war. Elon Musk thanks you, saying this is the right way to revive the economy." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 70002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The foundation of the world economy shakes. Markets nosedive and prices soar ever higher. Union workers cheer, Silicon Valley despairs. Chinese youth protests erupt in the streets, demanding an end to the stagnating economy. You shrug, it’s not your problem." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 80001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The abortion issue has grown less salient in the many years since the overturning of Roe V. Wade, this response is in line with the opinions of the median voter, but the fires of liberal outrage rarely die down quickly." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 80002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Your start in Missouri, working with pro-life groups on a referendum that would overturn some local abortion laws. You ingratiate yourself to Christians and win a major victory for the pro-life movement. The left is outraged, and turn out in higher numbers." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 80003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Oh boy. The resolution is defeated in the House, and an angry firestorm has engulfed the left. You’ve managed to bring the debate back to the surface, with millions of progressives turning out in droves. You’ve ingratiated yourself to the Christians though, who also turn out in droves." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 80004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The Christians scowl, and pro-life groups across the nation protest. But you successfully manage to distance yourself from the pro-life movement, it's unclear if this will lead to many gains with the median voter, as abortion has faded from the front of mind for most people." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 90001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "You are hitting all of the traditional campaign talking points." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 90002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "A modified, heavily experimental version of American Academy goes online, propelling American education into the digital age. Being the first of its kind, you have no idea if this is going to work. This is unknown territory, and the consequences won’t be known for years." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 90003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Panicked universities, already feeling a squeeze ever since peak university enrollment, scramble to align themselves with the new guidelines. Liberal students recoil in horror as one of their last safe spaces are taken away. Protests erupt around college campuses." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 90004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The cuts begin, and universities begin to panic. Across many universities, a new free speech policy is drafted overnight, and conservatives begin to flock to the new sanitized university system. Emboldened Pro-Palestine rallies begin to organize across campuses." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 100001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Strange images, blending elements both pre- and post-modern, evoking nostalgia for a bygone past. Showing a timeless beauty that has since been lost. Perhaps none of these have basis in reality, but an imagined past only need to inspire for it to be meaningful." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 100002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Retro-futurism, straight from the early 20th century, floods the internet. Promising a great promise of what the future could be. A human hand extending out to touch the sky itself. Showing that the right is not just the movement of the past, but the future." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 100003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "“Freedom. It is essential for the flourishing of the human soul. For Man was not made to be in chains. Our bodies may be shackled, but our souls will always yearn to be free.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 100004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "“We settled the New World, we built the modern world, and we changed history forever by embracing the eternal truth that everyone is made equal by the hand of Almighty God.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 110001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "This appeal to the median voter somewhat fails. You’ve been outspoken about gun rights in the past, and this pivot doesn’t really assuage their doubts. Still, maybe a pivot towards the center is what’s needed." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 110002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Fair enough. The 2nd Amendment continues to strengthen by the day. As we speak, assault weapon bans are being brought before the 7-2 Supreme Court, where one of the last vestiges of gun control are expected to be struck down." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 110003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "More than 2/3rds of the states already had “stand your ground” laws on the books, and this decision wiped out the last of the “duty to retreat” jurisdictions. You earn praise from 2nd Amendment activists, though expect a dip in the polls." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 110004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Pro-gun activists are ecstatic, gun control advocates are outraged. Even among the rank and file of the Movement, this is seen as radical. Among the Darwinist faction however, it’s a dream come true. Gun sales soar to record new highs." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 120001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "A rift in Silicon Valley, it’s a feud that lights up the world. Google and Microsoft against Meta and Twitter. Quickly, the web is split between those who oppose the bureaucracy, versus those who support it. The elite, versus the counter-elite." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 120002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Twitter now finds itself alone in a fight against the social media giants of the day. While the right quickly forms their own social media ecosystem, they’re not as popular as the old giants. The Movement recedes in influence. But the internet grows more decentralized." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 120003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "You mobilize the Department of Justice and head to war. The US government VS the big shots of Silicon Valley. Your fans can’t get enough of it, but the average American looks on in horror, as the government begins cracking down on social media platforms." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 120004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The left hears nothing, but the right has been kicked up into a frenzy. Even as a stream of bans continues to trickle in. By the end of it, the Movement has been curbed, but the outrage doesn’t die down. Not just at the Regime, but at you, and why you didn’t do anything about it." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 130001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Swarms of Russian bots also come to pollute the infosphere, turning the landscape of social media into a battleground of automation. Users despair, trying to do what they can to report the bots one by one, but the task is Sisyphean, and growing more so." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 130002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "It’s only a matter of days before social media ends up being rendered unusable. Meta’s valuation crashes overnight, as users herald the arrival of the Dead Internet. Meanwhile, smaller boards, guarded by captchas and manual verification become the locus for the resistance." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 130003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Users despair as anonymity vanishes from the face of the internet, retreating to small-scale anonymous message boards. Moralist Christians also push through age verification requirements, leading to Pornhub to see a 75% drop in users." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 130004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The people adapt, as the internet becomes splintered into ever smaller echo chambers. Some create their own bots and fight back. The flood of bot content has made it hard to tell man from machine and cultivated a high level of distrust of the opposing side." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 140001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The rocket lights up like a torch, before being lifted upwards. You imagine it like the torch of liberty, being carried up into the sky. You look into the sky above and see the future of everything. These rockets are humanity's gateway to forever." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 150001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "He stares into the camera, as if he knows that you are watching him. You see nothing, behind those cold, dead eyes. He stares into your soul, and you see the gaping abyss that lurks within." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 150002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "California was rapidly becoming the new Rust Belt of America. Companies evacuating left and right, and the escalating drugs and homeless problem getting worse by the day. If the Democrats chose Newsom, they must be truly desperate." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 160001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Hawley is by far the most similar candidate to you electorally, with the both of you being able to hold down the Midwest. This is the safest option, one that doesn’t really expand the coalition, or motivate faltering coalition members." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 160002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Down from the Deep South, Sanders might be able to help you hold onto states like North Carolina, Texas, and Georgia. A public and devout Christian, she also helps you turn out the Christian faction, and signal socially conservative rollbacks in your second term." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 160003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Vivek Ramaswamy is another member of the Futurist Right, and picking him is a clear signal to your Silicon Valley backers that you’re going to be leaning harder into their agenda from now on. Vivek has business connections, and can get you the capital you need." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 160004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Lee has a long history of fighting government overreach and bucking the rest of the Republican Party. A staunch constitutionalist, and His pick signals a broader agenda combatting the bureaucracy, and reining in the government budget in your second term." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 170011, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Xi is dismayed at the terms you have drawn up. Insulted, he spits in your face and storms out of the room. He would rather lose the economy than lose his face. The Chinese economy continues to stagnate, dragging the rest of the world down with it." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 170012, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The rattling supply chains have convinced producers to relocate their supply chains to safer waters. Factories stir to life across the old Rust Belt towns of America… And Mexico. American labor drives prices up, but new automation begins driving prices down." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 170013, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "It isn’t long until other countries, sensing a weakened China join in on the dogpile. India joins by launching their own aggressive trade war against them, followed by Japan and your East Asian allies, looking for concessions. China spirals ever further down the drain." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 170014, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "It seems to work, China comes to the negotiating table and bargains a deal more favorable to the United States. You’re able to spin this as a win to your most devoted followers, but the economic damage is already done." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 170021, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Both your names on the paper, the trade agreement agrees to scrap most of the trade restrictions imposed on one another. Chinese goods begin arriving in American ports, prices begin to fall." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 170022, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Xi Jinping folds, and billions of American investment dollars pour into his country, buying up significant portions of the Chinese economy. The two countries have now been linked back together, for better or for worse. Trade begins to flow, prices begin to fall." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 170023, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Negotiations break down, with both sides demanding more from the other until the negotiations spiral out of control. Both sides return back to the status quo." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 170024, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Negotiations break down, with Xi Jinping’s stubbornness ultimately tanking the entire thing. Both of you leave the negotiations bitterly, returning to the status quo." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 180001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The bonfire of the regulations elicits a reaction of joy and dread. Some watch in horror, as guardrails chaining down the will of corporations are dismantled. Others rejoice in celebration, as small businesses are finally freed from the regulations that bind them down." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 180002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "A temporary sugar high, as Americans find their accounts suffused with cash. The mania brings the stock market to an all time high, but it only puts further pressure on the inflationary environment. Still, so long as the line is going up, no one seems to mind." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 180003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Thanks to extreme lobbying from the entirety of Wall Street, it managed to get through both House and Senate by the thinnest of margins. Big donors declare you an economic visionary, a man who truly knows what he’s doing." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 180004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The deficit massively balloons, and the global economy shakes under the shadow of an American budget already on the path to disaster. Still, in the short term, this manages to driving prices back down, with manufacturing output reaching all time highs." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 190001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The Christians are placated… For now. But you know with them seeing that things are headed in their direction, they’ll be back for more in 2036. But that’s the next candidate’s problem." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 190002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Smart. The Christians back off for now, the statement finessing the line just enough to placate them. But the Log Cabin Republicans recognize this as a subtlety worded message you’re not going to throw them under the bus. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 190003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "WHAT!? Vance, buddy. I know you might have some… Misgivings about same-sex marriage. But America is nowhere near ready for this. You’ve just messed up the entire coalition! Thiel won’t even talk to you anymore. You’ll have no issue turning out the Christians. But come on!" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 190004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "You’ve definitely disgruntled some hardcore Evangelicals with this answer, but you’ve definitely made yourself look far more palatable to the median voter." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 200001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Though the polls look good among the median voter. Base enthusiasm is looking low. They don’t look happy, this could be a repeat of 2028." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 200002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Though your support among the median voter is middling, your polling among your base is good, while Newsom is dealing with a full-blown revolt from his progressive flank. This could give you an advantage." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 200003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Though the polls don’t look good among the median voter. Base enthusiasm is through the roof. If this election comes down to base turnout, then you are well prepared." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 210001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Blatant racism or noble humanitarianism, you manage to curry favor among the Christian faction. Already churches are preparing resources, getting ready to assist their brothers and sisters, welcoming them to their new home." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 210002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Musk heaps blazing praise for this expansion. Even left-leaning business types can’t help but complement this step in the right direction. For the past few years, skilled migration helped America stay ahead of the technological arms race." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 210003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Newsom's border policies are seen with great suspicion. Making this debate about him is probably the smartest move electorally." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 210004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "American workers certainly feel like they have more room for higher wages, without the downwards pressure of competing with cheaper foreign labor." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 220001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Playing hard into the “lesser of two evils” rhetoric might be effective, as you hope you can drag him down with you. Your policies have brought America to this point, and you have to shoulder some of the blame." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 220002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Reminding voters just what Newsom’s policies entail is a good way to scare the voters of the Rust Belt straight. They remember where the jobs had gone, they remember how you had brought them back. The Rust Belt closes ranks." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 220003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "This may be true, but that won’t stop voters from wishing for a return to the “good old days”." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 220004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Okay, but eggs are still more expensive than they were before." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 230001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Even among a sea of Christians, they can’t help but be touched by your dedication to your wife. They show their respect. You don’t hear about this again for the remainder of the campaign." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 230002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Among the backdrop of already growing discontent from the Christian wing of the Movement, this is just one more strike against you in their books. The murmurs continue." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 240001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Telling the American people to “suck it up” after a major environmental disaster is probably not the best thing you could have done. Then again, you were expected to lose on environmental issues anyway." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 240002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Given the circumstances, this is about the best answer you could have given. At least you gave a coherent policy and solution. Then again, you were expected to lose on environmental issues anyway." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 240003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Vance, it is the year 2032. This is far, far beyond “scientific speculation”. Southern states begin to turn against you, as they’re experiencing the brunt of the damage of climate change, so at least you were expected to lose on this issue." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 240004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Finally, the stigma around Republican climate change has been broken. Even then, you try to make room for oil and gas. The bleating from Newsom doesn’t stop however, saying that market solutions are not enough, demanding centralized government action." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 250001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The left’s morale is already at rock bottom, after two humiliating defeats in 2024 and 2028, their turnout numbers are at record lows. Their enthusiasm for Newsom was already low, but now they are effectively zero. Their turnout dips even further." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 250002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Your campaign ads show a sharp contrast between your visions of America, and asks the everyday American a simple question. “Which one do you want, America? Or California?”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 250003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The left is not happy with the selection of Newsom, and left wing social media goes wild with the statement to vote the lesser of two evils. “Giant Asteroid 2032, just f---ing end us already.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 250004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "This truly is the final battle. The last stand of the Regime, Newsom their final Hail Mary. Steadying your supporters for battle, you feel re-energized." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 260001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The fires rise." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 270001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Billions of dollars in property damage. Local police spat upon and overrun. Anarchy in the USA. Thousands of bankruptcies, businesses going under. Blue America spirals further into economic recession, crippled by the fires of their own fanaticism." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 270002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Brave journalists enter into what looks to be an active warzone. Break-ins, looting, and fire. A record of a country gone mad, a record of a culture gone completely insane. A record that would warn men until the end of time." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 270003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Tanks roll down Main Street Avenue, armored guards violently dismantle the Los Angeles Autonomous Zone. The barriers are torn down, the fires are taken out, and thousands of people are arrested. Law and order is restored." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 270004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The streets ring out with gunfire, low intensity street fighting in the burning cities. Genuine political violence between two sides of American politics. It’s not long until the left also begins to arm themselves." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 280001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "As much as this might boil your blood, there is nothing left to do but move forward." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 280002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Despite your best attempts to diffuse this situation, the blood has already been spilt. There's not much left to do but to move forward." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 290001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "This works. While Newsom continues to peel away at your vote share in the suburbs, this impression of him as an enabler of rioters and looters have turned many of them off him as a candidate." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 290002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "This attack is far more effective in working class city centers than it is in middle class suburban neighborhoods. This brash, populistic rhetoric scares them the same way Trump scared them. They just want to keep what they have." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 290003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Plenty of suburban families have kids. Though this issue is nowhere near a potent as it used to be, decrying the dangers of a “radical” left wing education system brainwashing their kids is still a somewhat effective emotional ploy." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 290004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "They love you. They turn out to hear you rage against the machine that keeps them down. Vance signs in New York City and in rural Nebraska. But the most rural and urban states are not swing states, this just lets you run up the score." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 300011, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "They’ve been spooked. Democrats have been chipping away at the one thing they care about most: Meritocracy. They believe in the market system, they believe in the American Dream. Now they’re ready to help you bring America into the future." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 300021, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Though a growing number of Silicon Valley CEOs have joined the ranks of the new right, most are still not ready to make the leap yet. You hear disappointing reports from your team and are forced to move on." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 300012, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "More and more black conservatives have found their natural home in the Republican Party. Though the Democrats still hold a dominant majority, the numbers you hear are higher than anything you’ve ever dreamed of. A third, a full third of the African American vote." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 300022, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Though black vote shares continue to rise for the Republican Party, black individuals fail to see why you are much better than you were last time. You hear disappointing reports from your team and are forced to move on." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 300013, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "They welcome you. The one who shouted from the rooftops and made DC listen. You are their hero, their savior. The Steel Belt rises big and strong, its industrial heartbeat the beat of the land. With a wide grin on your face, you can’t help but feel proud." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 300023, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Though you’ve done more for them than almost anyone else, except maybe Trump himself, they can’t help but feel disappointed. Their lands are still barren, their states are still not the way it used to be. The status quo continues." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 300014, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "It’s hard to gather a rally out in the middle of nowhere. But you notice it, the friendly smile among the local people. The excitement that emanates from their every word. They take some photos, you oblige. Leaving this place, you can’t help but feel optimistic." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 300024, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "You drive out to the rural countryside, where the soul of America was forged. You gather around the local people, but they seem indifferent. They’ve survived before, they’ll survive now. Leaving this place, you can’t help but feel pessimistic." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 310001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The world begins spiraling towards economic recession, the ripple effects of the Chinese economy dragging down the United States as well. Hard times lie ahead for the entire world. Calls for revolution have begun in China, as chaos begins to consume the nation." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 310002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Factories in the heartland bloom like mushrooms after spring rain. Though the outside world is falling apart, America will remain safe. Rising wages and automation begin driving a rocket of economic recovery." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 310003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Scrambled fighter jets over the Taiwan strait. Taiwan, Japan and South Korea already at war. India waiting, ready to pounce. Rally around the flag, the American people. The Pacific alight, a world at war…" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 310004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The economy begins to recover." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 310005, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "It is indeed." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 310006, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Let the pieces fall where they may." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 320001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Newsom opens his mouth, slow and monotone, speaking how immigration will bring about the solution to all of America’s problems. His eyes are empty, his responses pre-programmed. You don’t know if there’s even a human being there anymore." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 320002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Newsom opens his mouth, slow and monotone, speaking how regulation will bring about the solution to all of America’s problems. His eyes are empty, his responses pre-programmed. You don’t know if there’s even a human being there anymore." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 320003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Newsom opens his mouth, slow and monotone, speaking how progress will bring about the solution to all of America’s problems. His eyes are empty, his responses pre-programmed. You don’t know if there’s even a human being there anymore." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 320004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Newsom opens his mouth, slow and monotone, speaking how bureaucracy will bring about the solution to all of America’s problems. His eyes are empty, his responses pre-programmed. You don’t know if there’s even a human being there anymore." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 330001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "On top of recognition, you sign another arms deal, this one worth 1.2 billion dollars, this one intent on pacifying the rebels of the newly annexed territories. Prime Minister Netanyahu thanks you, calling you a true friend of Israel." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "340001", "fields": { "answer": 340001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "PLACEHOLDER ENTHUSIASM" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 350001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The kids, they’re growing up so fast now. You journey home, and then to the place where it all began, the town you wrote about in Hillbilly Elegy. The houses have been rebuilt, the rust has now been cleared away, revealing new growth from the roots below. You smile." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 350002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "He’s long since checked out of politics. He encourages you, his voice old and raspy. “I chose you for a reason Vance. You’ve made me proud.” He goes back to playing golf with Joe, seemingly happy, having done everything there is to do in this life." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 350003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "A sea of red hats and loving supporters. None of them who weren’t already voting for you. Yet it feels so good, to be part of a movement so great. Together, you will shake the foundations of America." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 350004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Alone in the pristine silence, you hold a rosary in your hands. Colored light shines in from the stained-glass windows. You think it’s in the sublime beauty of the quiet sanctuary in which you find God." } }, ] campaignTrail_temp.answer_score_global_json = [ { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 10001, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 301, "global_multiplier": -0.01, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 10002, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 301, "global_multiplier": -0.1, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 10002, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 301, "global_multiplier": -0.01, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 10003, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 301, "global_multiplier": 0.1, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 10003, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 301, "global_multiplier": -0.01, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 30001, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": 0.012, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 30002, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": 0.017, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 30003, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": 0.005, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 30004, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.005, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 40001, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.005, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 40002, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": 0.005, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 40003, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": 0.007, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 50001, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.05, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 50002, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.008, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 50003, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": 0.014, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 70001, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.07, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 70002, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.08, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 80001, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": 0.004, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 80002, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.006, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 80003, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.02, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 80004, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": 0.008, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 90001, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": 0.007, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 90002, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.011, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 90003, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.0105, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 90004, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.0085, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 110001, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.005, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 110002, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": 0.005, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 110003, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.015, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 110004, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.025, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 120001, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.004, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 120002, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.006, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 120003, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.01, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 120004, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": 0.004, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 130001, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.018, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 130002, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.028, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 130003, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.022, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 130004, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.0115, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 140001, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": 0.0085, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 150001, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 301, "global_multiplier": -0.035, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 150002, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 301, "global_multiplier": -0.04, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 170011, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": 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"total_movement_victory": `

Movement Declared Victorious, JD Vance elected to second term as president of the United States.


It was Jubilant in the streets of America. Everything the Regime had thrown at them, everything they had done to sabotage the inevitable march of the Movement, and they had won. They flipped through the channels; the worldwide right was declaring victory everywhere.

In Germany, in Canada, in France, all of them had cruised to victory. This victory wasn’t just in America, it was worldwide. The entire year, every single left-wing government kicked out, or replaced by populist progressives aligned with the anti-Regime-ian cause. On the TVs were the media pundits, and lost reporters of mainstream media, pouting in bitter defeat, howling to the sky above how much they despised this world, how much they despised the voters. Yet no one was listening, not anymore.

“Can you believe it?” a young man shouted, wearing an American flag hat and an all-American outfit, grabbing a nearby young woman, decked out in sunglasses and a scarf, red, white, and blue, the love of his life. “We won!” He bent down and kissed her, she kissed him back. “We won we won we won!”

The scarlet red map stared back at them, smiling like a jubilant grin, smiling from sea to shining sea. Their victory, their final victory, a stunning rebuke and final defeat of their greatest enemy. Victory was theirs, all theirs. Across the world, from India, to England, to France, to Germany, the entire global anti-globalist movement, they were smiling at them. The world had watched as America had landed the final blow. They were free. The monster had been slain.

The Regime was defeated, shattered and left in shambles. And it was like the sky lifted over them, the nightly stars emerging overhead. Never could they have imagined such wide horizons, such open possibilities. When the forces that conspired to keep them down were at long last, cast back into the depths of hell.

Already the political pundits were panicking, trying to look for any silver lining in this living catastrophe. But there was none. A new generation was coming of age, one which was known to be heavily conservative, raised in right wing families, educated by the internet, and deeply skeptical of the bureaucracy above.

The left was a dying demographic, and each year, they would only recede further and further from the reins of power. The Democratic Party was already being reorganized, taken over with help from the Movement, with new candidate Tulsi Gabbard already the favored candidate to take over the party in 2036, and her promise to “bring back common sense to the left”. That was why she had left, she was preparing a hostile takeover of the machinery of the machine. It would be years before the left could be assimilated back into the ideals of the Movement, but that was help the Movement was willing to help provide.

Vance was already on TV, all of the channels and all of the broadcasts. Listing out his agenda for the next 4 years, a full bureaucratic purge, installing truly patriotic education, promoting cohesive families and cohesive communities, and promoting true meritocracy and competition at all levels. Both in government, and across society. With both House and Senate deeply in the GOP’s control, nothing seemed off limits, it was truly 1776 all over again.

Flipping through the channels, Germany was raising up the German flags throughout its streets again, France was proud to announce it was French again. All over the world, the people were raising their flags. They reveled in their distinctiveness and celebrated what made them unique. Proud of their cultures, loving of their people. The international alliance of nationalists, the beautiful tapestry of thousands of millennia-old beautiful cultures had won. They were free to be free, free to be the greatest and most beautiful versions of themselves, without any shame, guilt, or regret. And they sang praises to God (or gods) above. Oh, how they had won.

Night bled into day, day bled into night, and the celebration continued, and from the skies above, the stars came into view. Twinkling, sparkling little angels inviting them into a bright new tomorrow. They saw there America’s future, and they saw there, humanity’s future.

A great American flag flew over them, seemingly thanking the people below for the liberation it now felt. It waved to the people below, and the people below waved back, and the people below celebrated some more in a sea of red, white, and blue.

Tomorrow, there would be much work to do. The engine of the world still had to be run, and the problems of the world still had to be fixed. But today, today was a day for celebration. For today was the jubilant triumph history would forever remember.

`, "vance_great_victory":`

Movement Wins Landslide Victory, JD Vance elected to second term as president of the United States.

Ecstatic, it was an ecstatic moment for the Movement. Watching as the votes came in, and the map glowed a shade of crimson red, it felt like the entire world was about to change. They didn’t just have a victory, they had a mandate. A blank cheque from the American people to do as they pleased. As victories continued to roll in, in both the House and the Senate, it continued. Despite everything the Regime had thrown at them, they had won in a landslide. And at the center of it all was JD Vance, a cheerful smile on his face, and a piece of paper in his hands.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” he said, beads of sweat running down as he stared into the eye of the hot spotlights. “We are back. Thank you so much for 4 more years.”

The stadium erupted, he could feel its energy, the roaring excitement that shook the ground like an earthquake. He had mobilized something truly powerful. Something deep and primal within the human soul. It thanked all of them for freeing it, and now the sky looked more open than ever.

“16 years ago, my predecessor, Donald Trump came down that golden escalator, set to change the nation forever. People who were infants when that happened are old enough to vote today, and I’ve seen the nation change before my eyes. We cast off the shackles of globalism, we brought glory back to the American nation and brought this country onwards and upwards.

We live at the edge of a new era. To quote one of the great presidents of the past 50 years, Ronald Reagan… Let history say of us: These were golden years--when the American Revolution was reborn, when freedom gained new life, and America reached for her best.”

The crowd began to cheer. “4 more years! 4 more years!”

“When you wake up tomorrow, this is what I want you to do. Go to work, hug your family, be the best American you can. Love thy neighbor, even if they’re a Democrat. Because the Movement isn’t inside me, or inside the Republican Party. No, it’s in all of you, the American people. There’s a fight high in the sky, policies and proposals far away from the doldrums of everyday life. But at the end of the day, that’s not the only battle. There’s another battle, a more important one being waged on the ground with you.

The battle that is fought every day with the actions we do and the work we show. And we show ourselves as Americans through our kindness, and our actions, being graceful even after glorious victory. As the people who dream big, who expect the best out of everyone, who aren’t afraid of exposing the contours of our soul, who shake the earth and reach out for the heavens above. We are a people who has declared that nothing is impossible. When you leave those doors and wake up tomorrow morning, I want you to be an America we can all be proud of”

And the crowd erupted.

`, "vance_victory":`

Movement Wins Decisive Victory, JD Vance elected to second term as president of the United States.

Celebratory, it was a celebratory moment for the Movement of America. Through a last-minute polling surge, and the assembling of the coalition of the people, they had done it. Despite everything the Regime had thrown at them, they had eeked out a narrow victory. The screen above glowed a warm and compassionate red, balloons and confetti were streaming down from the ceiling above. And at the center of it all was JD Vance, a cheerful smile on his face, and a piece of paper in his hands.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” he said, beads of sweat running down as he stared into the eye of the hot spotlights. “We are back. Thank you so much for 4 more years.”

The stadium erupted, he could feel its energy, the roaring excitement that shook the ground like an earthquake. He had mobilized something truly powerful. Something deep and primal within the human soul. It thanked all of them for freeing it, and now the sky looked more open than ever.

“16 years ago, my predecessor, Donald Trump came down that golden escalator, set to change the nation forever. People who were infants when that happened are old enough to vote today, and I’ve seen the nation change before my eyes. We cast off the shackles of globalism, we brought glory back to the American nation and brought this country onwards and upwards.

We live at the edge of a new era. To quote one of the great presidents of the past 50 years, Ronald Reagan… Let history say of us: These were golden years--when the American Revolution was reborn, when freedom gained new life, and America reached for her best.”

The crowd began to cheer. “4 more years! 4 more years!”

“When you wake up tomorrow, this is what I want you to do. Go to work, hug your family, be the best American you can. Love thy neighbor, even if they’re a Democrat. Because the Movement isn’t inside me, or inside the Republican Party. No, it’s in all of you, the American people. There’s a fight high in the sky, policies and proposals far away from the doldrums of everyday life. But at the end of the day, that’s not the only battle. There’s another battle, a more important one being waged on the ground with you.

The battle that is fought every day with the actions we do and the work we show. And we show ourselves as Americans through our kindness, and our actions, being graceful even after glorious victory. As the people who dream big, who expect the best out of everyone, who aren’t afraid of exposing the contours of our soul, who shake the earth and reach out for the heavens above. We are a people who has declared that nothing is impossible. When you leave those doors and wake up tomorrow morning, I want you to be an America we can all be proud of”

And there was cheering.

`, "hard_defeat":`

Movement Dealt Decisive Defeat, Newsom Elected President of the United States.

Sobering, it was a sobering moment for the Movement of America. Though they had seen a last-minute poll surge, it wasn’t enough. Losing by narrow margins in the undecided states, the Regime had decisively defeated them. Staring down the forces of the Regime, the Movement charged, against the dying of the light.

Yet Vance didn’t seem discouraged, on his face was something else. Determination. He had led them competently, with everything the Regime had thrown at him, he still managed to keep his head above thrashing waves. If anything, the entire situation was giving the Movement flashbacks to 2020. He stood at the podium, sweat beads rolling down his face, the spotlight in his eyes, staring down the sea that he had channeled.

“My fellow Americans,” he began to say. “This fight is not over. The Regime has thrown everything they can at us, funnelled their worldwide resources against us. But we’re still standing. The entire field was stacked against us, they spent everything they had crushing us to dust, but we’re still standing.

This is a setback, not a defeat. Look at what they had to sacrifice to break us. Look at Canada, France, Germany, the United Kingdom. They had to retreat from all of them. They couldn’t hold us all down at once. So, they let them go. We endured so other countries may be free.”

Vance began to laugh, maniacally, on the edge of control. “All the resources in the world, and all they could do is knock us down to 200 something EVs. That’s pathetic, really. And they had to sacrifice their entire global empire for this. Facing against the resources of the entire world, and they couldn’t destroy us.”

He paused. “In 4 years, we will be stronger, and they will be weaker. I didn’t say they were the party of childless cat ladies for no reason, their biological clock is tick, tick, ticking down. Tomorrow we will return better, become stronger, bringing our children to the polling booth with us, and we will return as many times as it takes, until they are defeated. We have a future; they don’t. We will defeat them; we will replace them.

We did it once, staged the greatest comeback in American history. Well, I’m ready to continue fighting for you, and do it one more time. I hereby announce my intention to run in the 2036 presidential elections. I didn’t think I would still be running in 2036, but you have to take what life throws at you sometimes.”

The crowd began to cheer. “4 more years! 4 more years!”

“When you wake up tomorrow, this is what I want you to do. Go to work, hug your family, be the best American you can. Love thy neighbor, even if they’re a Democrat. Because the Movement isn’t inside me, or inside the Republican Party. No, it’s in all of you, the American people. If we have to go dormant for another 4 years, then that’s what we’ll have to do. But at the end of the day, we’re still fighting for America, America the beautiful. And we show ourselves as Americans through our kindness, and our actions, being graceful even after bitter loss. And we will reconvene 4 years from now, and take back the White House, one more time.”

And there was cheering. Even in defeat, morale was high. Even in their darkest hour, they still had hope.

`, "hard_crushing_defeat":`

Movement Dealt Crushing Defeat, Newsom Elected President of the United States.

Dour, it was a dour moment for the Movement of America. The Regime had thrown everything they could at them, and they had crushed them. Vance had been sacked almost immediately, now many of the Movement Faithful believing he was a double agent meant to sabotage the entire Movement. As Newsom appeared on the great screen above them, announcing with his monotone, demonic voice a return to normalcy, the air of dread couldn’t help but hang in the room around them.

Many of them had families, several had businesses that had finally began to thrive under the Vance administration, and now were sent kicking and screaming back to square one. They didn’t want to think how they would survive, when the Regime seemed determined to regulate them out of existence. The map was a sea of dark blue, of the primordial darkness engulfing America.

And then came a feeling in the air, determination. Even as America is about to spiral into its darkest hour, they would not give up. Throughout hard work and dedication, they had built up the most robust movement ever created on the right. And they had lost, when the Regime had thrown everything, it could at them, they wouldn’t be so scared if they weren’t a threat.

And though it would be another dark 4 years before the emergence of another shot. And it wasn’t all dark. Throughout the world, governments left and right had been toppled by the Movements of their respective countries. The AfD stormed their way into power, Reform looked on the verge of victory. Everywhere they looked, the Regime was in retreat, everywhere but America. Perhaps in another 4 years, they could assist them take back their homeland.

The regime had thrown everything they could at them, and while it was enough, the Movement refused to stop fighting. For they knew the Regime’s days, even with this temporary victory, was numbered. Demographics was destiny, and the Regime was operating on a clock that was tick, tick, ticking down. They would emerge again in 2036, stronger, better, and the Regime weaker, worse off.

However many attempts it would take, however long they need to wait out the decline of this wretched regime, they would wait.

`, "progress": `

The Movement couldn’t believe it. They were pressing in on all sides. The forces of the Regime were closing in, pinned down on all sides. This can’t be the end, this can’t be-


The Spirit of Progress breathed in and out heavily, staring down at the defeated body of her enemy. She could hardly believe it, after all of the struggle, all of that time. She had… Won.

She looked down at the now limp and defeated body of Reaction. Reform, the AfD, the MAGA movement… It was all gone, they seemingly collapsed over a matter of only a few months. Collapsing to the ground in exhaustion, she could hardly believe it. She didn’t know how, she didn’t know why Reaction suddenly collapsed like that, what happened to “the Movement” as Reaction so liked to call himself, or how she had pulled it off, when everything had been stacked against her.

She reminisced back to her long fight with Reaction. His dark, sinister plans to dismantle democracy, how he disregarded the tenements of science and truth, and how he planned to bring fascism and anarchy against her rightful rule… But now, it was finally over.

She stared up into the ethereal sky, just contemplating how something like this could happen so fast. Looking up at the light beaming in, she wondered if it was divine intervention that had pulled this off. It had to be. But in the end, what happened had happened, her position at the throne of the world was safe once again.

Looking down from the ethereal realm, back into the realm of men, where she felt her energy course through the minds of her people, the world began to heal. The cycles of history had finally been stopped. With no opposing force, the tides of the world were hers to command again. And now, under her omnibenevolent rule, she can go back to bringing about the end of history.

Let the world run like clockwork, let the warmth of progress melt the borders of man’s heart, and let everyone frolick in the utopia she will build. This world was hers again, each person in their place, not a single puzzle piece out of order. And as everyone played the ever-spiralling song of progress, everything was right with the world.

And this song of progress would continue forever and ever and ever. Until the stars grow cold and the Earth grows wild. There would be no more conflict, no more property to fight over. There will only be happiness from now on.

`, "roasian_flyby": `

Roasian Flyby of ??-334675-3 (Local Native Name: “Earth”)

Physical Characteristics: Blue-green continental world, surface covered 70% by water. Abundant rainfall and dense biosphere. 1.08 Roas masses. Native civilization detected, further details elaborated below.

Native Civilization: Unified global civilization-state, heavy use of hedonic chemicals to induce artificial happiness. Large artificial genetic augmentations detected to suppress dissent. Complete automation of the society and removal of all negative stimulus appears to have stagnated further cognitive development. Hidden ruling class dictates all levels of life, in service of unknown ideology or religion.

Spacefaring capabilities: None. Scans indicate that the civilization is as old as ours, with sufficiently advanced technology, yet no signs have been detected of serious attempts to move off world. Reasoning behind their lack of spacefaring is so far yet unknown.

Population: The population has been measured to be 300 million, thinly spread out among its many continents. Scans show the population had previously been as high as 9 billion. Reason for demographic decline unknown.

Assessment: Civilization ??-334675-A determined “mostly harmless”. 1 light year exclusion zone put around star system. World approved for colonization mission. 60 million Roasians expected to arrive shortly. Native species to be relocated to continent of "Australia"

Researcher Notes: “There is a world. A world far away. One which threw away everything in the pursuit of pleasure. I would pity them, but it is clear they did this to themselves.”

`, "american_flyby": `

2662 AD, American Flyby of OL-4437 D (Indigenous Name: “Ors Roas”)

Physical Characteristics: Continental, Earth-like planet. Temperature, atmosphere, gravity, and pressure very similar to Earth’s. Roughly 70% of the world’s surface covered in oceans. 0.92 Earth Masses. Indigenous Civilization has been located on the surface. More details below.

Native Civilization: D is inhabited by strange, horse-lizard like people, displaying a high level of intelligence equivalent to that of humanity’s. They live in fragmented nation states, very similar to that of Earth, engaging in fragmentary wars equivalent to our early world wars.

Spacefaring capabilities: Currently, they are in their late space age, they have displayed high ability and initiative in colonizing their local star system. Currently do not possess technology to engage in interstellar travel. We estimate a technological gap of 300-450 years.

Population: The population of the Roasian homeworld is estimated to be around 8 billion.

Assessment: The native Roasian civilization is currently of no threat to the United States nor its interests. The administration has given the go ahead for the colonization order. An estimated 1 billion American settlers should be ready to colonize the place within the next 4 years.

Researcher Notes: “God damn those stupid horse-lizards are punchable. I wonder if they know they are on rightful American soil. The stars are our birthright you bastards.”

`, "normal_defeat": `

Movement Dealt Defeat, Newsom Elected President of the United States.

Somber, it was a Somber moment for the Movement of America. The Regime had handed them a perfectly winnable election, and they had lost. Following the news, Vance had resigned as leader of the Movement, instead focusing on preparing the United States for the remainder of his Lame Duck run. He was disappointed, but there was nothing he could do but to keep going forward. As Newsom appeared on the great screen above them, announcing with his monotone, demonic voice a return to normalcy, the air of anxiety couldn’t help but hang in the room around them.

Many of them had families, several had businesses that had finally began to thrive under the Vance administration, and now were likely going to suffer under the new Newsom administration. They didn’t want to think how they would survive, when the Regime seemed determined to suffocate them. The map was a patchwork of red and blue, with the blue just ever so slightly gaining the edge in the narrow states.

And then came a feeling in the air, determination. Even as America is about to enter a darker chapter, they would not give up. Throughout hard work and dedication, they had built up the most robust movement ever created on the right.

The regime had beaten them, and while they had been dealt a decisive blow, the Movement refused to stop fighting. For they knew the Regime’s days, even with this temporary victory, was numbered. Demographics was destiny, and the Regime was operating on a clock that was tick, tick, ticking down. They would emerge again in 2036, stronger, better, and the Regime weaker, worse off.

However, many attempts it would take, however long they need to wait out the decline of this wretched regime, they would wait.

`, "normal_crushing_defeat": `

Movement Dealt Crushing Defeat, Newsom Elected President of the United States.

Dour, it was a dour moment for the Movement of America. The Regime had handed them a perfectly winnable election, and they had lost. Vance had been sacked almost immediately, now many of the Movement Faithful believing he was a double agent meant to sabotage the entire Movement. As Newsom appeared on the great screen above them, announcing with his monotone, demonic voice a return to normalcy, the air of dread couldn’t help but hang in the room around them.

Many of them had families, several had businesses that had finally began to thrive under the Vance administration, and now were sent kicking and screaming back to square one. They didn’t want to think how they would survive, when the Regime seemed determined to regulate them out of existence. The map was a sea of dark blue, of the primordial darkness engulfing America.

And then came a feeling in the air, determination. Even as America is about to spiral into its darkest hour, they would not give up. Throughout hard work and dedication, they had built up the most robust movement ever created on the right. It wasn’t them who were the issue, they convinced themselves, it was Vance. Surely with a better candidate, they would put up a better fight.

The regime had beaten them, and while they had been dealt a massive blow, the Movement refused to stop fighting. Though with this, they realized the Regime had far more staying power than they expected.

It might be years, it might be decades, the Movement would have to go into hibernation. But they remained hopeful. For they knew the Regime’s days, even with this temporary victory, were numbered. Demographics was destiny, and the Regime was operating on a clock that was tick, tick, ticking down. They would emerge again in 2036, stronger, better, and the Regime weaker, worse off.

However, many attempts it would take, however long they need to wait out the decline of this wretched regime, they would wait.

`, "easy_defeat": `

Movement Dealt Decisive Defeat, Newsom Elected President of the United States.

How? How did this happen?

They had started the election far in the lead, a mandate to win, a destiny to be seized, and it had been squandered. Vance had been sacked almost immediately, now many of the Movement Faithful believing he was a double agent meant to sabotage the entire Movement. As Newsom appeared on the great screen above them, announcing with his monotone, demonic voice a return to normalcy, the air of dread couldn’t help but hang in the room around them.

Many of them had families, several had businesses that had finally began to thrive under the Vance administration, and now were sent kicking and screaming back to square one. They didn’t want to think how they would survive, when the Regime seemed determined to regulate them out of existence. The map was a sea of dark blue, of the primordial darkness engulfing America.

And then came a feeling in the air, determination. Even as America is about to spiral into its darkest hour, they would not give up. Throughout hard work and dedication, they had built up the most robust movement ever created on the right. It wasn’t them who were the issue, they convinced themselves, it was Vance. Surely with a better candidate, they would put up a better fight.

The regime had beaten them, and while they had been dealt a massive blow, the Movement refused to stop fighting. Though with this, they realized the Regime had far more staying power than they expected.

It might be years, it might be decades, the Movement would have to go into hibernation. But they remained hopeful. For they knew the Regime’s days, even with this temporary victory, were numbered. Demographics was destiny, and the Regime was operating on a clock that was tick, tick, ticking down. They would emerge again in 2036, stronger, better, and the Regime weaker, worse off.

However, many attempts it would take, however long they need to wait out the decline of this wretched regime, they would wait.

`, "easy_crushing_defeat": `

Movement Dealt Crushing Defeat, Newsom Elected President of the United States.

Where? Where did it all go so wrong?

They had started the election far in the lead, a mandate to win, a destiny to be seized, and it had been squandered. Vance had been sacked almost immediately, now many of the Movement Faithful believing he was a double agent meant to sabotage the entire Movement. But even the conspiratorial theory of a sabotaging leader couldn’t cut it for many. As Newsom appeared on the great screen above them, announcing with his monotone, demonic voice a return to normalcy, the air of dread couldn’t help but hang in the room around them.

But even the most optimistic of them knew there was something deeply wrong here, this went deeper than Vance, there was something wrong with the Movement itself. The Christians blamed the Darwinists, the Populists turned on the Technocapitalists, and seen the entire coalition was at each other’s throats, blaming them and their divisive policies for the destruction of the Coalition. And the Regime cackled, as the Movement’s own internal divisions began to tear it to shreds.

The Movement had annihilated, divided and dissolving. Emerging from its scattered ashes were small pockets of resistance, made up the remnants of one of, or just part of one the 4 congressfactions. Divided and suppressed, they would not pose a serious threat to the Regime. As the Republican Party came to be reorganized, party leaders began calling for a “return to normalcy”, a “pivot to moderation”, as they aligned themselves with the hegemony of the New Regime.

The Movement has been drawn and divided. Its former members scattered, retreating from mainstream society, bunkering down for a siege that might last decades. Demoralized, and unorganized, their only solace was the slow march of entropy. As they hoped the Regime’s biological clock would begin tick, tick, ticking down. That the burden of its own contradictions would trigger the system’s final end.

And perhaps, among the ruins, a new society could be born. But alas, it would be a long, long time before that could happen.

`, "reddit_mod": `

Vance looked at the blue map in despair. The Movement was screwed, and it was all because of him. The Conservatives had been completely destroyed, paving the way for a century, perhaps more of progressive, liberal dominance.

He thought back to all of the decisions he had made. He felt that he was being manipulated, like he was being controlled, to self-sabotage at every twist and turn.

He tried to move, to reach out in horror, but found himself frozen in place, as if some other force was in possession of his body. As if-

An obese, grease-covered Redditor was waking up. “Oh yeah,” he muttered. “Progress wins. I sabotaged your movement, you f---ing stupid redneck-” He blinked, having snapped out of his dream, being woken up by the sounds of a nearby TV, playing in another room.

“No!” the Redditor screamed. “No! It was all a dream?”

“… We can now project that JD Vance has been elected President of the United States, with a projected 340 electoral votes. A historic defeat for the Democrats. Gavin Newsom has conceded the election…”

“No!” the Redditor cried. “No! No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-”

And there wept the Redditor, lying in a pile of his own grease and filth, weeping until he had no more tears left to give.

`, "china_taiwan": `

Geopolitics Now: Updates on the China-Taiwan War

January 4th, 2034.

The China-Taiwan war continues with the United States and her allies continuing to assert pressure on the People’s Republic, and Taiwan entering a year and a half since the beginning of the conflict.

The combined South Korean, Taiwanese, Japanese, and American fleets have won several decisive victories over the Chinese navy, and are now attempting to enforce a broader blockade on the East Coast of China, based around the 1st Island Chain. Though not without further harassment and skirmishes with the Chinese navy.

Both countries continue to engage in war, though the conflict has remained low intensity. Neither America nor China are willing to push the escalation any further, with Xi Jinping reportedly nervous about the state of instability in his country and worrying about the effects of conscription or.

On the Western front, The Indian army has captured small portions of the Tibetan highlands, occupying China and India’s disputed territories, and encouraging rebellion among the region’s Tibetan minority.

Though the West has gained the decisive upper hand, experts warn of further escalation, with the Russians, who are engaged with their own war with Ukraine, have made increasingly bold statements condemning the West’s imperialism, and the two countries sending the other supplies to aid in their upcoming war.

This is an ongoing story. This page will update as new information breaks.

`, "reglobalization": `

Global Economy Making a Recovery as Nations Re-Globalize | The Economist

January 17th, 2034

For the past 8 years, many economists have talked about the effects of “de-globalization”, where the increasing fragmentation of the global economy into regionalized power blocs was hurting global interconnectivity, and therefore global trade. The beginning, known as “the Great Decoupling,” saw the splintering of much of the world into Western, Chinese, and eventually Indian trade blocs.

Economists and geopolitical experts have long stated that the reasoning behind the Great Uncoupling was rising hostility between rival powers, the rush to secure nationally important resources, and a fear of supply chain fragility, first proven with the COVID-19 pandemic shocks. Countries have been moving away from a global free trade system in exchange for rising protectionism.

However, with a new trade agreement signed by President JD Vance, and tentative agreements to slowly reopen trading relations between the United States and China, economists state that the trend of deglobalization may be reversing, welcome news to economies of the Global South, which had been stuck in a stagnatory rut since the Great Uncoupling. Vance’s actions were met with criticism from labor unions and American manufacturers, who are expected to protest outside the White House later this week.

That said, stock markets seemed receptive to the news, with the DOW Jones rising significantly since the announcement, and American GDP growth was last recorded at 2.6% in the last quarter of 2025. Economists say many businesses are eager to take advantage of new opportunities and are excited for the prospect of gaining access to a new billion strong customer base.

That said, geopolitical analysts have warned about the risks of increasing global trade, warning that over-connectedness to the global economy increases the fragility of the entire system. And with deep underlying tensions between the major powers still not resolved, that this could result in compromises in national security, and grows only more risky as global tensions continue to rise.

`, "russia_europe_war": `

Updates on the Russian-European War, US, China in stagnatory spiral. | Trinity News Network

January 29th, 2034

This week in Geopolitics, continued winter fighting has been noted on the European front, with this February marking the 5th anniversary of the war’s start. The war began over disputed territory in Eastern Ukraine, with Russian President Vladimir Putin breaking the 2025 Ukrainian ceasefire after 4 years of ceasefire. The conflict has since then become a larger proxy battle between the members of the European Union, and the Russian Federation.

The war has been notable for the extensive usage of mercenaries, the rising influence of non-state actors, and the meteoric rise of private military corporations contracted for the conflict. Currently, none of the European nations have committed their armed forces in the defense of Ukraine, instead relying on defense contractors and private military corporations (PMCs) to do the fighting on their behalf. These PMCs are known to recruit from all over the world, with soldiers primarily drawing from economically depressed regions such as Brazil, Turkey, and the Middle East.

On top of that, various militias and ideological groups have also put forth their own fighters for the operation, many non-state militias such as the Antifascist Coalition, Pan-Europa, and PMC Goldwater have also made their way into the region, gaining valuable military experience, and offering their services to anyone who can pay. Many have called this style of fighting “the future of warfare” and many experts expect the influence of these non-state actors to only increase going into the future.

The United States has officially stayed neutral in the conflict, though providing weapons sales and allowing their own citizens to begin organizing militias. American oil shipments have singlehandedly kept the European economy afloat and has been their primary energy supplier ever since the Russian oil embargo of 2031. The war gets little domestic attention however, as American politicians tend to be far more focused on the Pacific confrontation with China.

In economic news, in spite of soaring oil sales, coinciding with the European winter season, both the American and Chinese economies have been stuck in a stagnatory rut ever since the start of the Great Uncoupling. The United States has been averaging between 1% growth for the past 2 years, with China stagnating around 0% growth.

Economists say the American economy has been stifled by rising grocery prices, sluggish global economic conditions, and an uncompetitive manufacturing sector shielded and subsidized through protectionist measures. While the Chinese economy is reeling from the shadow of its property crisis, aging population, rising youth unemployment, and rising inflation in a bid to drive spending.

Both are facing headwinds of a generally gloomy global economic outlook, with aging populations in developed countries, decline in global trade, and industrialization failures in developing countries depressing the world’s economic output.

`, "tang_ping": `

China in crisis as Tang Ping demonstrations turn violent. | CNN

January 24th, 2035

Major Chinese cities have been hit by the 8th consecutive day of protests, with torches, fireworks, and batons often being used. The protests take place amidst the backdrop of the 2034 Shanghai Market Crash, as growing numbers of angry youth take to the streets, fueled by demands for better economic conditions. Almost every city in China has become completely consumed by the protests, with the only exception being the capital of Beijing, where routine police crackdowns have continued to keep the peace.

The protests are an ideologically mixed bunch, a broad coalition of democratic reformers, Han nationalists, and hardline Maoists. But most often, the vast majority of their numbers are simply discontent people who have finally reached the end of their rope. Critics often report the 996 workdays, the rising price of housing, the exceedingly high expectations for schools, the chronic gender imbalance, and difficulty of marriage culture in China as contributing factors to China’s ongoing instability.

Young men, frustrated by their lack of mobility in the work force, lack of prospects in the dating market, inability to buy a house, and many more have been among the first to take to the streets, and have been joined by an unlikely ally. Old pensioners, who have also taken to the streets over China’s collapsing social net. The situation in China grows ever more unstable, as the People’s Liberation Army has been called in to stabilize the nation.

In an independent poll conducted by researchers from the Tsinghua University, 23% of Chinese respondents believed the People’s Republic had lost the Mandate of Heaven, with a further 24% unsure. 147 people have already been reported to have been killed, with thousands thought to have been injured during police crackdowns.

This is an ongoing story. New updates to come.

`, "theocracy": `

Upon a Cross of Zealotry

And decades passed. Generations waxed and waned, leaders came and went, but the trajectory of America was forever altered. When the bureaucracy finally burned away like the core of a dying star, it was the New Right who come to define the shape of a new America. The Christians were utterly dominant in the new coalition, and they would come to shape the world in their image alone. And the choices you made set it on a path yet unseen. Behold, the world you’ve made.

“Now now, children” a schoolteacher said, her voice assertive and shrill. The kids before her were all girls, donning the bonnet, in matching red dresses. “Please turn your history textbooks to Chapter 23.”

They opened their leathery books, bound together with sturdy hides. They flipped through its crinkly pages, until they reached it. Chapter 23, “On the mistakes of the 21st century.”

“Before our country was redeemed. Before it was saved by the hand of God, America was a place of great sin. A despicable place, a wicked place in the eyes of the LORD,” the schoolteacher said.

And they read about them. Degeneracy, homosexuality, atheism, ideas they had known in theory, but could seldom believe anyone could follow. They saw people clothed, yet unclothed. They saw the stranglehold of media, vast, hollow organizations that brainwashed an entire nation. Polygamy and promiscuity that tore families, and nations apart. They saw postmodern scribes and scholars scratch against the walls of reality, trying to assert that true is false, and false is true, scrabbling to themselves until they could hear reason no more.

And they saw the hanging fields, where millions took their own life in despair, the void black nihilism that took hold in the absence of God. The regiments, dozens of pills one after another, to sedate and sterilize until they dissolved into their own disorder. And then they turned the page.

Pages upon pages of gruesome images of dead babies, millions of infants sacrificed to the demons of hell. Women severing children from herself as they were a tumor to be discarded. Piling up so high until their flesh and bones made a horrid pyramid, stretching on against the red dusk.

One of the girls began to cry and tried to slam the book shut. The teacher reached out with her ruler, and kept the book open. “Look at it. This is the sin which our country has wrought. The work of the so called “progressives”. These are the sins which our country is recovering from.”

The girl stared back at the image of the fetus staring back at her, and placed her hand on the page, as if to comfort these still images. Many of them had baby siblings, they imagined them, their flesh and body parts mangled beyond belief, as they had seen in these horrible images.

“America was sinful, but with help from the Holy Evangelical Church of America, the nation been redeemed. The church was instrumental in purging America of secular ideas, and returning America to the way of the Lord. The images you see show the importance of Christian values. Destruction and devastation awaits all who go against it,” the schoolteacher said, her voice full of venom. “Inclusion, equity, empowerment, all ideas so tempting, so simple. But you know what they always say. Lucifer wasn’t called tempting for no reason.”

One of the girls spoke up, her voice stammering, almost too shaken to speak.

“Yes?” the schoolteacher asked.

“T-t-these progressives… What are they?” the girl asked.

“They were a different religious faith, but without the belief in the supernatural. We used to call them… Ideology. They believed that they were arbiters of moral progress, that their teachings were infallible, and with the guidance of their moral teachings, humanity would progress towards utopia,” the schoolteacher replied.

“So, not so different from us,” one of the braver girls asked. The class looked at her stunned. She had a habit of speaking out of turn.

“… Yes,” the schoolteacher replied, after a moment of silence.

“What makes them different?”

“They were wrong, and we are right,” the schoolteacher replied simply. “They worshipped false gods, we worship the true God. They were fooled by a trick of Lucifer they called “progress”. Do not worry about such wicked things. Our progress is not theirs.”

“And where are they now?” the girl asked.

“They are nearly extinct,” the schoolteacher replied. “They destroyed themselves in life, and now they destroy themselves in death. The last ones are now passing away. Nature will punish them in life, and God will punish them in the afterlife.”

The schoolteacher looked at her watch.

“Class is almost over. Please stand for the pledge of allegiance.”

The girls all stood up in unison. Their eyes loyal, their minds diligent, they looked naught but up, at the cross that hung above the classroom. They had no thoughts but their devotion.

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of Ameirca,

And to the Republic for which it stands,

One nation under Christ, redeemed by His blood,

With obedience, righteousness, and justice for all.

I vow to uphold His divine law,

To walk in the path of the Lord,

And to defend His truth against all ungodliness.

May His will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven,

Forever and ever. Amen.”

And the pastoral fields stretch far away, as the world returned to tradition and soul. The spires of the New System, double spirals stretching out from the ground, spiraling up until it touched the sky itself, forming the symbol of a cross. The Universalist Guardians of new Progress would guide the sheep to utopia. The linear arc of justice, leading them to the End of History.

And unlike those who tried before, this time they would do it right.

`, "meritocracy": `

Below the Cathedral of Technocapital

And decades passed. Generations waxed and waned, leaders came and went, but the trajectory of America was forever altered. When the bureaucracy finally burned away like the core of a dying star, it was the New Right who come to define the shape of a new America. The Technocapitalists were utterly dominant in the new coalition, and they would come to shape the world in their image alone. And the choices you made set it on a path yet unseen. Behold, the world you’ve made.

Below the Blinding Lights of the Cathedral, Nick toiled. The world was accelerating ahead, and if he couldn’t prove his worth to the system, the system would cast him out, just like so many of those before him. He sat in a room with ten thousand other students, all diligently scribbling away at the examinations below them. His hand shook with uncertainty. Charting equations, drawing graphs, trying to justify why he should be allowed to join the ranks of the anointed.

Beads of sweat formed on his head, above all, he blamed himself. The system was fair, the system was just, it was him who failed. He hadn’t worked diligently enough, he hadn’t studied hard enough, maybe his genetics were just bad. It was his fault, it was his fault, it was his fault. Struggling, his pencil now wobbling, he continued to fill in the boxes, answer essays and draw out his designs. The exam was entering its 4th hour now.

The screens watched him, the smooth white walls and ceiling formed a pyramid, with the blinding light from above watching down on him, casting down judgement from above. Question 35. Solve the following matrix problems. Question 36, use your knowledge to streamline the following supply chains.

Meritocracy. That was the promise of the New System, ever since their Founding Fathers had built the New Havens. One test, one standard, fair and equal before all. For the low price of only a 1/60th of his current salary, you were given the chance to prove yourself and rise to the upper ranks. There were those rose by doing, and those who rose by studying, those who did neither, were deemed worthless.

Question 51, the test was entering its 5th hour now. The maintenance of your life is an active detriment to society around you. One day, you would have to give back to society an equal or greater amount compared to what it gave you, you were born in debt. Life on the higher levels, it was a dream that Nick only seldom contemplated, being deemed a contributor, rather than just a neutral, passively treading water. It would not be here where Nick would prove himself, it would have to be there, at the upper levels.

The test had ended, the students lined up, to pass in their examinations one by one. A scanner laid at the front. Nick had pulled himself back in the final hours, sweat forming on his face, he had a chance, just a chance to succeed. The scanner was efficient, able to tell you whether you had succeeded or failed right then and there. A trickle of students, triumphant or dejected, slowly exited the building, as the line led Nick closer and closer. Though many of them had failed this time around, they would have a chance to try again next year, after they paid the entrance fee again. The System was fair, the System was Just.

Finally, it was his turn. He handed over his papers, nervous hands trembling.

“Nick Turner,” the scanner chimed. “Subject, Computer Science and Supply Chain Management. Grading…”

The scanner only worked for a few seconds, but within those few seconds, Nick’s life had been forever altered.

“Final grade: 63%. Welcome to the upper levels. You are now a CONTRIBUTOR. Auction initiated for Nick Turner…”

The machine whirred, doubtless, on the other end, automated algorithms were whirring, bartering with offer and counteroffer for his experience. “You have, 5 initiation offers. 3 for, Junior Data Verifier, 2 for, Junior AI Overseer. You are free to accept or reject all initiation offers. Thank you for studying with us.”

Nick grabbed his papers and resisted the urge to hug the robotic scanner before him. Finally, he would be considered a net contributor to society.

This was the happiest day in his entire life.

`, "patriotism": `

Proud to be American

And decades passed. Generations waxed and waned, leaders came and went, but the trajectory of America was forever altered. When the bureaucracy finally burned away like the core of a dying star, it was the New Right who come to define the shape of a new America. The Populists were utterly dominant in the new coalition, and they would come to shape the world in their image alone. And the choices you made set it on a path yet unseen. Behold, the world you’ve made.

It was a good day for Ron Ford. To be born in America, the greatest country to have ever been made. He saw the raggedy old flag that hung in his apartment, Old Glory, and an image of Uncle Sam, staring at him resolutely. He saluted them. As he exited his musty apartment, and went downstairs to the doors outside, he noticed a few of the lightbulbs weren’t up to snuff. He scoffed, some more local administrators skimming money from the top, a socialist, no doubt. How dare they tarnish the name of America, he’s sure that the good, patriotic people at the top will punish them soon enough.

Walking down the streets below, he was greeted by posters, touting proud, patriotic broadcasting. “Under America, you have higher wages”, “Under America, you have lower taxes”, “Under America, your rights are non-negotiable”, and “Under America, you are safe from violence.”

A great billboard hung over them. “Freedom is paramount, Patriotism is Non-Negotiable. Glory to America, glory to the American people.” And he saluted, the patriotism making him teary eyed inside. Images of Uncle Sam telling the American people to work harder for the national spirit, Feminine images of Feminine Columbia asking her fellow Americans to cut down on electricity consumption.

A burly photo of Teddy Roosevelt calling on Americans to consume less, to save the pristine beauty of America, with an image of the scenery of a national park right behind him. Ron agreed immediately, and vowed he would do his part to conserve the beauty of America. He would from here on out, eschew plastic wrappers, consume less, and do his best to preserve the beauty of lady America.

And then he saw a hot dog stand, next to a poster that read “VICTORY DOGS, the purchase of every VICTORY DOG helps our American boys keep us safe in Europe.” He walked over, paying for the victory dog with his cash, and scarfing it down in a matter of seconds. He threw the waxy paper wrapping into a nearby trash can, happy he was doing his part to win the war against those damned commie Europeans.

As he passed by several more posters, he felt a litany of emotions pour through him. “Defend Western Civilization, Protect the Gays from Muslim Barbarians!” he read, and felt a righteous indignation against the Islamic barbarians of the Middle East, harassing those who were just trying to live their lives. Then “European schools teach LGBT propaganda at their schools, put an end to them,” and another bout of rage. Is nothing sacred? He was glad that their righteous military was bombing the crap out of those degenerate perverts.

Finally, a picture of Uncle Sam, holding a big symbol of peace. “The United States stands for peace.” Damn straight, Ron thought, what goes on in the rest of the world is none of our business.

And then, he saw a crowd gathering around someone. It was that damned local administrator, he thought. He was skimming money off the top like the rest of those damned socialist saboteurs, he thought. He butt his way into the crowd, ready to give him a piece of his mind, when he heard:

“So, I need you, all of you here to elect me for 4 more years. To prevent those filthy degenerates from getting a hold of your kids. To hang all of those damned communists and damn socialists. So I can get you higher wages and lower taxes. I fight for you! The common working people, against the nefarious global elite, who would have this beautiful country trampled underfoot. God bless America, who here is with me?”

And there was a cheer out from the crowd. Ron smiled, he was mistaken, this was no socialist, he was a patriotic, beautiful, red-blooded Democrat, just like the other administrators in this city. He didn’t know which party he liked better, but both of them were just as patriotic and red blooded as the other.

It was great living in the greatest country in the entire world. And Ron thanked his lucky stars that he was born here every day.

`, "truly_free": `

Land of the Truly Free

Out here, nothing really bothered us. Our ancestors were free people of the soil, and now after the reforms of the past few years, we were free people of the soil again. Our old farm was acting up, too many bugs. So, they sprayed everything with some good old-fashioned pesticides. Ain’t no government needed to get involved, and everything was fine again.

They lived by their own rules, old pa said you ought to respect everyone’s honor and don’t get too caught up in other people’s business. Because there was nothing more dangerous than a man who felt disrespected. Every once in a while, a little man from the big city would come crawling up to us, must’ve come from the state capital in Lincoln. I always remembered the way he dressed, fancy suit and tie, so worried about getting some dirty on it. He’d ramble on and on how we’re not following this regulation and that regulation and try to impose some order on the place. But none of the big families will budge, and as soon as he’s gone, we go back to the way things used to do.

Pa says cities used to interfere with us a lot more, now they don’t interfere too much. People say we needs a government to fend against those who mess with us. Well, John Deere tried to mess with us, tinkering with their intellectual property, or whatnot. They sent their lawyers, but we fended them off with our rifles just fine. They forgot to live by the law of the land. Out here, everyone is free.

I met a girl from that farm yonder, real nice. I loved her and she loved me, and we’s got married, and ain’t a single bureaucrat need to be involved, just the way it should be.

The land isn’t quite as fertile as it used to be. The soil has begun sloping downwards, and our crop yields ain’t as good as they used to be. But we just add more fertilizers and pesticides, and things go back to normal again. The roads also ain’t maintained so well, I feel the bumps every time we take our produce to market. But it’s okay, if the big suits ain’t fixing the roads for us, we’ll simply fix them ourselves.

Uncle Jack grew up in the cities, said that the big city people would always attract homeless people, poor wretched men who parasitize off the backs of others. They say they don’t do that so much anymore, since the government’s weak. That wouldn’t fly out here. Out here, you’re here to fend for yourself. You have to be strong, or you have to be worm food. The community will help ya so much, but, you have to start carrying your own weight at some point. Ain’t enough wealth to go around otherwise.

I love America. The land of open days and open skies. The place where you can be free, where man can live in the natural way God intended them to live. Hard-working, self-reliant, free. They say there are other countries out there, but America is already so big. I dunno what other countries could possibly look like.

`, "the_road_ahead":`

The Road Ahead

The effects of the Victory of the New Right in the 2032 election were instrumental to the world we would inhabit today. The Vance presidency would be characterized by an cutting down on government waste, extensive cuts to the federal bureaucracy, and its final replacement by a more ideologically loyal regime. The reduction in competition, both in decreased immigration, stagnation in working age population, and increased productivity from deregulation saw the fastest real wage growth since the 1970’s, though this was not without its critics. Particularly from women’s rights activists.

The administration was notable for passing many socially conservative reforms, including the rollback of transgender rights, further tightening of abortion restrictions, election integrity reforms, and the repeal of various workplace anti-discrimination laws. Despite much pressure from the Christian Right, Obergefell managed to remain intact despite a 7-2 Conservative Supreme Court.

In foreign policy, Vance increased pressure on the People’s Republic, between putting harsh trade sanctions, and the creation of Association of Consumption-Led Countries. The ACLC was a bloc of the world’s largest net importers, at a time when nearly everyone was shifting towards exports with aging demographics, and used the bargaining power of the American consumption base as a heavy bargaining chip to leverage during trade negotiations.

Vance’s policies would largely be continued during the Gabbard Presidency, from 2036 to 2044. Her presidency would center around the further purging of government waste, with particular focus being put on the Department of Defense. She also initiated large-scale redistribution schemes, assisted by influential members such as Senator Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and broke up various tech trusts across her tenure. This combination of rising wages and breakup of capital resulted in the mid-century economic golden age.

Looking back on the Vance, and later Gabbard presidencies, we can see the foundations of the modern world we live in today being built, with many of their policies forming what we today know as “Neo-Populism”, and the transition away from the 6th Party System into the 7th. Today, experts believe we may be entering into the 8th Party System, as “New Liberalism” begins emerging in the Republican Party, with its focus on automation, decentralization, and free trade, and Neo-Populism remains the status quo of liberal Democrats.

`, "thank_you": `

Thank you for playing.

Thank you for playing 2032 Swan Song, from all of us at Naimina OS studios. You have achieved the historical ending, the one that most closely resembles the events that occurs in real life. We hope you have enjoyed this educational experience.

We are a small team, headquartered in Guangzhou, of the New Guangdong Territories. Our country only exists thanks to the help of the United States, and we hope this is a show of appreciation of the continued friendship between our two countries. We are honored to be able to work for a large client such as “the Movement”, or as you might know them, the Republican Party. We have a little saying here in the New Guangdong Territories, said in Cantonese, our native language.

Mei Guo Wan Sui! Long live the United States!

Now, here are some departing words from 45th and 47th president of the United States, Donald Trump.

“As the world bears witness tonight, America is a land of heroes. This is a place where greatness is born, where destinies are forged, and where legends come to life. This is the home of Thomas Edison and Teddy Roosevelt, of many great generals including Washington, Pershing, Patton, and MacArthur. This is the home of Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, Amelia Earhart, Harriet Tubman, the Wright Brothers, Neil Armstrong, and so many more. This is the country where children learn names like Wyatt Earp, Davy Crockett, and Annie Oakley. This is the place where the pilgrims landed at Plymouth and where Texas patriots made their last stand at the Alamo — the beautiful, beautiful Alamo.

The American nation was carved out of the vast frontier by the toughest, strongest, fiercest, and most determined men and women ever to walk on the face of the Earth. Our ancestors braved the unknown; tamed the wilderness; settled the Wild West; lifted millions from poverty, disease, and hunger; vanquished tyranny and fascism; ushered the world to new heights of science and medicine; laid down the railroads, dug out the canals, raised up the skyscrapers. And, ladies and gentlemen, our ancestors built the most exceptional republic ever to exist in all of human history, and we are making it greater than ever before.

This is our glorious and magnificent inheritance. We are Americans. We are pioneers. We are the pathfinders. We settled the New World, we built the modern world, and we changed history forever by embracing the eternal truth that everyone is made equal by the hand of Almighty God.

America is the place where anything can happen. America is the place where anyone can rise. And here, on this land, on this soil, on this continent, the most incredible dreams come true.

This nation is our canvas, and this country is our masterpiece. We look at tomorrow and see unlimited frontiers just waiting to be explored. Our brightest discoveries are not yet known. Our most thrilling stories are not yet told. Our grandest journeys are not yet made. The American Age, the American Epic, the American adventure has only just begun.

Our spirit is still young, the sun is still rising, God’s grace is still shining, and, my fellow Americans, the best is yet to come.

Thank you. God Bless You. God Bless America.”

`, "reconquista": `

How Conservative Christians plan on Retaking the Mainline Churches | Christianity Today

Every day, Christian churches continue to close, across America’s city centers, the sight of a once essential bedrock of the community being boarded up and shuttered is not an uncommon sight. However, what is often seen as a tragedy by many is seen as opportunity by others.

The most prominent of these is conservative Christian Richard Ackerman, better known by his online handle, “Redeemed Zoomer”, who has been working on taking over what he calls “liberal mainline churches” and returning them to what he calls “Biblically sound Christianity.” He leads a community of just over 3 million followers, and has been outspoken about the need to retake the mainline churches.

“The plan is simple, really. The mainline churches are dying out. You go there and it’s a retirement home. There’s no one there but a couple grandmas playing bingo or something. But these churches have vital historical institutions, historical roots and connections to communities that can’t easily be replaced. The plan is to take these dying old churches, flood them with younger, conservative Christians, and to realign them to Biblically sound Christianity.”

Operation Reconquista has already succeeded in taking over several mainline denominations, most prominently leading to a conservative takeover of the PCUSA over the past few years. With others such as the United Methodist Church, and the ECLA also reporting a great increase in their conservative membership. When asked how the past few years have looked, Richard seemed to be in relatively upbeat mood.

“We’re very happy with the progress we have made over the past few years. But the battle is far from won. We never thought this would be a short or simple process. Ultimately, it’s going to be a long, protracted spiritual battle for us to retake the Mainline Churches. The original Reconquista took about 800 years, we’re ready to wait just as long to bring these churches back to Biblically sound teaching. Honestly, I’m just happy that conservatives seem to have woken up to the need to retake institutions, rather than just retreating from them. About 10 years ago, you didn’t see that as much, now everything has changed.”

When asked why he wants to spend this energy to take over dying mainline denominations, rather than strengthening larger Evangelical denominations, he had this to say.

“Look, these churches aren’t just pretty buildings. That’s a strawman my opponents will try to paint me with all the time. That I’m just launching this crusade to retake some pretty buildings. No, these institutions have roots and they have a history, their connections to the community are just as important as the congregation itself. These are the institutions that founded Yale and Harvard, we can’t just let them fall by the wayside. Just as Christ believes in redemption, so do I.”

When asked about non-denominational churches, Ackerman went on a 45-minute diatribe that we have decided not to release in full in this article. When asked for parting words, Ackerman had this to say.

“Look, so many young Christians these days dream of a crusade. Or of evangelizing in some far off land. But you can do that here, right in your own local neighborhood, having a direct impact on people you meet every day. It’s really easy to get leadership positions in these dying churches, they practically give out leadership positions like candy. They’re just happy young people are finally showing an interest in their church. For a lot of people, this will be the first time they have ever heard the gospel. So if you ever want to go an evangelism mission of your own, there’s no better place to start than the church next door.”

`, "gabbard": `

Opinion: Why I left the Vance Administration, by Tulsi Gabbard | Fox News

I’m sure everyone was surprised by my decision to leave the Vance administration after 4 years of being Vice President, none more so than myself. It’s something I tried figuring out myself, since it’s a decision I didn’t quite understand myself, but now, a few months after the fact, I think I have my thoughts sorted out enough to put into words.

First, I just want to make this clear. There is no drama between JD Vance and I. Vance is a great, confident man who has done a wonderful job in the position of the Oval Office, and I departed on amicable terms. I let him know ahead of time, and I have never seen someone so understanding of my decision to leave. I told him it was nothing personal about his agenda nor his personality, simply just my decision to leave for bigger projects. What those bigger projects were, I wasn’t sure, but now, I think I know.

I was never comfortable on the right. At the start of my political career, I had always identified more as a Democrat. I am a liberal, and I suspect I always will be. I support wholeheartedly the ability for same-sex couples to get married and believe strongly we need to put an end to the decriminalization of drugs. Climate change is a real crisis, and I am a supporter of any environmentalist policy that works for the interest of all Americans, including the usage of nuclear. I have been and always will be an avid defender of the rights of American Indians, my people.

But through a combination of progressive purity spiralling, and mainstream media smears, I was forced into a coalition with the right, which I increasingly saw as the last bastions of common sense. They smeared me as a Russian agent, never mind the fact that I had served my country for 16 years, and years of investigations never turned up a single thing. They smeared me as an enemy of the LGBT community, despite my continued advocacy for their equal rights.

But my home on the political right was temporary. Though I have nothing but respect for the right and their commitment to freedom of speech, systems of merit, and their pragmatic foreign policy. And they have my eternal gratitude for taking me in when I seemed political homeless, I’m just not one of them. With the recent victory of President Vance over Democratic candidate Gavin Newsom, my goal has become clear. Our country can’t thrive if there’s only one real choice, one real party. The Democrats are spiralling, and they’re not going to get better if someone doesn’t save them. We’re better off if America has two sane parties, not just one.

So I’m coming back to the Democratic Party, and reforming it into a party of American values and common sense. One which will fight for working class families, greener energy, fight big tech monopolies, and promote a unifying, bipartisan agenda that all Americans can agree on. I’m going to get rid of the bureaucratic establishment and the identity politics nonsense that has alienated it from so many Americans, I’m going to turn it back into the Democratic Party I recognize.

In short, I’m going to Make the Left Great Again.

`, "eugenics": `

Genetically Engineered Billionaires are Reviving Eugenics on the Right | New York Times

Transhumanism and Conservatism aren’t two words you’d normally think would go together, but some influential Republican donors, who made their fortunes in the emerging biotechnology field want to change that.

“I simply don’t see a contradiction between the usage of genetic modification, and the values of the Republican Party.” Viktor Geller, biotech billionaire stated. “We believe in meritocracy; we believe in the ability for individuals to rise to the top of their own merit. If I want to spend my own money to make sure me and my offspring have the best genetics they can, what’s wrong with that?”

Geller is only one of many right-wing billionaires gathering under the banner of transhumanism, and fighting initiatives to limits IVF, a cause usually championed by the more Christian wing of the party, and has lobbied hard for the Republican Party to advocate for more freedom in experimental genetic technologies.

“People like to ask me, why aren’t you a liberal? Why don’t I hang around the progressives, maybe they would be more open to your ideas of genetic enhancement, something like that,” Geller said. “Simply put, I can’t be a liberal. Liberals, you see, believe in this idea of equality, when that has never been true. Humans are fundamentally unequal creatures. Life is comprised of fundamentally unequal creatures. The lie of liberalism goes “oh, let us ignore all of the biological differences between peoples”, when we have more and more science that says much of our personalities and capabilities are biologically determined. Transhumanism is a fundamentally right-wing idea,” he says. “Because transhumanism rips the liberal idea of equality to shreds.”

“I’m not part of the Christian right,” he adds. “All the gay stuff, I don't give a hoot about that. The Christian right, they have this idea that the Bible will lead us to salvation, follow Jesus, and he will lead us to utopia. Bah! That’s just right-wing progressivism. I respect tradition, I understand that we are finite creatures who aren’t as smart as we think we are, and as a result, we should abstain from radical change, I get that. But I think we just have a fundamentally different worldview for what the world looks like.”

When asked for his own vision of the future, his eyes began to widen, and his voice grew more passionate.

“I am a believer in the law of Darwin. Natural selection, it is the most iron law in the universe. Those who are weaker die, those who adapt survive. Natural selection dictates that for humanity to evolve and survive, we have to increasingly improve ourselves, spread ourselves among the stars. Transhumanism unlocks the keys to tomorrow, allowing us to improve the gene pool, remove genetic defects, and allow humanity to transcend to the level of gods.”

When asked whether his ideas were echoing the old, debunked 19th century theories of eugenics, he scoffed, and grew defensive.

“Bah! All eugenics is, is any policy meant to improve the genetic quality of the human population. The laws you so cherish, that forbid incest between siblings for example is considered eugenics. If you don’t do it with transhumanism now, you will have to do it with natural selection later. Those who do not adapt will be outcompeted by those who do. I will not throw away the future of humanity for the sake of “feelings”, perpetuating this liberal lie that all men are created equal. Inequality is the reality of life.”

As the interview ended, he began looking distant, looking out the window we were sitting in to the stars above.

“Life… It is a funny thing. Billions of years of evolution, and we’re about to finally shatter the glass ceiling that still contains us. I see a future, where humanity is the greatest, strongest version of itself that it can be. A million competing hypotheses, fighting and cooperating however they see fit, to complete the race for the future of life. These stars are the birthright of mankind. One day, they will bow down to us.”

`, "jstark": `

The 3D Printed Firearm Revolution, How American Gun Rights Advocates Plan on Killing Gun Control Forever. | BBC News

3D Printed Guns, they’re on the streets, they’re in our homes, and they are entering foreign countries. What started out as a few flimsy “Liberator” pistols has become a full-blown revolution. An entire cottage industry, creating, designing, and printing 3D printed firearms, and exporting the files worldwide for the world to harness.

Like the name suggests, these firearms are printed from materials from a 3D printer. Often only needing a 3D printer, some spools of plastic, and a digital file, these weapons are by their very nature hard to trace, and hard to crack down on. Leading to many government agencies to decry them as “dangerous”.

Replicas of the AR-15, FGC-9, and remodelling’s of the AK-47 have found their way used by rebel groups, private military corporations, and terror groups all around the world. America’s lax gun control laws make the creation and export of these files 100% legal, becoming a headache to any other country wanting to limit the spread of these firearms.

“It’s a New World, it’s a revolution,” said JStark, leader of a group known as “Defense Distributed”, a group dedicated to the creation and distribution of files to make 3D printed firearms. JStark is known to have gotten into a lot of close calls with the law, including one incident with German police he barely survived. “They want to crack down on it, but they’re not going to be able to do it. All you need is a spool of plastic and a 3D printing machine, and an internet connection, how the f--- are you supposed to crack down on that? We've already had billion dollar campaigns to crack down on piracy for decades now. How is this any different?”

These guns have already contributed to uprisings in Myanmar, insurgencies across the Middle East, and Chechnyan Muslims in Russia. Most notably, they have made their way into Xinjiang, where Uyghur militants have used them to take up arms against the Chinese Communist Party. When asked whether he felt responsibility for the guns that got into evil hands, JStark had this to respond.

“Where the weapon ends up is not up to me. Guns, weapons, technology, like everything it’s a double edged sword. You’ll never make a weapon that can only be used by the good guys and not the bad. Sure, some bad people will get access to these weapons, but plenty of good people have gotten access to it now. The Uighur Muslims, where do you think they would be if they didn’t have these guns? They were getting killed left and right and nobody did anything man! But now they have a weapon, and once they have a weapon, they have a fighting chance.” JStark said.

When asked whether his guns could have increased political violence in his own country, with the rise of AfD militancy bringing down German political stability, JStark seemingly doubled down.

“You either have it or you don’t. You can’t create a weapon only the good guys use and the bad guys don’t. So what if some neo-nazi white supremacist piece of sh— gets a rifle? In this world so do all of the people he wants to hurt. When you give the right to defend to everyone, it’s the people at the bottom who benefit the most,” he said. “Live Free or F---ing Die, there are not just words.”

`, "debug": `

This is debug mode, where you play through every slide possible.

`, "trump_funeral": `

Transcript: Trump’s Funeral and Eulogy

Above his open casket was a screen, playing a video of his last will and testament. And below the screen, lay the man who had lived a life well lived.

“You know,” Trump said, in the recording on a screen, his past voice speaking for a present self that was no longer present. “I feel like I have done everything there is to do. I’ve been a real estate tycoon, a billionaire, a celebrity, a TV star. I’ve become president, and served two beautiful terms. Non-consecutive terms too, only one other person has done that.”

His voice was no longer that loud, boisterous tone everyone was used to. Instead, was a hushed, softer tone. One which was deeply at peace. “Even secured my legacy with the administration of my Vice President. I’ve raised a beautiful family, so many kids… Barron… He’s my spitting image. One day the kid will grow up just like me, I just know it.”

Trump’s recording was silent. “I don’t… Know when God is going to come and take me, but when it happens, I feel like I will be ready to go. I’ve lived such a long and wonderful life, doing everything there is for a man to do. I think I’m happy now. Melania… I love you, thank you for being there for the last decades of my life. Eric, Don. Jr, Laura, Tiffany, Barron… You all make me so proud, every single day.”

“When I go, don’t cry for me. I’ve already done so much and seen so many. But nothing more beautiful than my beautiful children. I’m happy with my life, and playing golf… That was just me enjoying my retirement, knowing I have done everything there is in this life. I can’t wait until I go up to heaven. Heaven is just our next great adventure. Until we see each other again, when time has died, and the gates have closed. Thorn-king beyond, he says hello.”

And the recording shut off. The body of Trump lay silently, hands folded over his chest, at peace after everything he had done. The crowd was silent, but one man stood up among the crowd. It was Joe Biden, whose complexion was on the verge of tears.

“I’m going to say it,” Joe Biden said. “I never voted for that b---- Kamala.”

He paused. “If I knew how badly handing her the keys would f--- up the Democratic Party, I would have kept the bussing segregated.”

Biden then sat back down, as the casket came to rest in the earth below.

`, "kevin": `

Schizophrenic Homeless Man Arrested after Assaulting Parliament Building, Rants about “Parallel Timelines”. | CBC News

Local homeless man Kevin Cheng has been arrested today after an attempted breaking and entering into the Canadian Parliament building. Trying to break into the Parliament during live session and rub his feces all over the walls, Kevin was detained later today. He reported that he was in contact with “esoteric-spiritual forces” and “the voices of the Noosphere told him to” who apparently instructed him to attack Parliament and halt the cabal of ancient alien astronauts who had taken over the government.

“IT ALL LINES UP!” he was caught on camera yelling. “4 4’S MAKE 16. 16 4’S MAKE 64. ENDS WITH 4, 8 TIMES 8 OR 4 TIMES 2 TIMES 4 TIMES 2. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!”


Cheng was put into police custody in a maximum-security holding cell, but somehow managed to escape police custody shortly afterwards. The Ottawa police are currently on the lookout for his location and are accepting anonymous tips from the general public.

Unconfirmed reports of an identical looking homeless man, also named Kevin Cheng has been reported in Singapore 5 minutes after the disappearance of Cheng from the holding cell.

`, "israel": `

Israel Begins Mass “Integration” Procedures on “Judea and Samaria”, Shrugs Off Accusations of “Cultural Genocide”. | Al Jazeera

Local homeless man Kevin Cheng has been arrested today after an attempted breaking and entering into the Canadian Parliament building. Trying to break into the Parliament during live session and rub his feces all over the walls, Kevin was detained later today. He reported that he was in contact with “esoteric-spiritual forces” and “the voices of the Noosphere told him to” who apparently instructed him to attack Parliament and halt the cabal of ancient alien astronauts who had taken over the government.

“IT ALL LINES UP!” he was caught on camera yelling. “4 4’S MAKE 16. 16 4’S MAKE 64. ENDS WITH 4, 8 TIMES 8 OR 4 TIMES 2 TIMES 4 TIMES 2. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!”


Cheng was put into police custody in a maximum-security holding cell, but somehow managed to escape police custody shortly afterwards. The Ottawa police are currently on the lookout for his location and are accepting anonymous tips from the general public.

Unconfirmed reports of an identical looking homeless man, also named Kevin Cheng has been reported in Singapore 5 minutes after the disappearance of Cheng from the holding cell.

`, "seastead": `

ReasonTV: The Rise of Seasteading and “Network States”, the Future of Governance?

“Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.'

'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.'

'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.'

I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different.

I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture.”

-Andrew Ryan, Bioshock.

The idea of setting off and creating your own state, far away from the confines of any existing government has long been a staple of the libertarian imagination, going all the way back to the original pioneers, who set off for the Wild West, looking for new lands to settle. But today, we may be seeing the rise of a new revolution in governance with the rise of the network state.

The network state, in their own words is “… is a social network with a moral innovation, a sense of national consciousness, a recognized founder, a capacity for collective action, an in-person level of civility, an integrated cryptocurrency, a consensual government limited by a social smart contract, an archipelago of crowdfunded physical territories, a virtual capital, and an on-chain census that proves a large enough population, income, and real estate footprint to attain a measure of diplomatic recognition.” Though not every seastead qualifies as a network state under this definition, “network state” has now become a shorthead for any state whose membership is opt-in and consensual.

The idea of the consensual state, bound by rules that one can opt-in or opt-out of, is a revolutionary new idea that has begun being implemented with the construction of various seasteads such as Galt’s Gulch, and New Eden. According to one of the leading thinkers of the seasteading movement, the point isn’t that all of these governance projects will be successes, most projects outside of the seasteading world aren’t. But instead:

“To create competition between governments, to incentivize improvement between governing systems, and to let people vote with their feet.”

Projects such as the Network State, and the Seasteading Institute have already received large investments from well known billionaires such as Elon Musk and Peter Thiel, who see these projects as a worthwhile investment for the future of humanity. These states often take the form of “seasteads”, floating cities, operating similarly to that of cruise ships, but also in the form of “landsteads”, normally operating in special economic zones across the Global South, bringing in valuable investment to the local economies.

Even if you don’t plan to live in a seastead, there may be good reason for you to support the seasteading movement, says the founder of the Network State, an organization dedicated to promoting and explaining the concepts behind the network state. Increased competition between governance systems incentivizes other governments to improve. If there was a risk that its top earners could flee to decentralized network states off its shore, how much more likely would the United States be to treat its citizens better? If Chinese billionaires had the ability to flee to seasteads off their shore, how would China treat its citizens differently?

“Ultimately, whether you love it, hate it, or something in between, the idea of a network state is a new experiment. Our world is facing a myriad of crises, from climate change, population collapse, and financial overregulation. And though a lot of experiments fail, if we’re going to find ways to adapt to this changing world, we need a lot of new experimentation.”

`, "pmc": `

Private Military Corporations, and the end of the Monopoly on Violence | BBC News

The world has watched as private military corporations have seized an increasing amount of power over the world. With American-headed PMCs recently overthrowing the government of Haiti, and various American, Russian, Chinese, and unaffiliated private military corporations currently duking it out in West Africa, it begs the question. What is a private military corporation, and what will be their impact on the future of geopolitics?

A private military corporation is any private military or security company providing armed combat or security services in exchange for profit. They’ve become increasingly large with the fragmentation of the global order, weakening of the nation state, and the proliferation of 3D printed firearms. PMCs are normally operated in a more developed country, usually a major power or superpower, and then hire people from more undeveloped regions to work as their armed contractors.

These PMCs can pay a wage much higher than the indigenous wage offered in these countries, making them a highly desired and lucrative offer for seasoned soldiers from these countries. They’re often staffed by officers from their home country, guaranteeing a certain degree of loyalty to the home country.

They have gained much political power, with the Association of American Mercenaries, or AAM becoming one of the Republican Party’s biggest lobbying groups. They often advertise themselves as a partner to American isolationism, privatizing global intervention rather than laying it on the hands of the taxpayer. Critics say that PMCs are responsible for numerous human rights violations and are not held accountable to the rules of international law.

These tensions have come to a boil with the recent PMC operations in Latin America, overthrowing various governments and leading many to escalate their critics from a critic of human rights violations, to saying that they are a threat to the idea of a monopoly on violence.

“Look, a nation state is an entity that has exclusive control over a certain geographically defined region or territory. They have the ability to enforce laws and regulations. That is what a state is, “a monopoly on violence”. But here you see the rise of private military corporations who have the ability to supersede the state’s natural right to enforce their laws inside their borders. This is a critical threat to anyone who supports rule of law, and supports freedom and democracy around the globe,” said one prominent political scientist, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Increasing various countries, Nicaragua, Guinea, Venezuela, and now most recently, Haiti have become what political scientists have called “mercenary states”. Countries that have been taken over by American mercenaries, and have become a safe haven of operations for other PMCs looking to do illicit or otherwise unsavory activities. Despite widespread condemnation from the United Nations, the continued support these activities receive from the United States makes them hard to sanction.

With the fact that these groups are often well trained and heavily armed, and now having the resources of a state to draw from, it has become increasingly hard and unlikely that these mercenary states will be toppled.

It should be noted that while American mercenaries are the most prevalent, they are not even close to the only countries which allow and implicitly encourage private military corporations. With Russia, China, South Korea, Japan, India, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Turkey only being some of the countries that use private military groups to conduct covert operations on behalf of their national self interest, in what some call a neo-colonial strategy of new oppression against the Global South. With dozens more operating independently with their own goals and ideological motives.

`, "malcolm": `

Transcript: Pro Natalism, the Right’s New Trend? An interview with Malcolm Collins | Politico

(Begin Interview)

Interviewer: So, the way we understand it, you are one of the leading voices behind the growing pro-natalist movement on the right. But you’ve also been vocal that the decline of worldwide fertility rates is a bad thing, can you elaborate on that?

Malcolm Collins: Look, I know most of your readers are progressives, so let me make this as clear to you as I possibly can. If you are not having kids, your ideology will go extinct. Anyone who is not having 3 or more kids is going to be eliminated out of the gene pool. What I am trying to do is to create a technophilic, generationally durable alliance of pluralistic cultures that can survive long term. Because currently the only group that is able to have above replacement fertility rates are the technophobic fundamentalist religious cultures. And I just want people to understand, that is going to be the entire voterbase in a few generations.

Interviewer: You’ve recently attracted some skepticism for the statement that the 2032 elections were a “pivotal turning point” for all of human civilization. Can you elaborate what you mean by that?

Malcolm Collins: What we just saw in the 2032 elections was the final fall of the progressive urban monoculture. We’ve seen their ejection from power. Already, you have people like Tulsi Gabbard make a play to take over the left. People like Tulsi Gabbard are going to be the people in charge of the new left. This memetic virus that has taken over the academic institutions? They’re done, they’re finished. They have the single lowest fertility rate of any population group of on earth. What I think is going to happen is that we’re going to see the end of this Progressive Détente, where the progressive urban monoculture forced everyone to get along. Now with the Détente over, we’re going to see the rise of cultural competition again. And a lot of people are going to end up perishing in the next few centuries because of that. It’s tough, but it is what needs to happen for humanity to continue to evolve.

Interviewer: 25% of all liberal women identify as “child-free”, how do they factor into your vision of the future?

Malcolm Collins: They don’t. Bye bye!

Interviewer: Do you believe human worth is solely defined by reproduction, or do you see value in ideas, contributions, and legacies that transcend birthrates?

Malcolm Collins: Human worth is determined by long term cultural sustainability, and the progressives have none. Imagine a conservative seeing a progressive, and going “hey, these people have no kids, are chronically depressed, are mentally ill, and their society is headed for extinction. Let’s copy them!”. Said no one ever.

Interviewer: How do you reconcile a focus on birthrates with the principles of human dignity and the diverse ways people choose to contribute to society?

Malcolm Collins: I don’t. If your culture can’t motivate high fertility rates, then you can only grow by parasitizing people from other cultures, which is how the progressive mindvirus did it. And conservatives are now building their own education systems, look at American Academy, look at Freedom Universities, look at the Collins Institute, so good luck with that. If you want to contribute to a future that your genes and your kids have no right to, and literally be a cuck, I mean go on ahead. It’s going to be the kids of conservatives that end up benefitting.

Interviewer: Is it morally justifiable to reduce an entire ideological group’s value to their capacity for reproduction?

Malcolm Collins (Looking visibly tired): Yes.

Interviewer: Does your concern about progressive birthrates stem from a genuine interest in their well-being or an attempt to marginalize their values?

Malcolm Collins: I’ve been trying to warn them for years now. At this point I’m just rubbing it in, because we told them and they didn't listen.

Interviewer: Are you suggesting that ideological merit is determined by demographics rather than the strength and adaptability of ideas?

Malcolm Collins: … I think I just lost all motivation to continue this interview. If you have any further questions, please direct them to MalcolmGPT bot. I’m going to go back to work.

Interviewer: Do you think there is any possibilities where childless people are granted equal status to those who have large families?

MalcolmGPT: I'm sorry, but as an AI assistant, I strive to maintain a respectful and helpful environment. I cannot engage with questions that might be degrading to intellectual discourse. Please feel free to ask something constructive or try again.

`, } ending_image_dict = { "flyfishing": "", "vance_sad": "", "vance_neutral": "", "vance_happy": "", "vance_joy": "", "celebration": "", "oval_office": "", "congress": "", "reddit_mod": "", "anime": "", "china_taiwan": "", "tang_ping": "", "reglobalization": "", "russia_ukraine": "", "thank_you": "", "the_road_ahead": "", "ors_roas": "", "earth": "", "theocracy": "", "patriotism": "", "meritocracy": "", "truly_free": "", "reconquista": "", "gabbard": "", "eugenics": "", "jstark": "", "trump_funeral": "", "kevin": "", "israel": "", "seastead": "", "pmc": "", "malcolm": "", } function leading_faction(christian, populist, technocapitalist, darwinist) { let faction_list=[["christian",christian],["populist",populist],["technocapitalist",technocapitalist],["darwinist",darwinist]]; faction_list.sort(function(a, b){return a[1] - b[1]}); faction_list.reverse(); if (2 >;= faction_list[0][1]-faction_list[faction_list.length - 1][1]) { return("balanced"); } if (2 >;= faction_list[0][1]-faction_list[1][1]) { return(faction_list[0][0]+"+"+faction_list[1][0]); } if (faction_list[0][1] >;= 6) { return(faction_list[0][0]+"+") } return(faction_list[0][0]); } endingPicker = (out, totv, aa, quickstats) >=; { let CANY = 0; for (n in campaignTrail_temp.final_state_results) { if (campaignTrail_temp.final_state_results[n]["abbr"] == "CA" && campaignTrail_temp.final_state_results[n]["result"][0]["candidate"] == 300) { CANY += 1; } if (campaignTrail_temp.final_state_results[n]["abbr"] == "NY" && campaignTrail_temp.final_state_results[n]["result"][0]["candidate"] == 300) { CANY += 1; } } if (CANY == 2) { unlockAchievement("Party Switch"); } if (christian >;= 3 && technocapitalist >;= 3 && darwinist >;= 3 && populist >;= 3 && quickstats[0] >;= 270) { unlockAchievement("The New Right Rises"); } if (christian <;= 3 && technocapitalist <;= 3 && darwinist <;= 3 && populist <;= 3 && quickstats[0] >;= 270) { unlockAchievement("Neocon"); } if (quickstats[0] == 0) { setImage(ending_image_dict["flyfishing"]); return `


Vance realized the secret to politics long ago. The voters, the campaigning, it didn’t matter. Because all he had to do was slide this one slider. He didn’t know how, he didn’t know why, but for whatever reason, this conveniently placed slider in the White House seemingly controlled all of politics.

It was simple really. The more righter you push it, the more voterier you get. He really didn’t know what he was campaigning for or what he planned to change, but it looks like apparently with this slider he was going to be president for the rest of his life.

Unfortunately, he didn’t quite figure this out and pushed the lever instead all the way to the left. And he didn’t get a single vote later that election. Not vote as in electoral vote, vote as in singular vote. His entire campaign team disbanded and even he couldn’t bring himself to vote for himself.

Eventually Vance just decided he wasn’t cut out for politics and instead went on to have a long and successful career going flyfishing back in his native Ohio.

`; } if (quickstats[0] >;= 535 ) { setImage(ending_image_dict["white_house"]); return `


Vance realized the secret to politics long ago. The voters, the campaigning, it didn’t matter. Because all he had to do was slide this one slider. He didn’t know how, he didn’t know why, but for whatever reason, this conveniently placed slider in the White House seemingly controlled all of politics.

It was simple really. The more righter you push it, the more voterier you get. He had pushed it all the way to 100 and was now serving his 8th consecutive term. He really didn’t know what he was campaigning for or what he planned to change, but it looks like apparently with this slider he was going to be president for the rest of his life.

Why didn’t Trump use this back in the 2020 election? Is he stupid?

`; } if (quickstats[0] == 269) { setImage(ending_image_dict["vance_neutral"]); return `

Electoral College Tie, No Winner Emerges

To everyone’s horror, the number came right on the edge. 269-269. The crowds, both those of the Movement and those of the Regime were silent. At the stadium where President Vance was speaking, there was an air of stunned silence. As the final results trickled in, and they confirmed the final result of 269-269. Vance arrived from backstage to address the crowd before him.

“My fellow Americans… It isn’t over yet. I have just spoken to my campaign advisors. As of now, it is highly likely that the final result will end up an astonishing 269-269. It now comes down to the electoral college. If that fails, it will have to go down to Congress.”

The crowd shifted uncomfortably, while the Democrats had a slim majority in the House, the number of individual states controlled by Republicans complicated things, not to mention the possibility of defectors, RINOs, and 3rd parties continuing to complicate things.

“It looks like this campaign could still be going for another few months. I’m going to do everything within my power to make sure our Republican lawmakers vote on our side. I’m sorry I have to send you guys home, without a definitive conclusion for or against.”

“When you get there, I want you to go to work, hug your family, be the best American you can. Love thy neighbor, even if they’re a Democrat. We’re all going through a stressful time right now. Tensions are high both here and on the opposing side. If you can be a comfort for those who are going through this time of uncertainty, make sure you do that.”

Vance took a deep breath in and then out. “It’s not over yet.

”`; } if (quickstats[0] >;= 300 && difficulty == "hard") { add_slide(ending_image_dict["celebration"],slide_dict["total_movement_victory"], true, false); add_slide(ending_image_dict["the_road_ahead"],slide_dict["the_road_ahead"], false, false); add_slide(ending_image_dict["thank_you"],slide_dict["thank_you"], false, false); add_slide(ending_image_dict["ors_roas"],slide_dict["american_flyby"], false, true); unlockAchievement("The Final Countdown"); setImage(slides[0][0]); return slides[0][1]; } else if (quickstats[0] >;= 350) { add_slide(ending_image_dict["vance_joy"],slide_dict["vance_great_victory"], true, false); } else if (quickstats[0] >;= 270) { add_slide(ending_image_dict["vance_happy"],slide_dict["vance_victory"], true, false); } else if (quickstats[0] >;= 200 && difficulty == "hard") { add_slide(ending_image_dict["vance_neutral"],slide_dict["hard_defeat"], true, true); } else if (quickstats[0] >;= 200 && difficulty == "normal") { add_slide(ending_image_dict["vance_neutral"],slide_dict["normal_defeat"], true, true); } else if (quickstats[0] >;= 200 && difficulty == "easy") { add_slide(ending_image_dict["vance_sad"],slide_dict["easy_defeat"], true, true); } else if (quickstats[0] >;= 100 && difficulty == "hard") { add_slide(ending_image_dict["vance_neutral"],slide_dict["hard_crushing_defeat"], true, true); } else if (quickstats[0] >;= 100 && difficulty == "normal") { add_slide(ending_image_dict["vance_neutral"],slide_dict["normal_crushing_defeat"], true, true); unlockAchievement("A Movement Broken"); } else if (quickstats[0] >;= 100 && difficulty == "easy") { add_slide(ending_image_dict["vance_sad"],slide_dict["easy_crushing_defeat"], true, true); unlockAchievement("A Movement Broken"); } else if (difficulty == "easy") { unlockAchievement("A Movement Broken"); add_slide(ending_image_dict["anime"],slide_dict["progress"], true, true); add_slide(ending_image_dict["earth"],slide_dict["roasian_flyby"], true, true); } else { add_slide(ending_image_dict["reddit_mod"],slide_dict["reddit_mod"], true, true); } if (geopolitical_slide == "china_taiwan") { add_slide(ending_image_dict["china_taiwan"],slide_dict["china_taiwan"], false, false); } else if (geopolitical_slide == "tariffs") { add_slide(ending_image_dict["tang_ping"],slide_dict["tang_ping"], false, false); } else if (geopolitical_slide == "globalization") { add_slide(ending_image_dict["reglobalization"],slide_dict["reglobalization"], false, false); } else if (geopolitical_slide == "russia_ukraine") { add_slide(ending_image_dict["russia_ukraine"],slide_dict["russia_europe_war"], false, false); } faction_win = leading_faction(christian, populist, technocapitalist, darwinist); if (faction_win == "christian+") { add_slide(ending_image_dict["theocracy"],slide_dict["theocracy"], false, true); unlockAchievement("God's Country"); } else if (faction_win == "populist+") { add_slide(ending_image_dict["patriotism"],slide_dict["patriotism"], false, true); unlockAchievement("Patriotic and Happy"); } else if (faction_win == "technocapitalist+") { add_slide(ending_image_dict["meritocracy"],slide_dict["meritocracy"], false, true); unlockAchievement("Capitalist Cathedral"); } else if (faction_win == "darwinist+") { add_slide(ending_image_dict["truly_free"],slide_dict["truly_free"], false, true); unlockAchievement("Armstrong's Vision"); } else if (faction_win == "christian") { add_slide(ending_image_dict["reconquista"],slide_dict["reconquista"], false, true); } else if (faction_win == "populist") { add_slide(ending_image_dict["gabbard"],slide_dict["gabbard"], false, true); } else if (faction_win == "technocapitalist") { add_slide(ending_image_dict["eugenics"],slide_dict["eugenics"], false, true); } else if (faction_win == "darwinist") { add_slide(ending_image_dict["jstark"],slide_dict["jstark"], false, true); } else if (faction_win == "christian+populist") { add_slide(ending_image_dict["trump_funeral"],slide_dict["trump_funeral"], false, true); } else if (faction_win == "christian+technocapitalist") { add_slide(ending_image_dict["kevin"],slide_dict["kevin"], false, true); } else if (faction_win == "christian+darwinist") { add_slide(ending_image_dict["israel"],slide_dict["israel"], false, true); } else if (faction_win == "populist+technocapitalist") { add_slide(ending_image_dict["seastead"],slide_dict["seastead"], false, true); } else if (faction_win == "populist+darwinist") { add_slide(ending_image_dict["pmc"],slide_dict["pmc"], false, true); } else if (faction_win == "technocapitalist+darwinist") { add_slide(ending_image_dict["malcolm"],slide_dict["malcolm"], false, true); } else if (faction_win == "balanced") { add_slide(ending_image_dict["the_road_ahead"],slide_dict["the_road_ahead"], false, true); } setImage(slides[0][0]); return slides[0][1]; } image_dict = { "the movement": "", "vance": "", "the regime": "", "newsom": "", "black": "", "nwo": "", "nwo_advisor": "", "thiel_yarvin": "", "hawley": "", "sanders": "", "vivek": "", "mike lee": "", } const box = document.createElement('div'); = 'draggable-box'; const boxtext = document.createElement('p'); boxtext.innerHTML = ''; // Possible options: Pissed off with, Disappointed with, Dissatisfied with, Satisfied with, Pleased with, Enthusiastic about, Ecstatic about // Style the box Object.assign(, { width: '350px', height: '200px', backgroundColor: '#eee', color: 'black', textAlign: 'left', lineHeight: '20px', position: 'absolute', top: '20%', left: '10%', cursor: 'move', zIndex: '1000', borderRadius: '5px', boxShadow: '0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)', padding: '10px', }); // Append the box to the body document.body.appendChild(box); // Make the box draggable let isDragging = false; let offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0; box.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) >=; { isDragging = true; offsetX = e.clientX - box.offsetLeft; offsetY = e.clientY - box.offsetTop; = 'none'; // Disable transition for smooth dragging }); document.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) >=; { if (isDragging) { = `${e.clientX - offsetX}px`; = `${e.clientY - offsetY}px`; } }); document.addEventListener('mouseup', () >=; { isDragging = false; = 'all 0.1s ease'; // Reapply transition for smoother drop }); box.appendChild(boxtext) movement_candidate = "Movement"; movement_running_mate = "Vance"; movement_candidate_url = image_dict["the movement"]; movement_running_mate_url = image_dict["vance"]; campaignTrail_temp.candidate_last_name = 'The Regime'; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = ' '; campaignTrail_temp.candidate_image_url = image_dict["the regime"]; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = image_dict["nwo"]; regime_theme(); state_dict = { "alabama": 1100, "alaska": 1101, "arizona": 1102, "arkansas": 1103, "california": 1104, "colorado": 1105, "connecticut": 1106, "delaware": 1107, "florida": 1108, "georgia": 1109, "hawaii": 1110, "idaho": 1111, "illinois": 1112, "indiana": 1113, "iowa": 1114, "kansas": 1115, "kentucky": 1116, "louisiana": 1117, "maine": 1118, "maryland": 1119, "massachusetts": 1120, "michigan": 1121, "minnesota": 1122, "mississippi": 1123, "missouri": 1124, "montana": 1125, "nebraska": 1126, "nevada": 1127, "new hampshire": 1128, "new jersey": 1129, "new mexico": 1130, "new york": 1131, "north carolina": 1132, "north dakota": 1133, "ohio": 1134, "oklahoma": 1135, "oregon": 1136, "pennsylvania": 1137, "rhode island": 1138, "south carolina": 1139, "south dakota": 1140, "tennessee": 1141, "texas": 1142, "utah": 1143, "vermont": 1144, "virginia": 1145, "washington": 1146, "dc": 1147, "west virginia": 1148, "wisconsin": 1149, "wyoming": 1150, "maine-1": 1151, "maine-2": 1152, "nebraska-1": 1153, "nebraska-2": 1154, "nebraska-3": 1155, } state_dict_2 = { 1100: "alabama", 1101: "alaska", 1102: "arizona", 1103: "arkansas", 1104: "california", 1105: "colorado", 1106: "connecticut", 1107: "delaware", 1108: "florida", 1109: "georgia", 1110: "hawaii", 1111: "idaho", 1112: "illinois", 1113: "indiana", 1114: "iowa", 1115: "kansas", 1116: "kentucky", 1117: "louisiana", 1118: "maine", 1119: "maryland", 1120: "massachusetts", 1121: "michigan", 1122: "minnesota", 1123: "mississippi", 1124: "missouri", 1125: "montana", 1126: "nebraska", 1127: "nevada", 1128: "new hampshire", 1129: "new jersey", 1130: "new mexico", 1131: "new york", 1132: "north carolina", 1133: "north dakota", 1134: "ohio", 1135: "oklahoma", 1136: "oregon", 1137: "pennsylvania", 1138: "rhode island", 1139: "south carolina", 1140: "south dakota", 1141: "tennessee", 1142: "texas", 1143: "utah", 1144: "vermont", 1145: "virginia", 1146: "washington", 1147: "dc", 1148: "west virginia", 1149: "wisconsin", 1150: "wyoming", 1151: "maine-1", 1152: "maine-2", 1153: "nebraska-1", 1154: "nebraska-2", 1155: "nebraska-3", } christian_dict = { "oklahoma": 1, "arkansas": 1, "louisiana": 1, "alabama": 1, "mississippi": 1, "tennessee": 1, "georgia": 1, "south carolina": 1, "north carolina": 1, "virginia": 0.5, "west virginia": 0.5, "missouri": 0.5, "kansas": 0.5, "texas": 0.5, "utah": 0.5, } technocapitalist_dict = { "california": 2, "new york": 2, "delaware": 2, "massachusetts": 2, "rhode island": 2, "connecticut": 2, "new jersey": 1, "florida": 0.5, "texas": 0.5, "oregon": 1, "washington": 1, } darwinist_dict = { "idaho": 1, "montana": 1, "nevada": 1, "alaska": 1, "arizona": 1, "utah": 0.5, "wyoming": 1, "new mexico": 1.5, "colorado": 1.5, "nebraska": 1, "nebraska-1": 1, "nebraska-2": 1, "nebraska-3": 1, "south dakota": 1, "north dakota": 1, "washington": 1, "oregon": 1, "kansas": 0.5, "iowa": 0.5, "minnesota": 1, "florida": 0.5, "maine-1": 2, "maine-2": 2, "maine-3": 2, "maine": 2, "vermont": 2, "new hampshire": 2, } populist_dict = { "minnesota": 1, "iowa": 0.5, "wisconsin": 1, "illinois": 1.5, "indiana": 1, "michigan": 1, "kentucky": 0.5, "ohio": 1, "pennsylvania": 1, "west virginia": 0.5, "virginia": 1, "new jersey": 1, } function geo_calc(num,mult) { if (num >;= 0) { return 1+mult*0.05*(1-Math.pow(0.9, num))/0.1; } else { return 1-mult*0.05*(1-Math.pow(1.2, -num))/-0.2; } } function base_turnout() { for (let n in campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json) { if (campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["candidate"] == 300) { let state = state_dict_2[campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["state"]]; //console.log(campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["state_multiplier"]); if (populist_dict[state] != null) { campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["state_multiplier"] = campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["state_multiplier"]*geo_calc(populist-3,populist_dict[state]); //console.log(geo_calc(populist-3,populist_dict[state])); } if (christian_dict[state] != null) { campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["state_multiplier"] = campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["state_multiplier"]*geo_calc(christian-3,christian_dict[state]); //console.log(geo_calc(christian-3,christian_dict[state])); } if (darwinist_dict[state] != null) { campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["state_multiplier"] = campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["state_multiplier"]*geo_calc(darwinist-3,darwinist_dict[state]); //console.log(geo_calc(darwinist-3,darwinist_dict[state])); } if (technocapitalist_dict[state] != null) { campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["state_multiplier"] = campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["state_multiplier"]*geo_calc(technocapitalist-3,technocapitalist_dict[state]); //console.log(geo_calc(technocapitalist-3,technocapitalist_dict[state])); } //console.log(campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["state_multiplier"]); } } } function getAnswerFeedbackNumberFromPk(pk) { return>=;; } function turnout_feedback() { let factionnum=0; missingfactions=[]; showedupfactions=[]; if (darwinist >;= 3) { factionnum += 1; showedupfactions.push("Darwinists"); } else { missingfactions.push("Darwinists"); } if (christian >;= 3) { factionnum += 1; showedupfactions.push("Christians"); } else { missingfactions.push("Christians"); } if (technocapitalist >;= 3) { factionnum += 1; showedupfactions.push("Technocapitalists"); } else { missingfactions.push("Technocapitalists"); } if (populist >;= 3) { factionnum += 1; showedupfactions.push("Populists"); } else { missingfactions.push("Populists"); } if (factionnum == 4) { campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_json[getAnswerFeedbackNumberFromPk("340001")].fields.answer_feedback = ` The Movement materializes all around you, slowly, then all at once. You can feel it, in the earth and in the sky, like a sound of an angry storm. The polls begin to swing hard in your direction, but you’re down deeply in the polls. Let’s hope you make it.`; } if (factionnum == 3) { campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_json[getAnswerFeedbackNumberFromPk("340001")].fields.answer_feedback = ` The Movement materializes all around you, slowly, then all at once. The ${missingfactions[0]} are missing, depressed turnout through disillusionment with your policies. This looks to be a repeat of 2028. So hang on tight.`; } if (factionnum == 2) { campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_json[getAnswerFeedbackNumberFromPk("340001")].fields.answer_feedback = ` The Movement materializes all around you, slowly, then all at once. The ${missingfactions[0]} and ${missingfactions[1]} are missing, depressed turnout through disillusionment with your policies. Your coalition is weaker now. Here’s hoping your margin holds.`; } if (factionnum == 1) { campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_json[getAnswerFeedbackNumberFromPk("340001")].fields.answer_feedback = ` The Movement materializes all around you, slowly, then all at once. Only the ${showedupfactions[0]} showed up to help you, everyone else stayed home due to depressed turnout. This is going to be an uphill battle, here’s hoping your margin holds.`; } if (factionnum == 0) { campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_json[getAnswerFeedbackNumberFromPk("340001")].fields.answer_feedback = ` No one. What you’ve gained with the median voter, you’ve lost among your base. You’ve been left all alone, abandoned by the core who supported you. Your lead is far ahead, but your enthusiasm is at record lows. Here’s hoping that your polling lead survives the fall.`; } } function movement_theme() { campaignTrail_temp.election_json[0].fields.advisor_url = image_dict["thiel_yarvin"]; header_color = "rgb(74, 105, 120)"; outer_game_window_color = "rgb(138, 163, 178)"; outer_descriptive_window_color = "#aec8d5"; outer_container_color = "rgb(55, 77, 72)"; header_img_url = ""; background_img_url = ""; results_container_color = "#aec8d5"; //Running Mate Description Window color question_window_color = "#F8F8F8"; question_window_background = ""; question_window_text_color = "black"; question_background_color = "#E8FBFF"; progress_window_color = "white"; progress_bar_text_color = "black"; applyNewTheme(); } function dark_movement_theme() { campaignTrail_temp.election_json[0].fields.advisor_url = image_dict["thiel_yarvin"]; header_color = "rgb(37, 53, 60)"; outer_game_window_color = "rgb(69, 81, 89)"; outer_descriptive_window_color = "#aec8d5"; outer_container_color = "rgb(27, 38, 36)"; header_img_url = ""; background_img_url = ""; results_container_color = "#aec8d5"; //Running Mate Description Window color question_window_color = "#F8F8F8"; question_window_background = ""; question_window_text_color = "black"; question_background_color = "#E8FBFF"; progress_window_color = "white"; progress_bar_text_color = "black"; applyNewTheme(); } function regime_theme() { campaignTrail_temp.election_json[0].fields.advisor_url = image_dict["nwo_advisor"]; header_color = "rgb(4 0 53)"; outer_game_window_color = "rgb(4 0 53)"; outer_descriptive_window_color = "rgb(4 0 53)"; outer_container_color = "black"; header_img_url = ""; background_img_url = ""; results_container_color = "rgb(4 0 53)"; //Running Mate Description Window color question_window_color = "#F8F8F8"; question_window_background = ""; question_window_text_color = "black"; question_background_color = "#E8FBFF"; progress_window_color = "white"; progress_bar_text_color = "black"; applyNewTheme(); } function polarize(issue, minscore_adj, maxscore_adj) { min_score = 1; max_score = -1; for (let n = 0; n max_score) { max_score = score; } if (score <; min_score) { min_score = score; } } } let adj_minscore = min_score + minscore_adj; let adj_maxscore = max_score + maxscore_adj; for (let n = 0; n .game_header { background: ${header_color}; } #header { src: ${header_img_url}; } body { background: url(${background_img_url}) } #game_window { background: ${outer_game_window_color}; } .inner_window_w_desc { background: ${results_container_color}!important; } .inner_window_question h3 { margin: 0 1em .5em; border: double; border-color: #c9c9c9; background-color: ${question_background_color}; } .inner_window_question { background-color: ${question_window_color}; border-style: double; border-color: #C9C9C9; text-align: center; height: 56%; position: relative; clear: both; background-image: url(${question_window_background}); color: ${question_window_text_color}; } .inner_window_sign_display { margin: 0; height: 25%; position: relative; width: 30%; height: 28%; background-color: ${progress_window_color}; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-style: double; border-color: #C9C9C9; } #progress_bar h3 { color: ${progress_bar_text_color}; } `; document.head.appendChild(newtheme); } function changeQuestion(question,pk) { // Sets question pos to pk. let temp1 =>=;; e.questions_json[question-1] = e.questions_json[temp1]; } function changeAnswer(answerpk,questionpk) { // Sets the question of answer pk to questionpk. let temp1 =>=; e.answers_json[temp1]["fields"]["question"] = questionpk; } function add_sign(num) { if (num <; 0) { return(num); } else { return("+"+num); } } function adjust_support(num) { for (let n in campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json) { if (campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["candidate"] == 300) { campaignTrail_temp.candidate_state_multiplier_json[n]["fields"]["state_multiplier"] += num; } } } function translate(num) { if (num >; 2.5) { return("ecstatic about"); } else if (num >; 1.5) { return("enthusiastic about"); } else if (num >; 0.5) { return("pleased with"); } else if (num >; -0.5) { return("satisfied with"); } else if (num >; -1.5) { return("dissatisfied with"); } else if (num >; -2.5) { return("disappointed with"); } else { return("pissed off with"); } } function dynamic_text_box() { let christian_temp = translate(christian - expectation); let technocapitalist_temp = translate(technocapitalist - expectation); let populist_temp = translate(populist - expectation); let darwinist_temp = translate(darwinist - expectation); let christian_temp2 = add_sign((christian - expectation).toFixed(2)); let technocapitalist_temp2 = add_sign((technocapitalist - expectation).toFixed(2)); let populist_temp2 = add_sign((populist - expectation).toFixed(2)); let darwinist_temp2 = add_sign((darwinist - expectation).toFixed(2)); boxtext.innerHTML = `State of the New Right Coalition:

Your Christians are ${christian_temp} your campaign. (${christian_temp2})

Your Populists are ${populist_temp} your campaign. (${populist_temp2})

Your Technocapitalists are ${technocapitalist_temp} your campaign. (${technocapitalist_temp2})

Your Darwinists are ${darwinist_temp} your campaign. (${darwinist_temp2})`; } highlight_list = []; function add_highlight() { for (let n = 0; n`+campaignTrail_temp.answers_json[n].fields.description+``; } } } expectation = 0; populist = 0; christian = 0; technocapitalist = 0; darwinist = 0; old_populist = populist; old_christian = christian; old_technocapitalist = technocapitalist; old_darwinist = darwinist; difficulty = "unset"; opinion_shift = "unset"; geopolitical_slide = "unset"; console.log("QUESTION "+1+":"); console.log("Populism: "+populist+" ("+(add_sign(populist-old_populist))+")"); console.log("Christianity: "+christian+" ("+(add_sign(christian-old_christian))+")"); console.log("Technocapitalism: "+technocapitalist+" ("+(add_sign(technocapitalist-old_technocapitalist))+")"); console.log("Darwinism: "+darwinist+" ("+(add_sign(darwinist-old_darwinist))+")"); cyoAdventure = function (a) { ans = campaignTrail_temp.player_answers[campaignTrail_temp.player_answers.length-1]; old_populist = populist; old_christian = christian; old_technocapitalist = technocapitalist; old_darwinist = darwinist; if (difficulty == "easy") { adjust_support(0.002) } else if (difficulty == "medium") { adjust_support(0.0005) } else if (difficulty == "hard") { adjust_support(-0.0015) } if (opinion_shift == "traditionalist") { polarize("Moralism", -0.01, 0); } else if (opinion_shift == "futurist") { polarize("Economic", -0.01, 0); } else if (opinion_shift == "libertarian") { polarize("Bureaucracy", -0.01, 0); } else if (opinion_shift == "nationalist") { polarize("Nationalism", -0.01, 0); } if (e.question_number+1 >;= 2 && 21 >;= e.question_number+1) { expectation += 0.15; console.log(expectation); } if (e.question_number+2 == 10) { campaignTrail_temp.candidate_last_name = "The"; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = "Movement"; campaignTrail_temp.candidate_image_url = image_dict["the movement"]; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = image_dict["the movement"]; setTimeout(dark_movement_theme, 10); } if (e.question_number+2 == 11) { campaignTrail_temp.candidate_last_name = "Movement"; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = "Vance"; campaignTrail_temp.candidate_image_url = image_dict["the movement"]; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = image_dict["vance"]; setTimeout(movement_theme, 10); } if (e.question_number+2 == 26) { campaignTrail_temp.candidate_last_name = 'The Regime'; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = ' '; campaignTrail_temp.candidate_image_url = image_dict["the regime"]; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = image_dict["nwo"]; setTimeout(regime_theme, 10); } if (e.question_number+2 == 27) { campaignTrail_temp.candidate_last_name = "The"; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = "Movement"; campaignTrail_temp.candidate_image_url = image_dict["the movement"]; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = image_dict["the movement"]; setTimeout(dark_movement_theme, 10); } if (e.question_number+2 == 28) { campaignTrail_temp.candidate_last_name = movement_candidate; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = movement_running_mate; campaignTrail_temp.candidate_image_url = movement_candidate_url; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = movement_running_mate_url; setTimeout(movement_theme, 10); } if (ans == 10001 || ans == 10002 || ans == 10003) { campaignTrail_temp.candidate_last_name = movement_candidate; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = movement_running_mate; campaignTrail_temp.candidate_image_url = movement_candidate_url; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = movement_running_mate_url; setTimeout(movement_theme, 10); } if (ans == 10001) { // Medium Difficulty changeQuestion(6,"question_6b"); difficulty = "medium"; } if (ans == 10002) { // Easy Difficulty changeQuestion(6,"question_6a"); difficulty = "easy"; } if (ans == 10003) { // Hard Difficulty changeQuestion(6,"question_6c"); difficulty = "hard"; } if (ans == 20001) { christian += 1; highlight_list = [30004,80003,100001,130003,160002,190003,210001]; add_highlight() } if (ans == 20002) { darwinist += 1; highlight_list = [30003,50001,90004,100003,110004,120002,130002,160004,180001]; add_highlight() } if (ans == 20003) { technocapitalist += 1; highlight_list = [40003,50001,70001,90002,100002,120001,130001,160003,180003,210004]; add_highlight() } if (ans == 20004) { populist += 1; highlight_list = [40002,70002,90003,100004,120003,130003,160001,180004,210002]; add_highlight() } if (ans == 30003) { darwinist += 1; } if (ans == 30004) { christian += 1; } if (ans == 40002) { populist += 1; } if (ans == 40003) { technocapitalist += 1; } if (ans == 50001) { technocapitalist += 2; populist -= 1; darwinist +=1; } if (ans == 50002) { technocapitalist += 1; } if (ans == 70001) { populist -= 1; technocapitalist += 1; changeQuestion(17,"question_17b"); } if (ans == 70002) { populist += 1; technocapitalist -= 1; changeQuestion(17,"question_17a"); } if (ans == 80002) { christian += 1; } if (ans == 80003) { christian += 2; } if (ans == 80004) { christian -= 2; } if (ans == 90002) { technocapitalist += 1; } if (ans == 90003) { populist += 1; } if (ans == 90004) { darwinist += 1; } if (ans == 100001) { opinion_shift = "traditionalist"; christian -= 1; } if (ans == 100002) { opinion_shift = "futurist"; technocapitalist -= 1; } if (ans == 100003) { opinion_shift = "libertarian"; darwinist -= 1; } if (ans == 100004) { opinion_shift = "nationalist"; populist -= 1; } if (ans == 110001) { darwinist -= 1; } if (ans == 110003) { darwinist += 1; } if (ans == 110004) { darwinist += 2; } if (ans == 120001) { technocapitalist += 1; } if (ans == 120002) { darwinist += 1; } if (ans == 120003) { populist += 1; } if (ans == 130001) { technocapitalist += 1; } if (ans == 130002) { darwinist += 1; } if (ans == 130003) { populist += 1; christian += 1; } if (ans == 160001) { populist += 1; movement_candidate = "Vance"; movement_running_mate = "Hawley"; movement_candidate_url = image_dict["vance"]; movement_running_mate_url = image_dict["hawley"]; } if (ans == 160002) { christian += 1; movement_candidate = "Vance"; movement_running_mate = "Sanders"; movement_candidate_url = image_dict["vance"]; movement_running_mate_url = image_dict["sanders"]; } if (ans == 160003) { technocapitalist += 1; movement_candidate = "Vance"; movement_running_mate = "Ramaswamy"; movement_candidate_url = image_dict["vance"]; movement_running_mate_url = image_dict["vivek"]; } if (ans == 160004) { darwinist += 1; movement_candidate = "Vance"; movement_running_mate = "Lee"; movement_candidate_url = image_dict["vance"]; movement_running_mate_url = image_dict["mike lee"]; } if (ans == 160001 || ans == 160002 || ans == 160003 || ans == 160004) { campaignTrail_temp.candidate_last_name = movement_candidate; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = movement_running_mate; campaignTrail_temp.candidate_image_url = movement_candidate_url; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = movement_running_mate_url; } if (ans == 170011) { changeQuestion(31,"question_31_economic_crash"); geopolitical_slide = "tariffs"; populist += 1; } if (ans == 170012) { changeQuestion(31,"question_31_reindustrialization"); geopolitical_slide = "tariffs"; populist += 1; } if (ans == 170013) { changeQuestion(31,"question_31_china_taiwan_war"); geopolitical_slide = "china_taiwan"; populist += 1; } if (ans == 170014) { changeQuestion(31,"question_31_slow_growth"); geopolitical_slide = "globalization"; populist += 1; } if (ans == 170021) { changeQuestion(31,"question_31_recovering_economy"); geopolitical_slide = "globalization"; populist -= 1; } if (ans == 170022) { changeQuestion(31,"question_31_recovering_economy"); geopolitical_slide = "globalization"; technocapitalist += 1; } if (ans == 170023) { changeQuestion(31,"question_31_stagnating_economy"); geopolitical_slide = "russia_ukraine"; } if (ans == 170024) { changeQuestion(31,"question_31_stagnating_economy"); geopolitical_slide = "russia_ukraine"; } if (ans == 180001) { darwinist += 1; } if (ans == 180003) { technocapitalist += 1; } if (ans == 180004) { populist += 1; } if (ans == 190001) { christian += 1; } if (ans == 190002) { christian += 1; } if (ans == 190003) { christian += 2; } if (ans == 210001) { christian += 1; } if (ans == 210002) { technocapitalist += 1; } if (ans == 210004) { populist += 1; } if (ans == 270004) { campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[27].fields.description = "Over 200 people are dead in the aftermath of the numerous Autonomous Zones, with many mayors refusing to intervene out of ideological loyalty. Both the Regime and the Movement had their role to play in the needless deaths today. Newsom gave a full-hearted condemnation of the matter. Hundreds of businesses lost, thousands of livelihoods ruined. What is your response?"; changeAnswer(280001,"hidden"); changeAnswer(280002,"question_28"); } total_points = technocapitalist + christian + darwinist + populist; if (total_points >;= 10) { changeQuestion(20,"question_20c"); } else if (total_points >;= 5 ) { changeQuestion(20,"question_20b"); } else { changeQuestion(20,"question_20a"); } if (technocapitalist >;=3) { changeAnswer(300011,"question_30"); changeAnswer(300021,"hidden"); } else { changeAnswer(300011,"hidden"); changeAnswer(300021,"question_30"); } if (christian >;=3) { changeAnswer(300012,"question_30"); changeAnswer(300022,"hidden"); changeAnswer(230001,"question_23"); changeAnswer(230002,"hidden"); } else { changeAnswer(300012,"hidden"); changeAnswer(300022,"question_30"); changeAnswer(230001,"hidden"); changeAnswer(230002,"question_23"); } if (populist >;=3) { changeAnswer(300013,"question_30"); changeAnswer(300023,"hidden"); } else { changeAnswer(300013,"hidden"); changeAnswer(300023,"question_30"); } if (darwinist >;=3) { changeAnswer(300014,"question_30"); changeAnswer(300024,"hidden"); } else { changeAnswer(300014,"hidden"); changeAnswer(300024,"question_30"); } if (ans == 340001) { base_turnout(); } turnout_feedback(); dynamic_text_box(); console.log("QUESTION "+(e.question_number+2)+":"); console.log("Populism: "+populist+" ("+(add_sign(populist-old_populist))+")"); console.log("Christianity: "+christian+" ("+(add_sign(christian-old_christian))+")"); console.log("Technocapitalism: "+technocapitalist+" ("+(add_sign(technocapitalist-old_technocapitalist))+")"); console.log("Darwinism: "+darwinist+" ("+(add_sign(darwinist-old_darwinist))+")"); } campaignTrail_temp.questions_json = [ { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_1", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "A raging, devouring swarm. The Periphery has come for vengeance, Canada, Britain, Germany, sieging down the strongholds of your Regime. All of these local movements coordinated but separate, they’re devouring you whole. Your resources are global, but they’re spread thinly. An alert, the Movement in America is poised to win another election, threatening to evict you from your very heartland. How do you react?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_2", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are JD Vance, leader of the Movement, and President of the United States. The final battle is about to begin, but in order to win, you will need guidance. Before you are a Bible, a rifle, a black sphere, and a photo. So, JD Vance… To what do you look for guidance?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_3", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The year is 2032. You finish a speech at the Republican National Convention, center of the Movement Resistance. The stadium is packed with energetic and enthusiastic members. As you finish your parting words, on what theme should you end this speech?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_4", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Prices have risen substantially ever since the Great Uncoupling, driving investors and capital back to the United States. While this has allowed America to reindustrialize, it has also pushed up the price of groceries through price inflation. Both you and Trump promised to bring down the price of groceries, how do you address this?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_5", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Another issue that has come up is that of the national deficit. Though both you and Trump have promised to never touch Social Security benefits, the Social Security fund is projected to go bankrupt by 2035, just a few years away. All the while, the National Debt has grown to a monstrous 40 trillion, just over 100% of the US GDP. What are your plans to balance the budget, and assuage these economic anxieties?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_6", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "GERMANY PLACEHOLDER", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_7", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The Chinese have decided to throw down the gauntlet. Thinking you're vulnerable during an election year against the Regime, they've torn up the previous trade agreement, and are escalating tariffs to force you to the negotiating table. This has sent the economy in a tailspin. They demand a renegotiation, something which will clearly favor the Chinese, and seem to be playing hardball to negotiate. Do you concede to their demands?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_8", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "It’s not even campaign season yet, and the puppets of the Regime have already brought it back up as a talking point. They’re once again waving around the fearmongering wand of abortion, in some vain attempt to turn out female voters. With abortion back in the news, you’re once again being pressed on your own views, how do you respond?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_9", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Another issue that has returned to the forefront is education. After you and Trump abolished the Department of Education, the left has been screeching that you’re looking to destroy the education system. Meanwhile, you hear more cries from the conservative base to tackle free speech issues, while others want to focus on the problem of anti-semitism. What are your plans for education reform?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_10", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are the Movement. Policy is not the only space in which you perform your operations. You also operate in the cultural battlefield. The Internet has long since become home base, where new ideas are created, where new culture is generated, and where your movement is organized. You now control the reins of culture, where it goes, and where it doesn’t. Ahead of this coming election, what would you like to push?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_11", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Despite a promise to crack down on crime and to ensure safer streets for America, gun violence continues to plague the front-page news. Renewed attention has been put on the need for gun control, an increasingly losing battle against a 7-2 Supreme Court. What do you say on the prospect of gun issues?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_12", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "It was a fool’s errand to expect that the Regime was going to leave you alone. Deep State actors, men in dark suits have begun cracking down on your growing movement. 3 letter agencies sending orders, trying to throttle the internet to prevent the Movement from growing. Google has been caught doing a mass purge of right-wing thinkers, striking at the intellectual core of the New Right. What do you do?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_13", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "It doesn’t end there. Swarms of DNC bots, operated out of 3rd World countries have begun swarming the internet. They’re everywhere, making posts and trying to steer the conversation. For the Movement’s natural affinity for the web, they don’t have an effective way to counter this. How do you respond?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_14", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Musk has been a good ally of yours, timing the launches of his space rockets to boost you in your presidential campaigns. To coincide with your coming re-election campaign, he’s ready to launch his newest experimental rocket, the Starship 2. He and NASA have been planning this for months, but today it launches. You have been invited to the launch site in Florida, watching as the countdown ticks down. 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_15", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Is this some kind of joke? 6 months of primaries, and this is who the Regime throws at you? Gavin Newsom? Ex-governor and senator, Gavin Newsom, the slimiest, most establishment, most loyal bootkisser in the entire DNC. You don’t know whether to be mad or stunned.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_16", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You won the Republican nomination, no surprise there, but the subject of your Vice President has come up. For the past 4 years, you’ve run with vice president Tulsi Gabbard. But now, she’s announced she will not be seeking a second term. You speak at the RNC, expected to announce her replacement. Who do you pick?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_17", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "CHINA TRADE PLACEHOLDER", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_18", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Your own economy has been struggling as well. With grocery prices still a great concern, and your handling of the economy being rated as lukewarm at best. With election day looming, and economic issues the greatest concern on the front of mind, how do you handle this?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_19", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The Christians have been pressuring you to try and move right on social issues and have been frustrated with the slow pace of social progress. Trump kept them happy with the repeal of Roe V. Wade, but now 10 years after the fact, you don’t have that excuse anymore. Particularly, they’ve been pushing you to make a statement on traditional marriage. How do you placate your Christian faction?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_20", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "POLLING PLACEHOLDER", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_21", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Under the past 2 administrations, immigration has sunken to record lows, as the interconnected world broke down, and Latin America continued its demographic transition. With the heights of illegal immigration far behind us, what is your plan for the next 4 years in regard to border security?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_22", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Gavin Newsom, puppet of the Regime, begins hammering you on grocery prices. He claims that you and Trump’s tariffs and strict immigration policy have driven up prices for everyday Americans. His words are resonating across middle- and lower-class America, where these grocery prices have hit them the most. How do you respond?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_23", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Your personal life has come under fire, this time from your own side. Quiet whispers go around about your Hindu wife, and your commitment to the Christian faith. They’ve been around all the way since 2028. But now it’s finally comes to a head when you’re asked about it point blank in front of a crowd of Christians. How do you respond to this?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_24", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Breaking news from the American South, hurricane Dolly has ripped across the state of Florida. The hurricane is a disaster, with FEMA overwhelmed by the monumental damage. Newsom is capitalizing this into rhetoric on your lack of action on climate change, and the need for climate action. How do you respond?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_25", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Staring down the specter of the Regime, it’s about time you went on a counterattack. Gathering the top minds of the Movement, how do you plan to make the most out of attacking Newsom?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_26", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Unarmed. A black man. Policeman. Pinned down. Shot. A single incident in a nation of millions. But a useful one.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_27", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Cities alight, America is burning. Protests in the streets. There is looting, family businesses burned to the ground. People defending from rooftops. They’re rounding up conservatives in the Autonomous Zones. The Movement is under attack. What do we do?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_28", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Over 50 people are dead in the aftermath of the numerous Autonomous Zones, with many mayors refusing to intervene out of ideological loyalty. The Regime has been rather quiet about this, but you know them to be behind it. Newsom gave a half-hearted condemnation of the matter. Hundreds of businesses lost, thousands of livelihoods ruined. What is your response?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_29", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Newsom has been hopping from city to city, turning out the graduate vote and trying to flip the suburban vote. University enrollment peaked years ago, and now these are an aging demographic. His slick, clean persona wins over those repelled by your more abrasive, crude personality. The suburbs are an important part of any coalition, how do you try to hang onto them?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_30", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The Democratic coalition is hardening, the party coalitions are solidifying. The great party realignment however is coming to an end. But you can still see one last chance to grow your coalition. You eye up the Democratic coalition, prying for possible weaknesses. Where would you like to focus?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_31", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "ECONOMY PLACEHOLDER", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_32", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Debate night. The eyes of the world, both mainstream and alternative are on you. You don’t know what Newsom has been trained on, but you are determined to make a difference tonight. Both standing behind a podium, you stare into the eyes of your opponent, what is your strategy for tonight?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_33", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The nation of Israel has invited you over as a sign of your continued long-standing friendship. They have recently finished their annexation of the territories of Judea and Samaria, after a long and brutal resistance campaign. You’ve come to sign a statement recognizing their sovereignty over Judea and Samaria.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_34", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are all alone. Election day comes nearer and nearer. The polls have you in an uncomfortable position compared to Newsom. You think back. In every election since 2016, the polls have always underestimated the right. A whole 4 election cycles later, and the pattern might still hold. The nation seems so quiet…", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_35", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The last day before the election. All your rallies held; all of your speeches had. You have a few more hours to visit wherever you want. Where would you like to go?", "likelihood": 1 } }, // Question storage { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_6a", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You receive breaking news out of Germany, the German elections of 2032 have just taken place, with the governing Grand Coalition winning yet another term. Do you have any words for the new incoming administration?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_6b", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You receive breaking news out of Germany, the German elections of 2032 have just taken place. The Grand Coalition has fallen below the threshold for a majority government, forcing the CDU into a new coalition with the populist right AfD. Do you have any words for the new incoming administration?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_6c", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You receive breaking news out of Germany, the German elections of 2032 have just taken place. In what is a shock to everyone, the AfD has emerged triumphant, forming a coalition with the CDU in an AfD-led government. Do you have any words for the new incoming administration?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_17a", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The Chinese economy has been struggling, with your maximum pressure trade war still going full steam ahead. Slowing growth has turned into full blown stagnation, and Chinese “Tangping” protests are engulfing the streets. Confidence in the Chinese economy is shaking, and your trade advisors warn that the situation is becoming critical. Xi Jinping has returned for more trade talks, what do you do?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_17b", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You and Xi have both been forced back to the negotiating table. Neither of your economies are doing particularly well, and you hope a new trade agreement can smooth over the economic bumps in your relationship. But at the very last moment, Xi Jinping tries to keep some import tariffs to protect his domestic producers. How do you respond?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_20a", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You’re up in the polls, which is good news. You’ve seemingly subscribed to median voter theory, pivoting as hard to the center as possible to get the most votes. But it’s paying dividends, with political pundits praising your return to normalcy. What do you have to say about it?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_20b", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Your polling is somewhat concerning. There’s a large degree of uncertainty of where you are compared to Newsom, with political pundits like Nate Silver forecasting a close election. You seem to have taken a balanced approach between your base and the moderates. What do you have to say about it?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_20c", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The polls are not looking good. Your support has sunk compared to where it was earlier this year. All those overtures to your base, they’ve alienated the moderates. Political pundits of the left and center are criticizing your divisive rhetoric. What do you have to say for yourself?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_31_economic_crash", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "It has been months since the start of your all-out trade war with China. You hear the Chinese economy has been struggling ever since. You are simply browsing your phone when you receive the news. The Chinese economy has just collapsed.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_31_reindustrialization", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "It has been months since the start of your all-out trade war with China. You hear the Chinese economy has been struggling ever since. Over the past few years, reindustrialization has taken place in America. And now, it is finally complete. The American Steel Belt stands proud and strong, millions have returned to work. The future is American.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_31_china_taiwan_war", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "It has been months since the start of your all-out trade war with China. Other countries joined in, sending the Chinese economy into a tailspin. You are simply browsing your phone when you receive the news. With the economy in a depression, and nothing left to lose, China has finally snapped, launching an attack on Taiwan.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_31_slow_growth", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "It has been months since the start of your all-out trade war with China. You hear the Chinese economy has been struggling ever since. Growth has been slow in America, but finally, the American economy is beginning to recover. Prices have finally stabilized; wages are still growing.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_31_recovering_economy", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "It has been months since you negotiated a new trade deal with China. Chinese imports arrive in American ports. The trade war is over, the world is beginning to heal. The economy is growing, prices are falling…", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "question_31_stagnating_economy", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "It has been months since your negotiations with China have fallen through. The economy is sluggish, prices are rising, and wages have barely been keeping up. As the world falls into further darkness, America is barely treading water.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": "hidden", "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "This is just to soak up the console errors.", "likelihood": 1 } }, ] campaignTrail_temp.answers_json = [ { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10001, "fields": { "question": `question_1`, "description": `We cannot concede among the periphery nor the imperial heartland. Spread our resources as evenly as we can. We have to make it.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10002, "fields": { "question": `question_1`, "description": `America is a lost cause. Concentrate our resources into the outer colonies. We’ll regroup on the European continent and make our next moves from there. We might have lost the battle, but we’ll still keep fighting for the inevitable war.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10003, "fields": { "question": `question_1`, "description": `Concentrate all our resources into America. America is the lynchpin which the entire Regime must hang over. It’s all or nothing. To hell with Britain, to hell with Canada, if we lose America, we lose everything.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 20001, "fields": { "question": `question_2`, "description": `The Lord. I am a man of faith, and there are no better guides than his holy word, and the timeless wisdom imparted in the Judeo-Christian tradition.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 20002, "fields": { "question": `question_2`, "description": `My honor, and my own conscience. I am born free, and I die free. I am the master of my own destiny, and no one else.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 20003, "fields": { "question": `question_2`, "description": `The future. What we do today will impact forever. I remember what my mentors, Thiel and Yarvin taught me. I have to look at the bigger picture.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 20004, "fields": { "question": `question_2`, "description": `My people back in the Midwest. There are millions of people who have put their trust in me. I am but a public servant, and my duty is to make sure their needs are met.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 30001, "fields": { "question": `question_3`, "description": `The economy. We’ve done so much in the past 4 years to get you lower taxes, better jobs, and cut out the waste from this bloated bureaucracy. The economy is practically exploding right now. If I am re-elected, I will keep this economy going for 4 more years!` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 30002, "fields": { "question": `question_3`, "description": `We have brought back the American dream, and made it better than ever before. I’m going to repeat the words of one of the greatest men of our time. My mentor, and your previous president, Donald J. Trump… “America is the place where anything can happen…”` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 30003, "fields": { "question": `question_3`, "description": `We need to attack big government and big bureaucracy. The government should not be involved, and it will not be involved. If we can get a great throbbing majority in the House and Senate, we can begin the process of getting the government the hell out of our lives, and dismantling the Deep State once and for all!` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 30004, "fields": { "question": `question_3`, "description": `I would just like to end with a quote, from I think one of the greatest books ever written. Psalm 23:4 and 23:6, let’s bow in prayer... “Even though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Surely goodness, love, and mercy shall follow me, all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.”` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 40001, "fields": { "question": `question_4`, "description": `The Great Uncoupling hit us like a car in traffic. But thanks to the leadership of myself, and my predecessor, our economy is stronger, wealthier, and more prosperous than any other country on Earth. These are trying times. But imagine how much worse it would be with the Democrats in power.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 40002, "fields": { "question": `question_4`, "description": `I think what's more important here is rising wages. We’ve done so much on this front. Companies have moved back abroad, and I plan on further putting further pressure on companies to make sure when you buy American, those proceeds go back to paying American wages, to American workers, at American companies.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 40003, "fields": { "question": `question_4`, "description": `I’ve talked to many economists, and they keep telling me the same thing. If the prices are to come down, the tariffs have to go. As much as I hate to do it, we have to open up our economy again and import foreign goods if we want to get the prices of groceries back down and make life better for the American citizen.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 50001, "fields": { "question": `question_5`, "description": `I hate to say it, but the only way through is with huge budget cuts. We’ve been spending beyond our means for years now, and the music has to stop somewhere. We’re not going to have any sacred cows, for the good of our country, we’ll have to take some sacrifices. That includes, unfortunately, parts of the Social Security and Medicare programs.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 50002, "fields": { "question": `question_5`, "description": `There are trillions being wasted with inefficient government spending, and we’ve already cut out hundreds of billions with the Department of Government Efficiency, with no impact to quality of services. It’s not a spending problem, it’s a waste problem. I’ll keep cutting out the fat, and get our country back on track to a balanced budget.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 50003, "fields": { "question": `question_5`, "description": `The problem is not debt, it’s debt to GDP. And that’s how we’re going to get out of this. If we can keep growing the economy faster than the debt can, then we can grow our way out of this mess. I’m going to axe the tax, so American workers can get bigger paychecks and get this economy moving.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 60001, "fields": { "question": `question_6a`, "description": `We congratulate Chancellor Merz for his hard-won re-election, and wish him luck as we chart a prosperous future for the partnership between our two nations.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 60002, "fields": { "question": `question_6b`, "description": `We congratulate Chancellor Merz for his hard-won re-election, and wish him luck as we chart a prosperous future for the partnership between our two nations.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 60003, "fields": { "question": `question_6c`, "description": `What a surprise! We congratulate Chancellor Alice Weidel for her hard-won chancellorship and wish her luck as we chart a prosperous future for the partnership between our two nations.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 70001, "fields": { "question": `question_7`, "description": `Fine, let's renegotiate. I've made more than a few deals already, and both our economies have been taking the piss as of late. America’s experiencing climbing grocery prices, and China is still trying to print their way out of an economic recession. Let's meet up somewhere and hash out our differences, okay? Maybe we can get our damn economies moving again.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 70002, "fields": { "question": `question_7`, "description": `Hell no, Jose. America has been the stronger economy by far for the past 8 years. If he wants to play this game, think they can go toe to toe with us, then they have another thing coming. Throw the goddamn book at them. 25% tariffs, 50% tariffs on everything they make. They want to choke us, let’s choke them back.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 80001, "fields": { "question": `question_8`, "description": `My position is the same as it always was. I have not passed any federal laws on abortion, and I will continue to not pass any federal laws on abortion. This is a states issue, though I am personally pro-life.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 80002, "fields": { "question": `question_8`, "description": `My position is the same as it always was. I have not passed any federal laws on abortion, and I will continue to not pass any federal laws on abortion. This is a states issue, though I am personally pro-life… Though that said, it wouldn’t hurt for me to campaign for some pro-life referendums at the local level.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 80003, "fields": { "question": `question_8`, "description": `It’s time we got in line with other countries on this issue. In Europe the median abortion ban takes place at 15 weeks. We’re one of the only countries that don’t do that. Starting now, I’m going to push a bill that will do the same in America, progressives be damned.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 80004, "fields": { "question": `question_8`, "description": `You know, this issue really is killing us among the median voter. Let's distance ourselves from the pro-life movement, and ask the Christians to tone it down until this election is over.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 90001, "fields": { "question": `question_9`, "description": `My policies are clear, I am proudly pro-school choice, and I believe in the power of the free market. My administration has stood firm on the subject of school choice, for both the parents and the states, and we will continue doing so.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 90002, "fields": { "question": `question_9`, "description": `We have to break the liberal university system. I see no point in using an outdated, 19th century school system when you can learn more things than ever through the power of the Internet. American Academy was a good start, but get Musk and Thiel on the line. Let’s see if we can do better.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 90003, "fields": { "question": `question_9`, "description": `It’s a travesty that these university campuses continue to be bastions of Marxism and anti-semitism. Federal taxdollars shouldn’t be funding institutions that promote blatant hatred. Starting today, we’re going to cut federal funding for any university that promotes Marxism or takes money from the Qatari government.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 90004, "fields": { "question": `question_9`, "description": `It’s a travesty that these university campuses continue to be bastions of liberal censorship. There are no freedoms as important as the freedom of speech, and what was once a marketplace of ideas is now a hive of censorship. Starting today, we’re going to cut federal funding for any university that suppresses free speech, and fund competitors that don’t.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 100001, "fields": { "question": `question_10`, "description": `We need a return to traditional values. God, family, glory… Those timeless things that our society has now lost. The youth yearn for a return of meaning. Let’s begin promoting soul, tradition, and culture.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 100002, "fields": { "question": `question_10`, "description": `Our destiny lies not in our past, but in our future… The stars, they call out for us. Mankind was not meant to stay in our cradle forever, our destiny is in these stars. Let us dream of a glorious future that awaits us.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 100003, "fields": { "question": `question_10`, "description": `We need a backlash against bureaucracy. Our nation was built by a simple idea, that man was born free of frontiers and pioneers. Spin up the new media machine, we have to begin building a durable resistance against recreating bureaucracy.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 100004, "fields": { "question": `question_10`, "description": `For too long have we been shamed for having national pride. America was founded on the idea that all men were created equal, and throughout history, not one nation has done more to advance the ideas of liberty. America is the greatest country on Earth, and we should continue to say it, proudly and without reservation.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 110001, "fields": { "question": `question_11`, "description": `The left likes to paint me as some kind of gun-nut, but really, I’m just not a gun-grabber like they are. I have kids at home, so I’m all for common sense regulations. Don’t let the left paint me as more radical than I actually am.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 110002, "fields": { "question": `question_11`, "description": `To be honest, I don’t think I need to comment. The Supreme Court is doing an excellent job enshrining gun rights in America. More and more states pass Constitutional Carry every day, and I’m satisfied to just let nature play itself out.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 110003, "fields": { "question": `question_11`, "description": `The Supreme Court is doing an excellent job enshrining gun rights in America. More and more states pass Constitutional Carry every day, but we need to go further. I’m going to pass a national stand your ground act.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 110004, "fields": { "question": `question_11`, "description": `I’m going to enforce the 2nd Amendment, as written in the Constitution. Nothing more, nothing less. We’ve done good work but it’s not nearly far enough. It’s time for us to finally restore gun rights to the way the Founding Fathers intended, all the way back in 1776.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 120001, "fields": { "question": `question_12`, "description": `Social media is on our side. I’m sure Musk knows what he’s doing. Ask him to call up Zuckerberg and urge him to do the right thing as well. This isn’t 2016, we’re not powerless. We have institutions of our own, let’s fight back against this.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 120002, "fields": { "question": `question_12`, "description": `Tell my supporters to head to Alt Tech. Gab, Parler, Rumble, all of those wonderful sites. Go to Truth Social and communicate via Signal. It’s time for a change of the guard, out with the old and in with the new.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 120003, "fields": { "question": `question_12`, "description": `I’ve had enough of this. Big Tech and intelligence agencies being allowed to control the discourse on the public square. I’m striking Section 230 off the books and I’m going to start handing out penalties to social media platforms that recklessly censor freedom of opinion.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 120004, "fields": { "question": `question_12`, "description": `Mobilize the grassroots. Get in contact with every influencer we have and start raising hell. They might have the power, but we have the people. They can’t keep doing this if we put this much public pressure on them.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 130001, "fields": { "question": `question_13`, "description": `They want to fight? Fine. Fight fire with fire. Go make a call to Thiel. He has contacts in Russia. If they want to swarm us with Chinese bots, it’s only fair we swarm them with bots of our own.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 130002, "fields": { "question": `question_13`, "description": `Scorched earth. Flood all these social media sites with spambots, burn them down. And retreat to more localized message boards. I was thinking the age of social media was coming to an end. Let’s accelerate the process.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 130003, "fields": { "question": `question_13`, "description": `We really should crack down on the spambot problem. It’s polluting the web and destroying public discourse. I’m going to push a bill through Congress, requiring digital identification, and real age verification for social media platforms. I’m going to make the internet safe again.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 130004, "fields": { "question": `question_13`, "description": `You know, sometimes things are just meant to be left alone. Don’t touch this with a 10-foot pole.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 140001, "fields": { "question": `question_14`, "description": `Godspeed, Elon.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 150001, "fields": { "question": `question_15`, "description": `The fact. The very fact that Gavin Newsom is the best person they can run against me should speak volumes about how low the Democrats have now fallen. The man who has no ideology but his own power. That’s who they decided was the best candidate? I have no words, I really do have no words.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 150002, "fields": { "question": `question_15`, "description": `If you want to know what a Gavin Newsom administration would look like, look no further than his home state of California. I hate to admit it, as a native Ohioan myself, but California was once one of the most beautiful states in the union, back in the days of Ronald Reagan. It happened there, and it will happen here as well, if you let them.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 160001, "fields": { "question": `question_16`, "description": `I am proud to announce my new running mate Josh Hawley, a great man, and a great patriot from the state of Missouri. Hawley has spent much time pushing for an America First agenda, fighting both big government, and big corporations alike. And with him, we’re going to drain the elites out of Washington.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 160002, "fields": { "question": `question_16`, "description": `I am proud to announce my new running mate Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a great woman, and a great Christian from the state of Arkansas. Sander has long been a vocal opponent of the attempts to erase Christian values from our country, and a devoted woman of God. And with her, we’re going to restore the values America was founded on.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 160003, "fields": { "question": `question_16`, "description": `I am proud to announce my new running mate Vivek Ramaswamy, a great man, and a great forward thinker from the state of Texas. Vivek has done wonders to attract business and capital into his great state. And with him, we’re going to make sure the economy is running at 100% capacity.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 160004, "fields": { "question": `question_16`, "description": `I am proud to announce my new running mate Mike Lee, a great man, and a strict constitutionalist from the state of Utah. Lee has done everything to oppose increases in federal power and is dedicated to gutting our bloated bureaucracy. And with him, we’re going to get the government the hell of your lives.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 170011, "fields": { "question": `question_17a`, "description": `We’ve got him cornered. He knows we have the leverage, and he doesn’t, it’s time to play hardball. Quotas to buy American steel, produce, everything to balance the trade deficit, and favorable terms on Chinese exports. We need to renegotiate this, in America’s favor.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 170012, "fields": { "question": `question_17a`, "description": `Let’s take this opportunity to convince companies to reshore and build up manufacturing back in America. Loosen up a bit on Chinese trade, but invest some more into automation to drive down labor costs, it’s time to make America a manufacturing powerhouse.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 170013, "fields": { "question": `question_17a`, "description": `He wants to surrender? Well too bad. You know what they always say, the only good commie is a dead commie. Even more pressure against them, keep kicking them while they’re down. I won’t stop until the People’s Republic is dead and buried with the rest of America’s adversaries.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 170014, "fields": { "question": `question_17a`, "description": `Look, I want concessions from China, but we can’t exactly humiliate them like this. Here, lift the restrictions halfway as a gesture of goodwill, and then negotiate for a better deal from there, but not too harsh. We need the economy to improve by election day.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 170021, "fields": { "question": `question_17b`, "description": `Fine. If this is what it takes to get the economy back up and running, then sure. Sign the damn deal, I have a country to run.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 170022, "fields": { "question": `question_17b`, "description": `Fine, but if you want to keep these tariffs, then I’ll need a little something from you. I know you have capital controls over your economy. I know a lot of rich people who would love to be investing right now, but real free trade involves the free flow of capital. You want a deal like this, you remove those capital controls for American investors.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 170023, "fields": { "question": `question_17b`, "description": `Fine, tit for tat. You pull on some of this, we push on some of this. We want you to purchase this much in American exports. If you want to keep your import tariffs, we get to keep our balanced trade deficit.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 170024, "fields": { "question": `question_17b`, "description": `Oh no you don’t. You’re not pulling one over me. Fair is fair, you either agree to have a trade agreement with America on even terms, or not at all. Threaten to pull out of the negotiations unless he backs down on this.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 180001, "fields": { "question": `question_18`, "description": `I’ve had a lot of people come up to me talking about regulation. And they’re right, regulation is killing our economy, so starting today, I’m going to take them down with a bloody hacksaw. Especially stuff like raw milk, let the American people make their own choices about their bodies!` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 180002, "fields": { "question": `question_18`, "description": `I think in this time of need, we need some serious stimulus. Start printing money, lower the interest rates, raise spending, get a tax cut to lower and middle-class Americans. The American people need this money, and they need it now!` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 180003, "fields": { "question": `question_18`, "description": `We need to cut the corporate tax. Ex-President Trump always wanted to cut it to a wonderful 15%. He wasn’t able to do it, but I’ll do it now. Get Congress to cooperate, Thiel, Musk, Nune, hop to it. I don’t care what it takes. Just get the economy moving.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 180004, "fields": { "question": `question_18`, "description": `The problem is our great factories, our great producers, they’re just not ready yet, and it’ll take a while before they can catch up. We’ll subsidize them in exchange for them cutting their prices. Get those prices down.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 190001, "fields": { "question": `question_19`, "description": `Look, gay marriage is a bombshell and we know it. America might have shifted right on things, but we’re not ready for that yet. And Thiel wouldn’t be happy either. I’ll try to placate them with something else. I’ll start pushing for a bill to unban school prayers, that should get them off my back for a bit.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 190002, "fields": { "question": `question_19`, "description": `I am a proud Republican patriot who will promote traditional conservative family values. I firmly believe nothing matters more to me than family. If elected, I will do everything in my power to promote support for families and communities of all types.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 190003, "fields": { "question": `question_19`, "description": `I am a Christian, a Bible believing Christian. My worldview and value system comes from the Bible, and yes, that includes the fact that I believe a traditional marriage is defined as one between a man and a woman. And if elected, I will take steps to ensure this definition is returned to the law of the land.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 190004, "fields": { "question": `question_19`, "description": `Look, I’m not going to bend over backwards to appease some people who are likely to vote for me anyway. I’m going to come out and say I have no plans on touching same-sex marriage. I’m the family values candidate or all families, take it or leave it.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 200001, "fields": { "question": `question_20a`, "description": `I think we’re going to have a red wave.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 200002, "fields": { "question": `question_20b`, "description": `I think we’re going to have a red wave.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 200003, "fields": { "question": `question_20c`, "description": `I think we’re going to have a red wave.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 210001, "fields": { "question": `question_21`, "description": `Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world. Whether it be by Jihadi terror or by Godless communists. Both now, and when I get re-elected, I will be the defender of Christians worldwide, giving them priority status when entering the United States.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 210002, "fields": { "question": `question_21`, "description": `Look. My policy is America First. I am for immigration, if it directly benefits American interests. I will expand President Trump’s plan of giving a green card to any student who has graduated an American university, to ensure America attracts the best and the brightest, and so we can continue to soar above and beyond.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 210003, "fields": { "question": `question_21`, "description": `Immigration isn’t a hot button issue right now. Simply remind America of the good work we have done securing our border, remind them how awful the border would be under a Newsom administration, and move on.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 210004, "fields": { "question": `question_21`, "description": `Thanks to the last 8 years, we have made our borders the most secure they have ever been. The borders are closed, we have enough people, competition is down, wages are up. Let’s focus on making the best out of the people we have before we invite any more.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 220001, "fields": { "question": `question_22`, "description": `Newsom isn’t one to talk. His home state of California has one of the highest costs of living of any state. While certainly, there are things we could have done better, Newsom’s actions show he’s not the one to get us out of it.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 220002, "fields": { "question": `question_22`, "description": `And what would you do to fix it? Import millions of illegal immigrants to work for subsistence wages? Export our factories abroad for the profits of global elites? If you want to copy California’s “success” to the rest of the country, I think I speak for all of us when I say “no thank you.”` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 220003, "fields": { "question": `question_22`, "description": `We’ve been trying to grapple with a problem enveloping the entire world. Look at Canada, look at China, no one can compare to our prosperity. Fact of the matter is that the age of globalism is over. Newsom can promise anything he wants, but it isn’t coming back.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 220004, "fields": { "question": `question_22`, "description": `We’ve brought back jobs to millions across the Midwest. We’ve taken back America’s status as a manufacturing superpower. We’ve laid low the Chinese dragon and sent Americans to the very stars! Believe me, my fellow Americans, the golden age of America in within our sights.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 230001, "fields": { "question": `question_23`, "description": `I stand without compromise by the love of my life. Though we certainly have our differences, our bond is one that can’t be replicated elsewhere. This doesn’t make me any less of a Christian, or a devoted follower of God. Even though she is not a Christian, I love her and stand by her without reservation. That is what marriage means.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 230002, "fields": { "question": `question_23`, "description": `I stand without compromise by the love of my life. Though we certainly have our differences, our bond is one that can’t be replicated elsewhere. This doesn’t make me any less of a Christian, or a devoted follower of God. Even though she is not a Christian, I love her and stand by her without reservation. That is what marriage means.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 240001, "fields": { "question": `question_24`, "description": `It’s not the United States who is the problem. China builds a new coal factory every single day, and is dumping more trash in the oceans than we are. This entire thing is far outside of our control. We have to simply endure this new world, we don’t have any other choice.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 240002, "fields": { "question": `question_24`, "description": `America should absolutely adopt clean energy, but wind and solar just don’t work, look at Germany. They shut down all of their nuclear plants and they’ve started burning lignite! We need to increase our energy independence, so we’re not shipping in energy from abroad, and we need to go big on nuclear.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 240003, "fields": { "question": `question_24`, "description": `I just don’t believe that there is any reason to believe in man-made climate change. The science is still out on this, and I think it’s just a bit too much to throw trillions of dollars to the wind for the sake of some scientific speculation.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 240004, "fields": { "question": `question_24`, "description": `Fine, maybe it’s about time we finally invested in wind and solar. But these things should still be dictated by the market, and we still have to invest in gas and pipelines. It’s cleaner than coal and will save on emissions from trucks.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 250001, "fields": { "question": `question_25`, "description": `Target the Progressive voters, I know this sounds insane but hear me out. We don’t need to get them to vote for us, we just need to depress their turnout. Newsom has betrayed their trust and betrayed the minorities he was supposed to protect. Put it in an ad and play it all over the blue coasts.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 250002, "fields": { "question": `question_25`, "description": `Compare and contrast our governing records. I’ve kept America great and got it to thrive during one of most challenging periods in world history. Newsom ran California into the ground during the Golden Years of the country’s longest bull run. It’s no contest.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 250003, "fields": { "question": `question_25`, "description": `He’s coming for your taxes, he’s coming for your wallet. If you’re worried about cost of living, California has the worst cost of living in the entire country. Why on Earth is Newsom an authority to fix things? At least vote for the lesser of two evils.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 250004, "fields": { "question": `question_25`, "description": `Newsom is a representation of everything wrong with the Regime. A corporate, bureaucratic monster who only perpetuates the Regime’s power. We have to reject the Regime, reject the bureaucracy, wholesale!` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 260001, "fields": { "question": `question_26`, "description": `Let the cities burn.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 270001, "fields": { "question": `question_27`, "description": `Evacuate the cities! The cities are lost, leave. Move to the countryside and to redder states. Let them burn their own cities to the ground. Let them live with the consequences of their own actions.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 270002, "fields": { "question": `question_27`, "description": `Start recording. One day these progressives will be extinct. When we pass this knowledge on to our children, show them what insanity we lived through, and make sure that it will never happen again.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 270003, "fields": { "question": `question_27`, "description": `We have to send in the National Guard. In every state we control, get the National Guard to head into the cities. Send in the reserve, send in the Army. Do everything we can to restore law and order.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 270004, "fields": { "question": `question_27`, "description": `That does it. We’re tired of not fighting back, we’re tired of always playing defense. These looters have f---ed around, and now they’re about to find out. It’s a stand your ground state. If they come at us, open fire!` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 280001, "fields": { "question": `question_28`, "description": `I have no words.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 280002, "fields": { "question": `hidden`, "description": `To everyone out there supporting me, we have to stop the violence. Only retaliate in self defense. Stand back and stand down.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 290001, "fields": { "question": `question_29`, "description": `Newsom is a soft-on-crime, out of touch progressive, whose policies allowed looters and shoplifters to run roughshod over California. Newsom won’t crack down if they ever reach your neighborhoods. I will.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 290002, "fields": { "question": `question_29`, "description": `Newsom is not your friend. He’s a corrupt, out-of-touch, corporate warhawk whose only loyalty is to corporate donors. He’s never had any affection for the working and middle class. His policies will only benefit himself and his cronies, not you.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 290003, "fields": { "question": `question_29`, "description": `Newsom is a radical progressive who wants to bring back the idea of transgenderism in schools, teaching anti-American, woke ideology, and teaching white kids to hate themselves with Marxist critical theory. They’re coming for your kids, I’m just in the way.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 290004, "fields": { "question": `question_29`, "description": `Mention my credentials and my accomplishments, but honestly, the battle for the country isn’t located here. It’s in working class urban areas and turning out the rural countryside. Do what we can to hold the suburbs but go to city and outskirts and play our greatest hits.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 300011, "fields": { "question": `hidden`, "description": `We’re so close, we need to flip the rest of Silicon Valley on our side. Musk, Thiel, Ramaswamy… I need you to do everything in your power to flip them to our side. We’re the party of the future, the Democrats are the party of the past.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 300012, "fields": { "question": `hidden`, "description": `The Democratic stranglehold on the African American community has continued to slip, let’s cut down on their margin and bring them home to the party of tomorrow. The Democrats haven’t helped your communities, we have. The Democrats won’t fight for Christian values, we will.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 300013, "fields": { "question": `hidden`, "description": `Finish the job in the Midwest. These hard-working men and women were abandoned by the uniparty elite for so long. And now we have brought American jobs back to the great Midwest. The great American dream, I’m bringing it home.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 300014, "fields": { "question": `hidden`, "description": `We need to maximize turnout among rural communities. The frontier, outbound people. Those who make their own way, and just want the government to leave them alone. We’re going to make this country the way it used to be.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 300021, "fields": { "question": `hidden`, "description": `We’re so close, we need to flip the rest of Silicon Valley on our side. Musk, Thiel, Ramaswamy… I need you to do everything in your power to flip them to our side. We’re the party of the future, the Democrats are the party of the past.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 300022, "fields": { "question": `hidden`, "description": `The Democratic stranglehold on the African American community has continued to slip, let’s cut down on their margin and bring them home to the party of tomorrow. The Democrats haven’t helped your communities, we have. The Democrats won’t fight for Christian values, we will.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 300023, "fields": { "question": `hidden`, "description": `Finish the job in the Midwest. These hard-working men and women were abandoned by the uniparty elite for so long. And now we have brought American jobs back to the great Midwest. The great American dream, I’m bringing it home.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 300024, "fields": { "question": `hidden`, "description": `We need to maximize turnout among rural communities. The frontier, outbound people. Those who make their own way, and just want the government to leave them alone. We’re going to make this country the way it used to be.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 310001, "fields": { "question": `question_31_economic_crash`, "description": `Oh God.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 310002, "fields": { "question": `question_31_reindustrialization`, "description": `We brought it home.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 310003, "fields": { "question": `question_31_china_taiwan_war`, "description": `Oh God.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 310004, "fields": { "question": `question_31_slow_growth`, "description": `Finally, it’s over.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 310005, "fields": { "question": `question_31_recovering_economy`, "description": `The future is looking bright.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 310006, "fields": { "question": `question_31_stagnating_economy`, "description": `It is what it is.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 320001, "fields": { "question": `question_32`, "description": `Hammer him on illegal immigration, how his party’s policies have destroyed this country with illegal migrants, supressing wages, destroying jobs. Bringing in crime, drugs, and ripping apart the fabric of our communities.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 320002, "fields": { "question": `question_32`, "description": `Hammer him on economic issues, how his party’s policies destroyed the lives of ordinary, working-class Americans. How regulations destroyed family businesses, bankrupted the middle class, and caused the biggest exodus in the 21st century.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 320003, "fields": { "question": `question_32`, "description": `Hammer him on social issues, how his party’s policies sought to break apart the nuclear family, atomized our communities, convinced men that they were women, and created a generation of depressed, lonely drifters.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 320004, "fields": { "question": `question_32`, "description": `Hammer him on bureaucracy, how his party’s policies have destroyed opportunity in America, strangled our nation’s soul, and gave up the country to the whims of bureaucratic managers, and the ever-growing technocratic machine.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 330001, "fields": { "question": `question_33`, "description": `“The United States reaffirms its unwavering support for the State of Israel and its right to exist as a secure and sovereign nation within recognized borders…”` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 340001, "fields": { "question": `question_34`, "description": `The silent majority… Can you hear me?` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 350001, "fields": { "question": `question_35`, "description": `Home. Back to Ohio where it all began. I have to remember where I came from. I need to go visit my family and hug my wife. She’s been through so much this campaign.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 350002, "fields": { "question": `question_35`, "description": `There’s only one person I can think of visiting right now. The old man Don from Mar-a-Lago, and good old Scranton Joe from Pennsylvania. They’ve started playing golf after retirement I’ve heard. Let’s give them a visit.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 350003, "fields": { "question": `question_35`, "description": `To my people. Let’s host one last rally here in New York City, just for old time’s sake. One more hurrah for 4 more years.` } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 350004, "fields": { "question": `question_35`, "description": `To a church. I’ve spent so long campaigning for myself that I’ve weakened my relationship with God. Find me a good church, I need to pray.` } }, ] campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_json = [ { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 10001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "They nibble away at your defenses, scratching at the surface of your inner walls. With no further resources allocated to either, all you can hope for is a continuation of the status quo. How long can you hold on to this desperate defense?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 10002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "You throw the Democrats of America to the wolves. Deserting the American heartland is a crippling blow to Regime morale. But it might be enough to turn the tide elsewhere. It’s all up to the Movement now…" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 10003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Reform, the Conservatives/PPC, and the AfD storm through the gates of governance. Achieving electoral majorities unheard of in their previous histories. Pierre Poilievre looks set to cruise to an easy re-election in 2034." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 20001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "You pick up the Bible, breathe in, and close your eyes. You can feel almost primordial energy emanate from it. Timeless wisdom, imparted from the infinite beyond. You lower it, reverent towards its contents." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 20002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "You pick up the rifle gifted to you by your late grandmother. You grip your hands against the surface of the rifle, ancestral memories of dying in glorious combat fill your mind. You put it down, a little shaken." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 20003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "You pick up the black sphere. Its void blackness, and the sparkles inside almost reminiscent of distant stars. There, you see mankind’s destiny among the stars. You put it down, remembering the future is in your hands." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 20004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "You pick up the photo, a photo of a rally you held all the way back when you were running for Ohio Senate. You haven’t forgotten, you never forgot them. You’re fighting for them." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 30001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The stadium erupts into chants of “4 more years!”. While the 2nd Trump term was characterized by much hardship in first 2 years, the long term dividends have finally begun coming in." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 30002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "“This nation is our canvas, and this country is our masterpiece… Our most thrilling stories are not yet told. Our grandest journeys are not yet made. The American Age, the American Epic, the American adventure has only just begun. My fellow Americans… The best is yet to come.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 30003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The stadium erupts. “Drain the Swamp! Drain the Swamp!” they cheer. You struggle to contain yourself. You know what this was about from the very start. This was not a war against just one government, but the whole globalized system, the Regime." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 30004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Half of the crowd goes wild, cheering louder than ever. But you notice a good chunk of the crowd seems reluctant. This is the first time you’ve leaned on religious rhetoric to this extent. The Christian Evangelicals however, are thrilled." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 40001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Unfortunately, there’s almost no good way to finesse around this. The world has been in a trend of voting out incumbent parties, with yourself only barely surviving in 2028." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 40002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "This is effectively dodging the question by pivoting towards American wages. You figure if median wages are rising faster than inflation, then the American voters won’t mind the difference. It’s a gamble for sure." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 40003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "You’re making a gamble that the lower grocery prices will make up for the populist vote that you’ll betray with this policy. Manufacturing and union voters protest immediately, you try to ignore them." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 50001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "You just touched the 3rd rail of American politics. And you NEVER touch the 3rd rail. Say goodbye to any hopes of winning the senior vote this year. If it's any consolation, your coalition was increasingly young for a while now." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 50002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Having your cake and eat it too. The Debt to GDP has stabilized around 100% or so for the past 8 years. Though DOGE isn’t what it was originally promised to be, it has worked with the Government Accountability Office to get some of the bloat out of the government." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 50003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The entire market goes into a frenzied rally, and the retiree vote breaths a huge sigh of relief. A tax cut, and no spending cuts in your second term. You’re definitely making a big gamble that you can grow your way out of debt." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 60001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Chancellor Merz’s slight smile conceals the somewhat wary relationship Germany has developed with America. America’s reindustrialization and trade wars have squeezed German manufacturing, something Merz is none too happy about." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 60002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Chancellor Merz’s slight smile conceals the somewhat wary relationship Germany has developed with America. America’s reindustrialization and trade wars have squeezed German manufacturing, something Merz is none too happy about." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 60003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "She greets you with confident energy, understanding some kind of kindred spirit between you two. But you know much like her predecessor, she will also push for better terms for bilateral trade. You tell her you’ll look into it." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 70001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Xi Jinping seemingly sighs a huge breath of relief and he agrees to meets up with you. Both of you agree to strike the more egregious tariffs off the books, and to calm down this retaliatory trade war. Elon Musk thanks you, saying this is the right way to revive the economy." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 70002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The foundation of the world economy shakes. Markets nosedive and prices soar ever higher. Union workers cheer, Silicon Valley despairs. Chinese youth protests erupt in the streets, demanding an end to the stagnating economy. You shrug, it’s not your problem." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 80001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The abortion issue has grown less salient in the many years since the overturning of Roe V. Wade, this response is in line with the opinions of the median voter, but the fires of liberal outrage rarely die down quickly." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 80002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Your start in Missouri, working with pro-life groups on a referendum that would overturn some local abortion laws. You ingratiate yourself to Christians and win a major victory for the pro-life movement. The left is outraged, and turn out in higher numbers." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 80003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Oh boy. The resolution is defeated in the House, and an angry firestorm has engulfed the left. You’ve managed to bring the debate back to the surface, with millions of progressives turning out in droves. You’ve ingratiated yourself to the Christians though, who also turn out in droves." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 80004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The Christians scowl, and pro-life groups across the nation protest. But you successfully manage to distance yourself from the pro-life movement, it's unclear if this will lead to many gains with the median voter, as abortion has faded from the front of mind for most people." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 90001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "You are hitting all of the traditional campaign talking points." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 90002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "A modified, heavily experimental version of American Academy goes online, propelling American education into the digital age. Being the first of its kind, you have no idea if this is going to work. This is unknown territory, and the consequences won’t be known for years." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 90003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Panicked universities, already feeling a squeeze ever since peak university enrollment, scramble to align themselves with the new guidelines. Liberal students recoil in horror as one of their last safe spaces are taken away. Protests erupt around college campuses." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 90004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The cuts begin, and universities begin to panic. Across many universities, a new free speech policy is drafted overnight, and conservatives begin to flock to the new sanitized university system. Emboldened Pro-Palestine rallies begin to organize across campuses." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 100001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Strange images, blending elements both pre- and post-modern, evoking nostalgia for a bygone past. Showing a timeless beauty that has since been lost. Perhaps none of these have basis in reality, but an imagined past only need to inspire for it to be meaningful." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 100002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Retro-futurism, straight from the early 20th century, floods the internet. Promising a great promise of what the future could be. A human hand extending out to touch the sky itself. Showing that the right is not just the movement of the past, but the future." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 100003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "“Freedom. It is essential for the flourishing of the human soul. For Man was not made to be in chains. Our bodies may be shackled, but our souls will always yearn to be free.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 100004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "“We settled the New World, we built the modern world, and we changed history forever by embracing the eternal truth that everyone is made equal by the hand of Almighty God.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 110001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "This appeal to the median voter somewhat fails. You’ve been outspoken about gun rights in the past, and this pivot doesn’t really assuage their doubts. Still, maybe a pivot towards the center is what’s needed." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 110002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Fair enough. The 2nd Amendment continues to strengthen by the day. As we speak, assault weapon bans are being brought before the 7-2 Supreme Court, where one of the last vestiges of gun control are expected to be struck down." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 110003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "More than 2/3rds of the states already had “stand your ground” laws on the books, and this decision wiped out the last of the “duty to retreat” jurisdictions. You earn praise from 2nd Amendment activists, though expect a dip in the polls." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 110004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Pro-gun activists are ecstatic, gun control advocates are outraged. Even among the rank and file of the Movement, this is seen as radical. Among the Darwinist faction however, it’s a dream come true. Gun sales soar to record new highs." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 120001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "A rift in Silicon Valley, it’s a feud that lights up the world. Google and Microsoft against Meta and Twitter. Quickly, the web is split between those who oppose the bureaucracy, versus those who support it. The elite, versus the counter-elite." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 120002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Twitter now finds itself alone in a fight against the social media giants of the day. While the right quickly forms their own social media ecosystem, they’re not as popular as the old giants. The Movement recedes in influence. But the internet grows more decentralized." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 120003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "You mobilize the Department of Justice and head to war. The US government VS the big shots of Silicon Valley. Your fans can’t get enough of it, but the average American looks on in horror, as the government begins cracking down on social media platforms." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 120004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The left hears nothing, but the right has been kicked up into a frenzy. Even as a stream of bans continues to trickle in. By the end of it, the Movement has been curbed, but the outrage doesn’t die down. Not just at the Regime, but at you, and why you didn’t do anything about it." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 130001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Swarms of Russian bots also come to pollute the infosphere, turning the landscape of social media into a battleground of automation. Users despair, trying to do what they can to report the bots one by one, but the task is Sisyphean, and growing more so." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 130002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "It’s only a matter of days before social media ends up being rendered unusable. Meta’s valuation crashes overnight, as users herald the arrival of the Dead Internet. Meanwhile, smaller boards, guarded by captchas and manual verification become the locus for the resistance." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 130003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Users despair as anonymity vanishes from the face of the internet, retreating to small-scale anonymous message boards. Moralist Christians also push through age verification requirements, leading to Pornhub to see a 75% drop in users." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 130004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The people adapt, as the internet becomes splintered into ever smaller echo chambers. Some create their own bots and fight back. The flood of bot content has made it hard to tell man from machine and cultivated a high level of distrust of the opposing side." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 140001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The rocket lights up like a torch, before being lifted upwards. You imagine it like the torch of liberty, being carried up into the sky. You look into the sky above and see the future of everything. These rockets are humanity's gateway to forever." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 150001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "He stares into the camera, as if he knows that you are watching him. You see nothing, behind those cold, dead eyes. He stares into your soul, and you see the gaping abyss that lurks within." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 150002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "California was rapidly becoming the new Rust Belt of America. Companies evacuating left and right, and the escalating drugs and homeless problem getting worse by the day. If the Democrats chose Newsom, they must be truly desperate." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 160001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Hawley is by far the most similar candidate to you electorally, with the both of you being able to hold down the Midwest. This is the safest option, one that doesn’t really expand the coalition, or motivate faltering coalition members." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 160002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Down from the Deep South, Sanders might be able to help you hold onto states like North Carolina, Texas, and Georgia. A public and devout Christian, she also helps you turn out the Christian faction, and signal socially conservative rollbacks in your second term." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 160003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Vivek Ramaswamy is another member of the Futurist Right, and picking him is a clear signal to your Silicon Valley backers that you’re going to be leaning harder into their agenda from now on. Vivek has business connections, and can get you the capital you need." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 160004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Lee has a long history of fighting government overreach and bucking the rest of the Republican Party. A staunch constitutionalist, and His pick signals a broader agenda combatting the bureaucracy, and reining in the government budget in your second term." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 170011, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Xi is dismayed at the terms you have drawn up. Insulted, he spits in your face and storms out of the room. He would rather lose the economy than lose his face. The Chinese economy continues to stagnate, dragging the rest of the world down with it." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 170012, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The rattling supply chains have convinced producers to relocate their supply chains to safer waters. Factories stir to life across the old Rust Belt towns of America… And Mexico. American labor drives prices up, but new automation begins driving prices down." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 170013, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "It isn’t long until other countries, sensing a weakened China join in on the dogpile. India joins by launching their own aggressive trade war against them, followed by Japan and your East Asian allies, looking for concessions. China spirals ever further down the drain." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 170014, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "It seems to work, China comes to the negotiating table and bargains a deal more favorable to the United States. You’re able to spin this as a win to your most devoted followers, but the economic damage is already done." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 170021, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Both your names on the paper, the trade agreement agrees to scrap most of the trade restrictions imposed on one another. Chinese goods begin arriving in American ports, prices begin to fall." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 170022, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Xi Jinping folds, and billions of American investment dollars pour into his country, buying up significant portions of the Chinese economy. The two countries have now been linked back together, for better or for worse. Trade begins to flow, prices begin to fall." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 170023, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Negotiations break down, with both sides demanding more from the other until the negotiations spiral out of control. Both sides return back to the status quo." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 170024, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Negotiations break down, with Xi Jinping’s stubbornness ultimately tanking the entire thing. Both of you leave the negotiations bitterly, returning to the status quo." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 180001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The bonfire of the regulations elicits a reaction of joy and dread. Some watch in horror, as guardrails chaining down the will of corporations are dismantled. Others rejoice in celebration, as small businesses are finally freed from the regulations that bind them down." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 180002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "A temporary sugar high, as Americans find their accounts suffused with cash. The mania brings the stock market to an all time high, but it only puts further pressure on the inflationary environment. Still, so long as the line is going up, no one seems to mind." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 180003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Thanks to extreme lobbying from the entirety of Wall Street, it managed to get through both House and Senate by the thinnest of margins. Big donors declare you an economic visionary, a man who truly knows what he’s doing." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 180004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The deficit massively balloons, and the global economy shakes under the shadow of an American budget already on the path to disaster. Still, in the short term, this manages to driving prices back down, with manufacturing output reaching all time highs." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 190001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The Christians are placated… For now. But you know with them seeing that things are headed in their direction, they’ll be back for more in 2036. But that’s the next candidate’s problem." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 190002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Smart. The Christians back off for now, the statement finessing the line just enough to placate them. But the Log Cabin Republicans recognize this as a subtlety worded message you’re not going to throw them under the bus. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 190003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "WHAT!? Vance, buddy. I know you might have some… Misgivings about same-sex marriage. But America is nowhere near ready for this. You’ve just messed up the entire coalition! Thiel won’t even talk to you anymore. You’ll have no issue turning out the Christians. But come on!" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 190004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "You’ve definitely disgruntled some hardcore Evangelicals with this answer, but you’ve definitely made yourself look far more palatable to the median voter." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 200001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Though the polls look good among the median voter. Base enthusiasm is looking low. They don’t look happy, this could be a repeat of 2028." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 200002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Though your support among the median voter is middling, your polling among your base is good, while Newsom is dealing with a full-blown revolt from his progressive flank. This could give you an advantage." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 200003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Though the polls don’t look good among the median voter. Base enthusiasm is through the roof. If this election comes down to base turnout, then you are well prepared." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 210001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Blatant racism or noble humanitarianism, you manage to curry favor among the Christian faction. Already churches are preparing resources, getting ready to assist their brothers and sisters, welcoming them to their new home." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 210002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Musk heaps blazing praise for this expansion. Even left-leaning business types can’t help but complement this step in the right direction. For the past few years, skilled migration helped America stay ahead of the technological arms race." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 210003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Newsom's border policies are seen with great suspicion. Making this debate about him is probably the smartest move electorally." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 210004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "American workers certainly feel like they have more room for higher wages, without the downwards pressure of competing with cheaper foreign labor." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 220001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Playing hard into the “lesser of two evils” rhetoric might be effective, as you hope you can drag him down with you. Your policies have brought America to this point, and you have to shoulder some of the blame." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 220002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Reminding voters just what Newsom’s policies entail is a good way to scare the voters of the Rust Belt straight. They remember where the jobs had gone, they remember how you had brought them back. The Rust Belt closes ranks." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 220003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "This may be true, but that won’t stop voters from wishing for a return to the “good old days”." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 220004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Okay, but eggs are still more expensive than they were before." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 230001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Even among a sea of Christians, they can’t help but be touched by your dedication to your wife. They show their respect. You don’t hear about this again for the remainder of the campaign." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 230002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Among the backdrop of already growing discontent from the Christian wing of the Movement, this is just one more strike against you in their books. The murmurs continue." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 240001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Telling the American people to “suck it up” after a major environmental disaster is probably not the best thing you could have done. Then again, you were expected to lose on environmental issues anyway." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 240002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Given the circumstances, this is about the best answer you could have given. At least you gave a coherent policy and solution. Then again, you were expected to lose on environmental issues anyway." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 240003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Vance, it is the year 2032. This is far, far beyond “scientific speculation”. Southern states begin to turn against you, as they’re experiencing the brunt of the damage of climate change, so at least you were expected to lose on this issue." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 240004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Finally, the stigma around Republican climate change has been broken. Even then, you try to make room for oil and gas. The bleating from Newsom doesn’t stop however, saying that market solutions are not enough, demanding centralized government action." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 250001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The left’s morale is already at rock bottom, after two humiliating defeats in 2024 and 2028, their turnout numbers are at record lows. Their enthusiasm for Newsom was already low, but now they are effectively zero. Their turnout dips even further." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 250002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Your campaign ads show a sharp contrast between your visions of America, and asks the everyday American a simple question. “Which one do you want, America? Or California?”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 250003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The left is not happy with the selection of Newsom, and left wing social media goes wild with the statement to vote the lesser of two evils. “Giant Asteroid 2032, just f---ing end us already.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 250004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "This truly is the final battle. The last stand of the Regime, Newsom their final Hail Mary. Steadying your supporters for battle, you feel re-energized." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 260001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The fires rise." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 270001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Billions of dollars in property damage. Local police spat upon and overrun. Anarchy in the USA. Thousands of bankruptcies, businesses going under. Blue America spirals further into economic recession, crippled by the fires of their own fanaticism." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 270002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Brave journalists enter into what looks to be an active warzone. Break-ins, looting, and fire. A record of a country gone mad, a record of a culture gone completely insane. A record that would warn men until the end of time." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 270003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Tanks roll down Main Street Avenue, armored guards violently dismantle the Los Angeles Autonomous Zone. The barriers are torn down, the fires are taken out, and thousands of people are arrested. Law and order is restored." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 270004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The streets ring out with gunfire, low intensity street fighting in the burning cities. Genuine political violence between two sides of American politics. It’s not long until the left also begins to arm themselves." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 280001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "As much as this might boil your blood, there is nothing left to do but move forward." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 280002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Despite your best attempts to diffuse this situation, the blood has already been spilt. There's not much left to do but to move forward." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 290001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "This works. While Newsom continues to peel away at your vote share in the suburbs, this impression of him as an enabler of rioters and looters have turned many of them off him as a candidate." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 290002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "This attack is far more effective in working class city centers than it is in middle class suburban neighborhoods. This brash, populistic rhetoric scares them the same way Trump scared them. They just want to keep what they have." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 290003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Plenty of suburban families have kids. Though this issue is nowhere near a potent as it used to be, decrying the dangers of a “radical” left wing education system brainwashing their kids is still a somewhat effective emotional ploy." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 290004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "They love you. They turn out to hear you rage against the machine that keeps them down. Vance signs in New York City and in rural Nebraska. But the most rural and urban states are not swing states, this just lets you run up the score." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 300011, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "They’ve been spooked. Democrats have been chipping away at the one thing they care about most: Meritocracy. They believe in the market system, they believe in the American Dream. Now they’re ready to help you bring America into the future." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 300021, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Though a growing number of Silicon Valley CEOs have joined the ranks of the new right, most are still not ready to make the leap yet. You hear disappointing reports from your team and are forced to move on." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 300012, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "More and more black conservatives have found their natural home in the Republican Party. Though the Democrats still hold a dominant majority, the numbers you hear are higher than anything you’ve ever dreamed of. A third, a full third of the African American vote." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 300022, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Though black vote shares continue to rise for the Republican Party, black individuals fail to see why you are much better than you were last time. You hear disappointing reports from your team and are forced to move on." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 300013, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "They welcome you. The one who shouted from the rooftops and made DC listen. You are their hero, their savior. The Steel Belt rises big and strong, its industrial heartbeat the beat of the land. With a wide grin on your face, you can’t help but feel proud." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 300023, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Though you’ve done more for them than almost anyone else, except maybe Trump himself, they can’t help but feel disappointed. Their lands are still barren, their states are still not the way it used to be. The status quo continues." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 300014, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "It’s hard to gather a rally out in the middle of nowhere. But you notice it, the friendly smile among the local people. The excitement that emanates from their every word. They take some photos, you oblige. Leaving this place, you can’t help but feel optimistic." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 300024, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "You drive out to the rural countryside, where the soul of America was forged. You gather around the local people, but they seem indifferent. They’ve survived before, they’ll survive now. Leaving this place, you can’t help but feel pessimistic." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 310001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The world begins spiraling towards economic recession, the ripple effects of the Chinese economy dragging down the United States as well. Hard times lie ahead for the entire world. Calls for revolution have begun in China, as chaos begins to consume the nation." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 310002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Factories in the heartland bloom like mushrooms after spring rain. Though the outside world is falling apart, America will remain safe. Rising wages and automation begin driving a rocket of economic recovery." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 310003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Scrambled fighter jets over the Taiwan strait. Taiwan, Japan and South Korea already at war. India waiting, ready to pounce. Rally around the flag, the American people. The Pacific alight, a world at war…" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 310004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The economy begins to recover." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 310005, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "It is indeed." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 310006, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Let the pieces fall where they may." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 320001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Newsom opens his mouth, slow and monotone, speaking how immigration will bring about the solution to all of America’s problems. His eyes are empty, his responses pre-programmed. You don’t know if there’s even a human being there anymore." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 320002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Newsom opens his mouth, slow and monotone, speaking how regulation will bring about the solution to all of America’s problems. His eyes are empty, his responses pre-programmed. You don’t know if there’s even a human being there anymore." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 320003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Newsom opens his mouth, slow and monotone, speaking how progress will bring about the solution to all of America’s problems. His eyes are empty, his responses pre-programmed. You don’t know if there’s even a human being there anymore." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 320004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Newsom opens his mouth, slow and monotone, speaking how bureaucracy will bring about the solution to all of America’s problems. His eyes are empty, his responses pre-programmed. You don’t know if there’s even a human being there anymore." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 330001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "On top of recognition, you sign another arms deal, this one worth 1.2 billion dollars, this one intent on pacifying the rebels of the newly annexed territories. Prime Minister Netanyahu thanks you, calling you a true friend of Israel." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "340001", "fields": { "answer": 340001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "PLACEHOLDER ENTHUSIASM" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 350001, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "The kids, they’re growing up so fast now. You journey home, and then to the place where it all began, the town you wrote about in Hillbilly Elegy. The houses have been rebuilt, the rust has now been cleared away, revealing new growth from the roots below. You smile." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 350002, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "He’s long since checked out of politics. He encourages you, his voice old and raspy. “I chose you for a reason Vance. You’ve made me proud.” He goes back to playing golf with Joe, seemingly happy, having done everything there is to do in this life." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 350003, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "A sea of red hats and loving supporters. None of them who weren’t already voting for you. Yet it feels so good, to be part of a movement so great. Together, you will shake the foundations of America." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 350004, "candidate": 300, "answer_feedback": "Alone in the pristine silence, you hold a rosary in your hands. Colored light shines in from the stained-glass windows. You think it’s in the sublime beauty of the quiet sanctuary in which you find God." } }, ] campaignTrail_temp.answer_score_global_json = [ { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 10001, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 301, "global_multiplier": -0.01, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 10002, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 301, "global_multiplier": -0.1, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 10002, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 301, "global_multiplier": -0.01, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 10003, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 301, "global_multiplier": 0.1, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 10003, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 301, "global_multiplier": -0.01, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 30001, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": 0.012, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 30002, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": 0.017, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 30003, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": 0.005, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 30004, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.005, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 40001, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.005, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 40002, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": 0.005, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 40003, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": 0.007, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 50001, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.05, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 50002, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.008, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 50003, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": 0.014, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 70001, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.07, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 70002, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.08, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 80001, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": 0.004, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 80002, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.006, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 80003, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.02, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 80004, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": 0.008, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 90001, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": 0.007, } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_global", "pk": "", "fields": { "answer": 90002, "candidate": 300, "affected_candidate": 300, "global_multiplier": -0.011, } }, { "model": 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Movement Declared Victorious, JD Vance elected to second term as president of the United States.


It was Jubilant in the streets of America. Everything the Regime had thrown at them, everything they had done to sabotage the inevitable march of the Movement, and they had won. They flipped through the channels; the worldwide right was declaring victory everywhere.

In Germany, in Canada, in France, all of them had cruised to victory. This victory wasn’t just in America, it was worldwide. The entire year, every single left-wing government kicked out, or replaced by populist progressives aligned with the anti-Regime-ian cause. On the TVs were the media pundits, and lost reporters of mainstream media, pouting in bitter defeat, howling to the sky above how much they despised this world, how much they despised the voters. Yet no one was listening, not anymore.

“Can you believe it?” a young man shouted, wearing an American flag hat and an all-American outfit, grabbing a nearby young woman, decked out in sunglasses and a scarf, red, white, and blue, the love of his life. “We won!” He bent down and kissed her, she kissed him back. “We won we won we won!”

The scarlet red map stared back at them, smiling like a jubilant grin, smiling from sea to shining sea. Their victory, their final victory, a stunning rebuke and final defeat of their greatest enemy. Victory was theirs, all theirs. Across the world, from India, to England, to France, to Germany, the entire global anti-globalist movement, they were smiling at them. The world had watched as America had landed the final blow. They were free. The monster had been slain.

The Regime was defeated, shattered and left in shambles. And it was like the sky lifted over them, the nightly stars emerging overhead. Never could they have imagined such wide horizons, such open possibilities. When the forces that conspired to keep them down were at long last, cast back into the depths of hell.

Already the political pundits were panicking, trying to look for any silver lining in this living catastrophe. But there was none. A new generation was coming of age, one which was known to be heavily conservative, raised in right wing families, educated by the internet, and deeply skeptical of the bureaucracy above.

The left was a dying demographic, and each year, they would only recede further and further from the reins of power. The Democratic Party was already being reorganized, taken over with help from the Movement, with new candidate Tulsi Gabbard already the favored candidate to take over the party in 2036, and her promise to “bring back common sense to the left”. That was why she had left, she was preparing a hostile takeover of the machinery of the machine. It would be years before the left could be assimilated back into the ideals of the Movement, but that was help the Movement was willing to help provide.

Vance was already on TV, all of the channels and all of the broadcasts. Listing out his agenda for the next 4 years, a full bureaucratic purge, installing truly patriotic education, promoting cohesive families and cohesive communities, and promoting true meritocracy and competition at all levels. Both in government, and across society. With both House and Senate deeply in the GOP’s control, nothing seemed off limits, it was truly 1776 all over again.

Flipping through the channels, Germany was raising up the German flags throughout its streets again, France was proud to announce it was French again. All over the world, the people were raising their flags. They reveled in their distinctiveness and celebrated what made them unique. Proud of their cultures, loving of their people. The international alliance of nationalists, the beautiful tapestry of thousands of millennia-old beautiful cultures had won. They were free to be free, free to be the greatest and most beautiful versions of themselves, without any shame, guilt, or regret. And they sang praises to God (or gods) above. Oh, how they had won.

Night bled into day, day bled into night, and the celebration continued, and from the skies above, the stars came into view. Twinkling, sparkling little angels inviting them into a bright new tomorrow. They saw there America’s future, and they saw there, humanity’s future.

A great American flag flew over them, seemingly thanking the people below for the liberation it now felt. It waved to the people below, and the people below waved back, and the people below celebrated some more in a sea of red, white, and blue.

Tomorrow, there would be much work to do. The engine of the world still had to be run, and the problems of the world still had to be fixed. But today, today was a day for celebration. For today was the jubilant triumph history would forever remember.

`, "vance_great_victory":`

Movement Wins Landslide Victory, JD Vance elected to second term as president of the United States.

Ecstatic, it was an ecstatic moment for the Movement. Watching as the votes came in, and the map glowed a shade of crimson red, it felt like the entire world was about to change. They didn’t just have a victory, they had a mandate. A blank cheque from the American people to do as they pleased. As victories continued to roll in, in both the House and the Senate, it continued. Despite everything the Regime had thrown at them, they had won in a landslide. And at the center of it all was JD Vance, a cheerful smile on his face, and a piece of paper in his hands.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” he said, beads of sweat running down as he stared into the eye of the hot spotlights. “We are back. Thank you so much for 4 more years.”

The stadium erupted, he could feel its energy, the roaring excitement that shook the ground like an earthquake. He had mobilized something truly powerful. Something deep and primal within the human soul. It thanked all of them for freeing it, and now the sky looked more open than ever.

“16 years ago, my predecessor, Donald Trump came down that golden escalator, set to change the nation forever. People who were infants when that happened are old enough to vote today, and I’ve seen the nation change before my eyes. We cast off the shackles of globalism, we brought glory back to the American nation and brought this country onwards and upwards.

We live at the edge of a new era. To quote one of the great presidents of the past 50 years, Ronald Reagan… Let history say of us: These were golden years--when the American Revolution was reborn, when freedom gained new life, and America reached for her best.”

The crowd began to cheer. “4 more years! 4 more years!”

“When you wake up tomorrow, this is what I want you to do. Go to work, hug your family, be the best American you can. Love thy neighbor, even if they’re a Democrat. Because the Movement isn’t inside me, or inside the Republican Party. No, it’s in all of you, the American people. There’s a fight high in the sky, policies and proposals far away from the doldrums of everyday life. But at the end of the day, that’s not the only battle. There’s another battle, a more important one being waged on the ground with you.

The battle that is fought every day with the actions we do and the work we show. And we show ourselves as Americans through our kindness, and our actions, being graceful even after glorious victory. As the people who dream big, who expect the best out of everyone, who aren’t afraid of exposing the contours of our soul, who shake the earth and reach out for the heavens above. We are a people who has declared that nothing is impossible. When you leave those doors and wake up tomorrow morning, I want you to be an America we can all be proud of”

And the crowd erupted.

`, "vance_victory":`

Movement Wins Decisive Victory, JD Vance elected to second term as president of the United States.

Celebratory, it was a celebratory moment for the Movement of America. Through a last-minute polling surge, and the assembling of the coalition of the people, they had done it. Despite everything the Regime had thrown at them, they had eeked out a narrow victory. The screen above glowed a warm and compassionate red, balloons and confetti were streaming down from the ceiling above. And at the center of it all was JD Vance, a cheerful smile on his face, and a piece of paper in his hands.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” he said, beads of sweat running down as he stared into the eye of the hot spotlights. “We are back. Thank you so much for 4 more years.”

The stadium erupted, he could feel its energy, the roaring excitement that shook the ground like an earthquake. He had mobilized something truly powerful. Something deep and primal within the human soul. It thanked all of them for freeing it, and now the sky looked more open than ever.

“16 years ago, my predecessor, Donald Trump came down that golden escalator, set to change the nation forever. People who were infants when that happened are old enough to vote today, and I’ve seen the nation change before my eyes. We cast off the shackles of globalism, we brought glory back to the American nation and brought this country onwards and upwards.

We live at the edge of a new era. To quote one of the great presidents of the past 50 years, Ronald Reagan… Let history say of us: These were golden years--when the American Revolution was reborn, when freedom gained new life, and America reached for her best.”

The crowd began to cheer. “4 more years! 4 more years!”

“When you wake up tomorrow, this is what I want you to do. Go to work, hug your family, be the best American you can. Love thy neighbor, even if they’re a Democrat. Because the Movement isn’t inside me, or inside the Republican Party. No, it’s in all of you, the American people. There’s a fight high in the sky, policies and proposals far away from the doldrums of everyday life. But at the end of the day, that’s not the only battle. There’s another battle, a more important one being waged on the ground with you.

The battle that is fought every day with the actions we do and the work we show. And we show ourselves as Americans through our kindness, and our actions, being graceful even after glorious victory. As the people who dream big, who expect the best out of everyone, who aren’t afraid of exposing the contours of our soul, who shake the earth and reach out for the heavens above. We are a people who has declared that nothing is impossible. When you leave those doors and wake up tomorrow morning, I want you to be an America we can all be proud of”

And there was cheering.

`, "hard_defeat":`

Movement Dealt Decisive Defeat, Newsom Elected President of the United States.

Sobering, it was a sobering moment for the Movement of America. Though they had seen a last-minute poll surge, it wasn’t enough. Losing by narrow margins in the undecided states, the Regime had decisively defeated them. Staring down the forces of the Regime, the Movement charged, against the dying of the light.

Yet Vance didn’t seem discouraged, on his face was something else. Determination. He had led them competently, with everything the Regime had thrown at him, he still managed to keep his head above thrashing waves. If anything, the entire situation was giving the Movement flashbacks to 2020. He stood at the podium, sweat beads rolling down his face, the spotlight in his eyes, staring down the sea that he had channeled.

“My fellow Americans,” he began to say. “This fight is not over. The Regime has thrown everything they can at us, funnelled their worldwide resources against us. But we’re still standing. The entire field was stacked against us, they spent everything they had crushing us to dust, but we’re still standing.

This is a setback, not a defeat. Look at what they had to sacrifice to break us. Look at Canada, France, Germany, the United Kingdom. They had to retreat from all of them. They couldn’t hold us all down at once. So, they let them go. We endured so other countries may be free.”

Vance began to laugh, maniacally, on the edge of control. “All the resources in the world, and all they could do is knock us down to 200 something EVs. That’s pathetic, really. And they had to sacrifice their entire global empire for this. Facing against the resources of the entire world, and they couldn’t destroy us.”

He paused. “In 4 years, we will be stronger, and they will be weaker. I didn’t say they were the party of childless cat ladies for no reason, their biological clock is tick, tick, ticking down. Tomorrow we will return better, become stronger, bringing our children to the polling booth with us, and we will return as many times as it takes, until they are defeated. We have a future; they don’t. We will defeat them; we will replace them.

We did it once, staged the greatest comeback in American history. Well, I’m ready to continue fighting for you, and do it one more time. I hereby announce my intention to run in the 2036 presidential elections. I didn’t think I would still be running in 2036, but you have to take what life throws at you sometimes.”

The crowd began to cheer. “4 more years! 4 more years!”

“When you wake up tomorrow, this is what I want you to do. Go to work, hug your family, be the best American you can. Love thy neighbor, even if they’re a Democrat. Because the Movement isn’t inside me, or inside the Republican Party. No, it’s in all of you, the American people. If we have to go dormant for another 4 years, then that’s what we’ll have to do. But at the end of the day, we’re still fighting for America, America the beautiful. And we show ourselves as Americans through our kindness, and our actions, being graceful even after bitter loss. And we will reconvene 4 years from now, and take back the White House, one more time.”

And there was cheering. Even in defeat, morale was high. Even in their darkest hour, they still had hope.

`, "hard_crushing_defeat":`

Movement Dealt Crushing Defeat, Newsom Elected President of the United States.

Dour, it was a dour moment for the Movement of America. The Regime had thrown everything they could at them, and they had crushed them. Vance had been sacked almost immediately, now many of the Movement Faithful believing he was a double agent meant to sabotage the entire Movement. As Newsom appeared on the great screen above them, announcing with his monotone, demonic voice a return to normalcy, the air of dread couldn’t help but hang in the room around them.

Many of them had families, several had businesses that had finally began to thrive under the Vance administration, and now were sent kicking and screaming back to square one. They didn’t want to think how they would survive, when the Regime seemed determined to regulate them out of existence. The map was a sea of dark blue, of the primordial darkness engulfing America.

And then came a feeling in the air, determination. Even as America is about to spiral into its darkest hour, they would not give up. Throughout hard work and dedication, they had built up the most robust movement ever created on the right. And they had lost, when the Regime had thrown everything, it could at them, they wouldn’t be so scared if they weren’t a threat.

And though it would be another dark 4 years before the emergence of another shot. And it wasn’t all dark. Throughout the world, governments left and right had been toppled by the Movements of their respective countries. The AfD stormed their way into power, Reform looked on the verge of victory. Everywhere they looked, the Regime was in retreat, everywhere but America. Perhaps in another 4 years, they could assist them take back their homeland.

The regime had thrown everything they could at them, and while it was enough, the Movement refused to stop fighting. For they knew the Regime’s days, even with this temporary victory, was numbered. Demographics was destiny, and the Regime was operating on a clock that was tick, tick, ticking down. They would emerge again in 2036, stronger, better, and the Regime weaker, worse off.

However many attempts it would take, however long they need to wait out the decline of this wretched regime, they would wait.

`, "progress": `

The Movement couldn’t believe it. They were pressing in on all sides. The forces of the Regime were closing in, pinned down on all sides. This can’t be the end, this can’t be-


The Spirit of Progress breathed in and out heavily, staring down at the defeated body of her enemy. She could hardly believe it, after all of the struggle, all of that time. She had… Won.

She looked down at the now limp and defeated body of Reaction. Reform, the AfD, the MAGA movement… It was all gone, they seemingly collapsed over a matter of only a few months. Collapsing to the ground in exhaustion, she could hardly believe it. She didn’t know how, she didn’t know why Reaction suddenly collapsed like that, what happened to “the Movement” as Reaction so liked to call himself, or how she had pulled it off, when everything had been stacked against her.

She reminisced back to her long fight with Reaction. His dark, sinister plans to dismantle democracy, how he disregarded the tenements of science and truth, and how he planned to bring fascism and anarchy against her rightful rule… But now, it was finally over.

She stared up into the ethereal sky, just contemplating how something like this could happen so fast. Looking up at the light beaming in, she wondered if it was divine intervention that had pulled this off. It had to be. But in the end, what happened had happened, her position at the throne of the world was safe once again.

Looking down from the ethereal realm, back into the realm of men, where she felt her energy course through the minds of her people, the world began to heal. The cycles of history had finally been stopped. With no opposing force, the tides of the world were hers to command again. And now, under her omnibenevolent rule, she can go back to bringing about the end of history.

Let the world run like clockwork, let the warmth of progress melt the borders of man’s heart, and let everyone frolick in the utopia she will build. This world was hers again, each person in their place, not a single puzzle piece out of order. And as everyone played the ever-spiralling song of progress, everything was right with the world.

And this song of progress would continue forever and ever and ever. Until the stars grow cold and the Earth grows wild. There would be no more conflict, no more property to fight over. There will only be happiness from now on.

`, "roasian_flyby": `

Roasian Flyby of ??-334675-3 (Local Native Name: “Earth”)

Physical Characteristics: Blue-green continental world, surface covered 70% by water. Abundant rainfall and dense biosphere. 1.08 Roas masses. Native civilization detected, further details elaborated below.

Native Civilization: Unified global civilization-state, heavy use of hedonic chemicals to induce artificial happiness. Large artificial genetic augmentations detected to suppress dissent. Complete automation of the society and removal of all negative stimulus appears to have stagnated further cognitive development. Hidden ruling class dictates all levels of life, in service of unknown ideology or religion.

Spacefaring capabilities: None. Scans indicate that the civilization is as old as ours, with sufficiently advanced technology, yet no signs have been detected of serious attempts to move off world. Reasoning behind their lack of spacefaring is so far yet unknown.

Population: The population has been measured to be 300 million, thinly spread out among its many continents. Scans show the population had previously been as high as 9 billion. Reason for demographic decline unknown.

Assessment: Civilization ??-334675-A determined “mostly harmless”. 1 light year exclusion zone put around star system. World approved for colonization mission. 60 million Roasians expected to arrive shortly. Native species to be relocated to continent of "Australia"

Researcher Notes: “There is a world. A world far away. One which threw away everything in the pursuit of pleasure. I would pity them, but it is clear they did this to themselves.”

`, "american_flyby": `

2662 AD, American Flyby of OL-4437 D (Indigenous Name: “Ors Roas”)

Physical Characteristics: Continental, Earth-like planet. Temperature, atmosphere, gravity, and pressure very similar to Earth’s. Roughly 70% of the world’s surface covered in oceans. 0.92 Earth Masses. Indigenous Civilization has been located on the surface. More details below.

Native Civilization: D is inhabited by strange, horse-lizard like people, displaying a high level of intelligence equivalent to that of humanity’s. They live in fragmented nation states, very similar to that of Earth, engaging in fragmentary wars equivalent to our early world wars.

Spacefaring capabilities: Currently, they are in their late space age, they have displayed high ability and initiative in colonizing their local star system. Currently do not possess technology to engage in interstellar travel. We estimate a technological gap of 300-450 years.

Population: The population of the Roasian homeworld is estimated to be around 8 billion.

Assessment: The native Roasian civilization is currently of no threat to the United States nor its interests. The administration has given the go ahead for the colonization order. An estimated 1 billion American settlers should be ready to colonize the place within the next 4 years.

Researcher Notes: “God damn those stupid horse-lizards are punchable. I wonder if they know they are on rightful American soil. The stars are our birthright you bastards.”

`, "normal_defeat": `

Movement Dealt Defeat, Newsom Elected President of the United States.

Somber, it was a Somber moment for the Movement of America. The Regime had handed them a perfectly winnable election, and they had lost. Following the news, Vance had resigned as leader of the Movement, instead focusing on preparing the United States for the remainder of his Lame Duck run. He was disappointed, but there was nothing he could do but to keep going forward. As Newsom appeared on the great screen above them, announcing with his monotone, demonic voice a return to normalcy, the air of anxiety couldn’t help but hang in the room around them.

Many of them had families, several had businesses that had finally began to thrive under the Vance administration, and now were likely going to suffer under the new Newsom administration. They didn’t want to think how they would survive, when the Regime seemed determined to suffocate them. The map was a patchwork of red and blue, with the blue just ever so slightly gaining the edge in the narrow states.

And then came a feeling in the air, determination. Even as America is about to enter a darker chapter, they would not give up. Throughout hard work and dedication, they had built up the most robust movement ever created on the right.

The regime had beaten them, and while they had been dealt a decisive blow, the Movement refused to stop fighting. For they knew the Regime’s days, even with this temporary victory, was numbered. Demographics was destiny, and the Regime was operating on a clock that was tick, tick, ticking down. They would emerge again in 2036, stronger, better, and the Regime weaker, worse off.

However, many attempts it would take, however long they need to wait out the decline of this wretched regime, they would wait.

`, "normal_crushing_defeat": `

Movement Dealt Crushing Defeat, Newsom Elected President of the United States.

Dour, it was a dour moment for the Movement of America. The Regime had handed them a perfectly winnable election, and they had lost. Vance had been sacked almost immediately, now many of the Movement Faithful believing he was a double agent meant to sabotage the entire Movement. As Newsom appeared on the great screen above them, announcing with his monotone, demonic voice a return to normalcy, the air of dread couldn’t help but hang in the room around them.

Many of them had families, several had businesses that had finally began to thrive under the Vance administration, and now were sent kicking and screaming back to square one. They didn’t want to think how they would survive, when the Regime seemed determined to regulate them out of existence. The map was a sea of dark blue, of the primordial darkness engulfing America.

And then came a feeling in the air, determination. Even as America is about to spiral into its darkest hour, they would not give up. Throughout hard work and dedication, they had built up the most robust movement ever created on the right. It wasn’t them who were the issue, they convinced themselves, it was Vance. Surely with a better candidate, they would put up a better fight.

The regime had beaten them, and while they had been dealt a massive blow, the Movement refused to stop fighting. Though with this, they realized the Regime had far more staying power than they expected.

It might be years, it might be decades, the Movement would have to go into hibernation. But they remained hopeful. For they knew the Regime’s days, even with this temporary victory, were numbered. Demographics was destiny, and the Regime was operating on a clock that was tick, tick, ticking down. They would emerge again in 2036, stronger, better, and the Regime weaker, worse off.

However, many attempts it would take, however long they need to wait out the decline of this wretched regime, they would wait.

`, "easy_defeat": `

Movement Dealt Decisive Defeat, Newsom Elected President of the United States.

How? How did this happen?

They had started the election far in the lead, a mandate to win, a destiny to be seized, and it had been squandered. Vance had been sacked almost immediately, now many of the Movement Faithful believing he was a double agent meant to sabotage the entire Movement. As Newsom appeared on the great screen above them, announcing with his monotone, demonic voice a return to normalcy, the air of dread couldn’t help but hang in the room around them.

Many of them had families, several had businesses that had finally began to thrive under the Vance administration, and now were sent kicking and screaming back to square one. They didn’t want to think how they would survive, when the Regime seemed determined to regulate them out of existence. The map was a sea of dark blue, of the primordial darkness engulfing America.

And then came a feeling in the air, determination. Even as America is about to spiral into its darkest hour, they would not give up. Throughout hard work and dedication, they had built up the most robust movement ever created on the right. It wasn’t them who were the issue, they convinced themselves, it was Vance. Surely with a better candidate, they would put up a better fight.

The regime had beaten them, and while they had been dealt a massive blow, the Movement refused to stop fighting. Though with this, they realized the Regime had far more staying power than they expected.

It might be years, it might be decades, the Movement would have to go into hibernation. But they remained hopeful. For they knew the Regime’s days, even with this temporary victory, were numbered. Demographics was destiny, and the Regime was operating on a clock that was tick, tick, ticking down. They would emerge again in 2036, stronger, better, and the Regime weaker, worse off.

However, many attempts it would take, however long they need to wait out the decline of this wretched regime, they would wait.

`, "easy_crushing_defeat": `

Movement Dealt Crushing Defeat, Newsom Elected President of the United States.

Where? Where did it all go so wrong?

They had started the election far in the lead, a mandate to win, a destiny to be seized, and it had been squandered. Vance had been sacked almost immediately, now many of the Movement Faithful believing he was a double agent meant to sabotage the entire Movement. But even the conspiratorial theory of a sabotaging leader couldn’t cut it for many. As Newsom appeared on the great screen above them, announcing with his monotone, demonic voice a return to normalcy, the air of dread couldn’t help but hang in the room around them.

But even the most optimistic of them knew there was something deeply wrong here, this went deeper than Vance, there was something wrong with the Movement itself. The Christians blamed the Darwinists, the Populists turned on the Technocapitalists, and seen the entire coalition was at each other’s throats, blaming them and their divisive policies for the destruction of the Coalition. And the Regime cackled, as the Movement’s own internal divisions began to tear it to shreds.

The Movement had annihilated, divided and dissolving. Emerging from its scattered ashes were small pockets of resistance, made up the remnants of one of, or just part of one the 4 congressfactions. Divided and suppressed, they would not pose a serious threat to the Regime. As the Republican Party came to be reorganized, party leaders began calling for a “return to normalcy”, a “pivot to moderation”, as they aligned themselves with the hegemony of the New Regime.

The Movement has been drawn and divided. Its former members scattered, retreating from mainstream society, bunkering down for a siege that might last decades. Demoralized, and unorganized, their only solace was the slow march of entropy. As they hoped the Regime’s biological clock would begin tick, tick, ticking down. That the burden of its own contradictions would trigger the system’s final end.

And perhaps, among the ruins, a new society could be born. But alas, it would be a long, long time before that could happen.

`, "reddit_mod": `

Vance looked at the blue map in despair. The Movement was screwed, and it was all because of him. The Conservatives had been completely destroyed, paving the way for a century, perhaps more of progressive, liberal dominance.

He thought back to all of the decisions he had made. He felt that he was being manipulated, like he was being controlled, to self-sabotage at every twist and turn.

He tried to move, to reach out in horror, but found himself frozen in place, as if some other force was in possession of his body. As if-

An obese, grease-covered Redditor was waking up. “Oh yeah,” he muttered. “Progress wins. I sabotaged your movement, you f---ing stupid redneck-” He blinked, having snapped out of his dream, being woken up by the sounds of a nearby TV, playing in another room.

“No!” the Redditor screamed. “No! It was all a dream?”

“… We can now project that JD Vance has been elected President of the United States, with a projected 340 electoral votes. A historic defeat for the Democrats. Gavin Newsom has conceded the election…”

“No!” the Redditor cried. “No! No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-”

And there wept the Redditor, lying in a pile of his own grease and filth, weeping until he had no more tears left to give.

`, "china_taiwan": `

Geopolitics Now: Updates on the China-Taiwan War

January 4th, 2034.

The China-Taiwan war continues with the United States and her allies continuing to assert pressure on the People’s Republic, and Taiwan entering a year and a half since the beginning of the conflict.

The combined South Korean, Taiwanese, Japanese, and American fleets have won several decisive victories over the Chinese navy, and are now attempting to enforce a broader blockade on the East Coast of China, based around the 1st Island Chain. Though not without further harassment and skirmishes with the Chinese navy.

Both countries continue to engage in war, though the conflict has remained low intensity. Neither America nor China are willing to push the escalation any further, with Xi Jinping reportedly nervous about the state of instability in his country and worrying about the effects of conscription or.

On the Western front, The Indian army has captured small portions of the Tibetan highlands, occupying China and India’s disputed territories, and encouraging rebellion among the region’s Tibetan minority.

Though the West has gained the decisive upper hand, experts warn of further escalation, with the Russians, who are engaged with their own war with Ukraine, have made increasingly bold statements condemning the West’s imperialism, and the two countries sending the other supplies to aid in their upcoming war.

This is an ongoing story. This page will update as new information breaks.

`, "reglobalization": `

Global Economy Making a Recovery as Nations Re-Globalize | The Economist

January 17th, 2034

For the past 8 years, many economists have talked about the effects of “de-globalization”, where the increasing fragmentation of the global economy into regionalized power blocs was hurting global interconnectivity, and therefore global trade. The beginning, known as “the Great Decoupling,” saw the splintering of much of the world into Western, Chinese, and eventually Indian trade blocs.

Economists and geopolitical experts have long stated that the reasoning behind the Great Uncoupling was rising hostility between rival powers, the rush to secure nationally important resources, and a fear of supply chain fragility, first proven with the COVID-19 pandemic shocks. Countries have been moving away from a global free trade system in exchange for rising protectionism.

However, with a new trade agreement signed by President JD Vance, and tentative agreements to slowly reopen trading relations between the United States and China, economists state that the trend of deglobalization may be reversing, welcome news to economies of the Global South, which had been stuck in a stagnatory rut since the Great Uncoupling. Vance’s actions were met with criticism from labor unions and American manufacturers, who are expected to protest outside the White House later this week.

That said, stock markets seemed receptive to the news, with the DOW Jones rising significantly since the announcement, and American GDP growth was last recorded at 2.6% in the last quarter of 2025. Economists say many businesses are eager to take advantage of new opportunities and are excited for the prospect of gaining access to a new billion strong customer base.

That said, geopolitical analysts have warned about the risks of increasing global trade, warning that over-connectedness to the global economy increases the fragility of the entire system. And with deep underlying tensions between the major powers still not resolved, that this could result in compromises in national security, and grows only more risky as global tensions continue to rise.

`, "russia_europe_war": `

Updates on the Russian-European War, US, China in stagnatory spiral. | Trinity News Network

January 29th, 2034

This week in Geopolitics, continued winter fighting has been noted on the European front, with this February marking the 5th anniversary of the war’s start. The war began over disputed territory in Eastern Ukraine, with Russian President Vladimir Putin breaking the 2025 Ukrainian ceasefire after 4 years of ceasefire. The conflict has since then become a larger proxy battle between the members of the European Union, and the Russian Federation.

The war has been notable for the extensive usage of mercenaries, the rising influence of non-state actors, and the meteoric rise of private military corporations contracted for the conflict. Currently, none of the European nations have committed their armed forces in the defense of Ukraine, instead relying on defense contractors and private military corporations (PMCs) to do the fighting on their behalf. These PMCs are known to recruit from all over the world, with soldiers primarily drawing from economically depressed regions such as Brazil, Turkey, and the Middle East.

On top of that, various militias and ideological groups have also put forth their own fighters for the operation, many non-state militias such as the Antifascist Coalition, Pan-Europa, and PMC Goldwater have also made their way into the region, gaining valuable military experience, and offering their services to anyone who can pay. Many have called this style of fighting “the future of warfare” and many experts expect the influence of these non-state actors to only increase going into the future.

The United States has officially stayed neutral in the conflict, though providing weapons sales and allowing their own citizens to begin organizing militias. American oil shipments have singlehandedly kept the European economy afloat and has been their primary energy supplier ever since the Russian oil embargo of 2031. The war gets little domestic attention however, as American politicians tend to be far more focused on the Pacific confrontation with China.

In economic news, in spite of soaring oil sales, coinciding with the European winter season, both the American and Chinese economies have been stuck in a stagnatory rut ever since the start of the Great Uncoupling. The United States has been averaging between 1% growth for the past 2 years, with China stagnating around 0% growth.

Economists say the American economy has been stifled by rising grocery prices, sluggish global economic conditions, and an uncompetitive manufacturing sector shielded and subsidized through protectionist measures. While the Chinese economy is reeling from the shadow of its property crisis, aging population, rising youth unemployment, and rising inflation in a bid to drive spending.

Both are facing headwinds of a generally gloomy global economic outlook, with aging populations in developed countries, decline in global trade, and industrialization failures in developing countries depressing the world’s economic output.

`, "tang_ping": `

China in crisis as Tang Ping demonstrations turn violent. | CNN

January 24th, 2035

Major Chinese cities have been hit by the 8th consecutive day of protests, with torches, fireworks, and batons often being used. The protests take place amidst the backdrop of the 2034 Shanghai Market Crash, as growing numbers of angry youth take to the streets, fueled by demands for better economic conditions. Almost every city in China has become completely consumed by the protests, with the only exception being the capital of Beijing, where routine police crackdowns have continued to keep the peace.

The protests are an ideologically mixed bunch, a broad coalition of democratic reformers, Han nationalists, and hardline Maoists. But most often, the vast majority of their numbers are simply discontent people who have finally reached the end of their rope. Critics often report the 996 workdays, the rising price of housing, the exceedingly high expectations for schools, the chronic gender imbalance, and difficulty of marriage culture in China as contributing factors to China’s ongoing instability.

Young men, frustrated by their lack of mobility in the work force, lack of prospects in the dating market, inability to buy a house, and many more have been among the first to take to the streets, and have been joined by an unlikely ally. Old pensioners, who have also taken to the streets over China’s collapsing social net. The situation in China grows ever more unstable, as the People’s Liberation Army has been called in to stabilize the nation.

In an independent poll conducted by researchers from the Tsinghua University, 23% of Chinese respondents believed the People’s Republic had lost the Mandate of Heaven, with a further 24% unsure. 147 people have already been reported to have been killed, with thousands thought to have been injured during police crackdowns.

This is an ongoing story. New updates to come.

`, "theocracy": `

Upon a Cross of Zealotry

And decades passed. Generations waxed and waned, leaders came and went, but the trajectory of America was forever altered. When the bureaucracy finally burned away like the core of a dying star, it was the New Right who come to define the shape of a new America. The Christians were utterly dominant in the new coalition, and they would come to shape the world in their image alone. And the choices you made set it on a path yet unseen. Behold, the world you’ve made.

“Now now, children” a schoolteacher said, her voice assertive and shrill. The kids before her were all girls, donning the bonnet, in matching red dresses. “Please turn your history textbooks to Chapter 23.”

They opened their leathery books, bound together with sturdy hides. They flipped through its crinkly pages, until they reached it. Chapter 23, “On the mistakes of the 21st century.”

“Before our country was redeemed. Before it was saved by the hand of God, America was a place of great sin. A despicable place, a wicked place in the eyes of the LORD,” the schoolteacher said.

And they read about them. Degeneracy, homosexuality, atheism, ideas they had known in theory, but could seldom believe anyone could follow. They saw people clothed, yet unclothed. They saw the stranglehold of media, vast, hollow organizations that brainwashed an entire nation. Polygamy and promiscuity that tore families, and nations apart. They saw postmodern scribes and scholars scratch against the walls of reality, trying to assert that true is false, and false is true, scrabbling to themselves until they could hear reason no more.

And they saw the hanging fields, where millions took their own life in despair, the void black nihilism that took hold in the absence of God. The regiments, dozens of pills one after another, to sedate and sterilize until they dissolved into their own disorder. And then they turned the page.

Pages upon pages of gruesome images of dead babies, millions of infants sacrificed to the demons of hell. Women severing children from herself as they were a tumor to be discarded. Piling up so high until their flesh and bones made a horrid pyramid, stretching on against the red dusk.

One of the girls began to cry and tried to slam the book shut. The teacher reached out with her ruler, and kept the book open. “Look at it. This is the sin which our country has wrought. The work of the so called “progressives”. These are the sins which our country is recovering from.”

The girl stared back at the image of the fetus staring back at her, and placed her hand on the page, as if to comfort these still images. Many of them had baby siblings, they imagined them, their flesh and body parts mangled beyond belief, as they had seen in these horrible images.

“America was sinful, but with help from the Holy Evangelical Church of America, the nation been redeemed. The church was instrumental in purging America of secular ideas, and returning America to the way of the Lord. The images you see show the importance of Christian values. Destruction and devastation awaits all who go against it,” the schoolteacher said, her voice full of venom. “Inclusion, equity, empowerment, all ideas so tempting, so simple. But you know what they always say. Lucifer wasn’t called tempting for no reason.”

One of the girls spoke up, her voice stammering, almost too shaken to speak.

“Yes?” the schoolteacher asked.

“T-t-these progressives… What are they?” the girl asked.

“They were a different religious faith, but without the belief in the supernatural. We used to call them… Ideology. They believed that they were arbiters of moral progress, that their teachings were infallible, and with the guidance of their moral teachings, humanity would progress towards utopia,” the schoolteacher replied.

“So, not so different from us,” one of the braver girls asked. The class looked at her stunned. She had a habit of speaking out of turn.

“… Yes,” the schoolteacher replied, after a moment of silence.

“What makes them different?”

“They were wrong, and we are right,” the schoolteacher replied simply. “They worshipped false gods, we worship the true God. They were fooled by a trick of Lucifer they called “progress”. Do not worry about such wicked things. Our progress is not theirs.”

“And where are they now?” the girl asked.

“They are nearly extinct,” the schoolteacher replied. “They destroyed themselves in life, and now they destroy themselves in death. The last ones are now passing away. Nature will punish them in life, and God will punish them in the afterlife.”

The schoolteacher looked at her watch.

“Class is almost over. Please stand for the pledge of allegiance.”

The girls all stood up in unison. Their eyes loyal, their minds diligent, they looked naught but up, at the cross that hung above the classroom. They had no thoughts but their devotion.

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of Ameirca,

And to the Republic for which it stands,

One nation under Christ, redeemed by His blood,

With obedience, righteousness, and justice for all.

I vow to uphold His divine law,

To walk in the path of the Lord,

And to defend His truth against all ungodliness.

May His will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven,

Forever and ever. Amen.”

And the pastoral fields stretch far away, as the world returned to tradition and soul. The spires of the New System, double spirals stretching out from the ground, spiraling up until it touched the sky itself, forming the symbol of a cross. The Universalist Guardians of new Progress would guide the sheep to utopia. The linear arc of justice, leading them to the End of History.

And unlike those who tried before, this time they would do it right.

`, "meritocracy": `

Below the Cathedral of Technocapital

And decades passed. Generations waxed and waned, leaders came and went, but the trajectory of America was forever altered. When the bureaucracy finally burned away like the core of a dying star, it was the New Right who come to define the shape of a new America. The Technocapitalists were utterly dominant in the new coalition, and they would come to shape the world in their image alone. And the choices you made set it on a path yet unseen. Behold, the world you’ve made.

Below the Blinding Lights of the Cathedral, Nick toiled. The world was accelerating ahead, and if he couldn’t prove his worth to the system, the system would cast him out, just like so many of those before him. He sat in a room with ten thousand other students, all diligently scribbling away at the examinations below them. His hand shook with uncertainty. Charting equations, drawing graphs, trying to justify why he should be allowed to join the ranks of the anointed.

Beads of sweat formed on his head, above all, he blamed himself. The system was fair, the system was just, it was him who failed. He hadn’t worked diligently enough, he hadn’t studied hard enough, maybe his genetics were just bad. It was his fault, it was his fault, it was his fault. Struggling, his pencil now wobbling, he continued to fill in the boxes, answer essays and draw out his designs. The exam was entering its 4th hour now.

The screens watched him, the smooth white walls and ceiling formed a pyramid, with the blinding light from above watching down on him, casting down judgement from above. Question 35. Solve the following matrix problems. Question 36, use your knowledge to streamline the following supply chains.

Meritocracy. That was the promise of the New System, ever since their Founding Fathers had built the New Havens. One test, one standard, fair and equal before all. For the low price of only a 1/60th of his current salary, you were given the chance to prove yourself and rise to the upper ranks. There were those rose by doing, and those who rose by studying, those who did neither, were deemed worthless.

Question 51, the test was entering its 5th hour now. The maintenance of your life is an active detriment to society around you. One day, you would have to give back to society an equal or greater amount compared to what it gave you, you were born in debt. Life on the higher levels, it was a dream that Nick only seldom contemplated, being deemed a contributor, rather than just a neutral, passively treading water. It would not be here where Nick would prove himself, it would have to be there, at the upper levels.

The test had ended, the students lined up, to pass in their examinations one by one. A scanner laid at the front. Nick had pulled himself back in the final hours, sweat forming on his face, he had a chance, just a chance to succeed. The scanner was efficient, able to tell you whether you had succeeded or failed right then and there. A trickle of students, triumphant or dejected, slowly exited the building, as the line led Nick closer and closer. Though many of them had failed this time around, they would have a chance to try again next year, after they paid the entrance fee again. The System was fair, the System was Just.

Finally, it was his turn. He handed over his papers, nervous hands trembling.

“Nick Turner,” the scanner chimed. “Subject, Computer Science and Supply Chain Management. Grading…”

The scanner only worked for a few seconds, but within those few seconds, Nick’s life had been forever altered.

“Final grade: 63%. Welcome to the upper levels. You are now a CONTRIBUTOR. Auction initiated for Nick Turner…”

The machine whirred, doubtless, on the other end, automated algorithms were whirring, bartering with offer and counteroffer for his experience. “You have, 5 initiation offers. 3 for, Junior Data Verifier, 2 for, Junior AI Overseer. You are free to accept or reject all initiation offers. Thank you for studying with us.”

Nick grabbed his papers and resisted the urge to hug the robotic scanner before him. Finally, he would be considered a net contributor to society.

This was the happiest day in his entire life.

`, "patriotism": `

Proud to be American

And decades passed. Generations waxed and waned, leaders came and went, but the trajectory of America was forever altered. When the bureaucracy finally burned away like the core of a dying star, it was the New Right who come to define the shape of a new America. The Populists were utterly dominant in the new coalition, and they would come to shape the world in their image alone. And the choices you made set it on a path yet unseen. Behold, the world you’ve made.

It was a good day for Ron Ford. To be born in America, the greatest country to have ever been made. He saw the raggedy old flag that hung in his apartment, Old Glory, and an image of Uncle Sam, staring at him resolutely. He saluted them. As he exited his musty apartment, and went downstairs to the doors outside, he noticed a few of the lightbulbs weren’t up to snuff. He scoffed, some more local administrators skimming money from the top, a socialist, no doubt. How dare they tarnish the name of America, he’s sure that the good, patriotic people at the top will punish them soon enough.

Walking down the streets below, he was greeted by posters, touting proud, patriotic broadcasting. “Under America, you have higher wages”, “Under America, you have lower taxes”, “Under America, your rights are non-negotiable”, and “Under America, you are safe from violence.”

A great billboard hung over them. “Freedom is paramount, Patriotism is Non-Negotiable. Glory to America, glory to the American people.” And he saluted, the patriotism making him teary eyed inside. Images of Uncle Sam telling the American people to work harder for the national spirit, Feminine images of Feminine Columbia asking her fellow Americans to cut down on electricity consumption.

A burly photo of Teddy Roosevelt calling on Americans to consume less, to save the pristine beauty of America, with an image of the scenery of a national park right behind him. Ron agreed immediately, and vowed he would do his part to conserve the beauty of America. He would from here on out, eschew plastic wrappers, consume less, and do his best to preserve the beauty of lady America.

And then he saw a hot dog stand, next to a poster that read “VICTORY DOGS, the purchase of every VICTORY DOG helps our American boys keep us safe in Europe.” He walked over, paying for the victory dog with his cash, and scarfing it down in a matter of seconds. He threw the waxy paper wrapping into a nearby trash can, happy he was doing his part to win the war against those damned commie Europeans.

As he passed by several more posters, he felt a litany of emotions pour through him. “Defend Western Civilization, Protect the Gays from Muslim Barbarians!” he read, and felt a righteous indignation against the Islamic barbarians of the Middle East, harassing those who were just trying to live their lives. Then “European schools teach LGBT propaganda at their schools, put an end to them,” and another bout of rage. Is nothing sacred? He was glad that their righteous military was bombing the crap out of those degenerate perverts.

Finally, a picture of Uncle Sam, holding a big symbol of peace. “The United States stands for peace.” Damn straight, Ron thought, what goes on in the rest of the world is none of our business.

And then, he saw a crowd gathering around someone. It was that damned local administrator, he thought. He was skimming money off the top like the rest of those damned socialist saboteurs, he thought. He butt his way into the crowd, ready to give him a piece of his mind, when he heard:

“So, I need you, all of you here to elect me for 4 more years. To prevent those filthy degenerates from getting a hold of your kids. To hang all of those damned communists and damn socialists. So I can get you higher wages and lower taxes. I fight for you! The common working people, against the nefarious global elite, who would have this beautiful country trampled underfoot. God bless America, who here is with me?”

And there was a cheer out from the crowd. Ron smiled, he was mistaken, this was no socialist, he was a patriotic, beautiful, red-blooded Democrat, just like the other administrators in this city. He didn’t know which party he liked better, but both of them were just as patriotic and red blooded as the other.

It was great living in the greatest country in the entire world. And Ron thanked his lucky stars that he was born here every day.

`, "truly_free": `

Land of the Truly Free

Out here, nothing really bothered us. Our ancestors were free people of the soil, and now after the reforms of the past few years, we were free people of the soil again. Our old farm was acting up, too many bugs. So, they sprayed everything with some good old-fashioned pesticides. Ain’t no government needed to get involved, and everything was fine again.

They lived by their own rules, old pa said you ought to respect everyone’s honor and don’t get too caught up in other people’s business. Because there was nothing more dangerous than a man who felt disrespected. Every once in a while, a little man from the big city would come crawling up to us, must’ve come from the state capital in Lincoln. I always remembered the way he dressed, fancy suit and tie, so worried about getting some dirty on it. He’d ramble on and on how we’re not following this regulation and that regulation and try to impose some order on the place. But none of the big families will budge, and as soon as he’s gone, we go back to the way things used to do.

Pa says cities used to interfere with us a lot more, now they don’t interfere too much. People say we needs a government to fend against those who mess with us. Well, John Deere tried to mess with us, tinkering with their intellectual property, or whatnot. They sent their lawyers, but we fended them off with our rifles just fine. They forgot to live by the law of the land. Out here, everyone is free.

I met a girl from that farm yonder, real nice. I loved her and she loved me, and we’s got married, and ain’t a single bureaucrat need to be involved, just the way it should be.

The land isn’t quite as fertile as it used to be. The soil has begun sloping downwards, and our crop yields ain’t as good as they used to be. But we just add more fertilizers and pesticides, and things go back to normal again. The roads also ain’t maintained so well, I feel the bumps every time we take our produce to market. But it’s okay, if the big suits ain’t fixing the roads for us, we’ll simply fix them ourselves.

Uncle Jack grew up in the cities, said that the big city people would always attract homeless people, poor wretched men who parasitize off the backs of others. They say they don’t do that so much anymore, since the government’s weak. That wouldn’t fly out here. Out here, you’re here to fend for yourself. You have to be strong, or you have to be worm food. The community will help ya so much, but, you have to start carrying your own weight at some point. Ain’t enough wealth to go around otherwise.

I love America. The land of open days and open skies. The place where you can be free, where man can live in the natural way God intended them to live. Hard-working, self-reliant, free. They say there are other countries out there, but America is already so big. I dunno what other countries could possibly look like.

`, "the_road_ahead":`

The Road Ahead

The effects of the Victory of the New Right in the 2032 election were instrumental to the world we would inhabit today. The Vance presidency would be characterized by an cutting down on government waste, extensive cuts to the federal bureaucracy, and its final replacement by a more ideologically loyal regime. The reduction in competition, both in decreased immigration, stagnation in working age population, and increased productivity from deregulation saw the fastest real wage growth since the 1970’s, though this was not without its critics. Particularly from women’s rights activists.

The administration was notable for passing many socially conservative reforms, including the rollback of transgender rights, further tightening of abortion restrictions, election integrity reforms, and the repeal of various workplace anti-discrimination laws. Despite much pressure from the Christian Right, Obergefell managed to remain intact despite a 7-2 Conservative Supreme Court.

In foreign policy, Vance increased pressure on the People’s Republic, between putting harsh trade sanctions, and the creation of Association of Consumption-Led Countries. The ACLC was a bloc of the world’s largest net importers, at a time when nearly everyone was shifting towards exports with aging demographics, and used the bargaining power of the American consumption base as a heavy bargaining chip to leverage during trade negotiations.

Vance’s policies would largely be continued during the Gabbard Presidency, from 2036 to 2044. Her presidency would center around the further purging of government waste, with particular focus being put on the Department of Defense. She also initiated large-scale redistribution schemes, assisted by influential members such as Senator Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and broke up various tech trusts across her tenure. This combination of rising wages and breakup of capital resulted in the mid-century economic golden age.

Looking back on the Vance, and later Gabbard presidencies, we can see the foundations of the modern world we live in today being built, with many of their policies forming what we today know as “Neo-Populism”, and the transition away from the 6th Party System into the 7th. Today, experts believe we may be entering into the 8th Party System, as “New Liberalism” begins emerging in the Republican Party, with its focus on automation, decentralization, and free trade, and Neo-Populism remains the status quo of liberal Democrats.

`, "thank_you": `

Thank you for playing.

Thank you for playing 2032 Swan Song, from all of us at Naimina OS studios. You have achieved the historical ending, the one that most closely resembles the events that occurs in real life. We hope you have enjoyed this educational experience.

We are a small team, headquartered in Guangzhou, of the New Guangdong Territories. Our country only exists thanks to the help of the United States, and we hope this is a show of appreciation of the continued friendship between our two countries. We are honored to be able to work for a large client such as “the Movement”, or as you might know them, the Republican Party. We have a little saying here in the New Guangdong Territories, said in Cantonese, our native language.

Mei Guo Wan Sui! Long live the United States!

Now, here are some departing words from 45th and 47th president of the United States, Donald Trump.

“As the world bears witness tonight, America is a land of heroes. This is a place where greatness is born, where destinies are forged, and where legends come to life. This is the home of Thomas Edison and Teddy Roosevelt, of many great generals including Washington, Pershing, Patton, and MacArthur. This is the home of Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, Amelia Earhart, Harriet Tubman, the Wright Brothers, Neil Armstrong, and so many more. This is the country where children learn names like Wyatt Earp, Davy Crockett, and Annie Oakley. This is the place where the pilgrims landed at Plymouth and where Texas patriots made their last stand at the Alamo — the beautiful, beautiful Alamo.

The American nation was carved out of the vast frontier by the toughest, strongest, fiercest, and most determined men and women ever to walk on the face of the Earth. Our ancestors braved the unknown; tamed the wilderness; settled the Wild West; lifted millions from poverty, disease, and hunger; vanquished tyranny and fascism; ushered the world to new heights of science and medicine; laid down the railroads, dug out the canals, raised up the skyscrapers. And, ladies and gentlemen, our ancestors built the most exceptional republic ever to exist in all of human history, and we are making it greater than ever before.

This is our glorious and magnificent inheritance. We are Americans. We are pioneers. We are the pathfinders. We settled the New World, we built the modern world, and we changed history forever by embracing the eternal truth that everyone is made equal by the hand of Almighty God.

America is the place where anything can happen. America is the place where anyone can rise. And here, on this land, on this soil, on this continent, the most incredible dreams come true.

This nation is our canvas, and this country is our masterpiece. We look at tomorrow and see unlimited frontiers just waiting to be explored. Our brightest discoveries are not yet known. Our most thrilling stories are not yet told. Our grandest journeys are not yet made. The American Age, the American Epic, the American adventure has only just begun.

Our spirit is still young, the sun is still rising, God’s grace is still shining, and, my fellow Americans, the best is yet to come.

Thank you. God Bless You. God Bless America.”

`, "reconquista": `

How Conservative Christians plan on Retaking the Mainline Churches | Christianity Today

Every day, Christian churches continue to close, across America’s city centers, the sight of a once essential bedrock of the community being boarded up and shuttered is not an uncommon sight. However, what is often seen as a tragedy by many is seen as opportunity by others.

The most prominent of these is conservative Christian Richard Ackerman, better known by his online handle, “Redeemed Zoomer”, who has been working on taking over what he calls “liberal mainline churches” and returning them to what he calls “Biblically sound Christianity.” He leads a community of just over 3 million followers, and has been outspoken about the need to retake the mainline churches.

“The plan is simple, really. The mainline churches are dying out. You go there and it’s a retirement home. There’s no one there but a couple grandmas playing bingo or something. But these churches have vital historical institutions, historical roots and connections to communities that can’t easily be replaced. The plan is to take these dying old churches, flood them with younger, conservative Christians, and to realign them to Biblically sound Christianity.”

Operation Reconquista has already succeeded in taking over several mainline denominations, most prominently leading to a conservative takeover of the PCUSA over the past few years. With others such as the United Methodist Church, and the ECLA also reporting a great increase in their conservative membership. When asked how the past few years have looked, Richard seemed to be in relatively upbeat mood.

“We’re very happy with the progress we have made over the past few years. But the battle is far from won. We never thought this would be a short or simple process. Ultimately, it’s going to be a long, protracted spiritual battle for us to retake the Mainline Churches. The original Reconquista took about 800 years, we’re ready to wait just as long to bring these churches back to Biblically sound teaching. Honestly, I’m just happy that conservatives seem to have woken up to the need to retake institutions, rather than just retreating from them. About 10 years ago, you didn’t see that as much, now everything has changed.”

When asked why he wants to spend this energy to take over dying mainline denominations, rather than strengthening larger Evangelical denominations, he had this to say.

“Look, these churches aren’t just pretty buildings. That’s a strawman my opponents will try to paint me with all the time. That I’m just launching this crusade to retake some pretty buildings. No, these institutions have roots and they have a history, their connections to the community are just as important as the congregation itself. These are the institutions that founded Yale and Harvard, we can’t just let them fall by the wayside. Just as Christ believes in redemption, so do I.”

When asked about non-denominational churches, Ackerman went on a 45-minute diatribe that we have decided not to release in full in this article. When asked for parting words, Ackerman had this to say.

“Look, so many young Christians these days dream of a crusade. Or of evangelizing in some far off land. But you can do that here, right in your own local neighborhood, having a direct impact on people you meet every day. It’s really easy to get leadership positions in these dying churches, they practically give out leadership positions like candy. They’re just happy young people are finally showing an interest in their church. For a lot of people, this will be the first time they have ever heard the gospel. So if you ever want to go an evangelism mission of your own, there’s no better place to start than the church next door.”

`, "gabbard": `

Opinion: Why I left the Vance Administration, by Tulsi Gabbard | Fox News

I’m sure everyone was surprised by my decision to leave the Vance administration after 4 years of being Vice President, none more so than myself. It’s something I tried figuring out myself, since it’s a decision I didn’t quite understand myself, but now, a few months after the fact, I think I have my thoughts sorted out enough to put into words.

First, I just want to make this clear. There is no drama between JD Vance and I. Vance is a great, confident man who has done a wonderful job in the position of the Oval Office, and I departed on amicable terms. I let him know ahead of time, and I have never seen someone so understanding of my decision to leave. I told him it was nothing personal about his agenda nor his personality, simply just my decision to leave for bigger projects. What those bigger projects were, I wasn’t sure, but now, I think I know.

I was never comfortable on the right. At the start of my political career, I had always identified more as a Democrat. I am a liberal, and I suspect I always will be. I support wholeheartedly the ability for same-sex couples to get married and believe strongly we need to put an end to the decriminalization of drugs. Climate change is a real crisis, and I am a supporter of any environmentalist policy that works for the interest of all Americans, including the usage of nuclear. I have been and always will be an avid defender of the rights of American Indians, my people.

But through a combination of progressive purity spiralling, and mainstream media smears, I was forced into a coalition with the right, which I increasingly saw as the last bastions of common sense. They smeared me as a Russian agent, never mind the fact that I had served my country for 16 years, and years of investigations never turned up a single thing. They smeared me as an enemy of the LGBT community, despite my continued advocacy for their equal rights.

But my home on the political right was temporary. Though I have nothing but respect for the right and their commitment to freedom of speech, systems of merit, and their pragmatic foreign policy. And they have my eternal gratitude for taking me in when I seemed political homeless, I’m just not one of them. With the recent victory of President Vance over Democratic candidate Gavin Newsom, my goal has become clear. Our country can’t thrive if there’s only one real choice, one real party. The Democrats are spiralling, and they’re not going to get better if someone doesn’t save them. We’re better off if America has two sane parties, not just one.

So I’m coming back to the Democratic Party, and reforming it into a party of American values and common sense. One which will fight for working class families, greener energy, fight big tech monopolies, and promote a unifying, bipartisan agenda that all Americans can agree on. I’m going to get rid of the bureaucratic establishment and the identity politics nonsense that has alienated it from so many Americans, I’m going to turn it back into the Democratic Party I recognize.

In short, I’m going to Make the Left Great Again.

`, "eugenics": `

Genetically Engineered Billionaires are Reviving Eugenics on the Right | New York Times

Transhumanism and Conservatism aren’t two words you’d normally think would go together, but some influential Republican donors, who made their fortunes in the emerging biotechnology field want to change that.

“I simply don’t see a contradiction between the usage of genetic modification, and the values of the Republican Party.” Viktor Geller, biotech billionaire stated. “We believe in meritocracy; we believe in the ability for individuals to rise to the top of their own merit. If I want to spend my own money to make sure me and my offspring have the best genetics they can, what’s wrong with that?”

Geller is only one of many right-wing billionaires gathering under the banner of transhumanism, and fighting initiatives to limits IVF, a cause usually championed by the more Christian wing of the party, and has lobbied hard for the Republican Party to advocate for more freedom in experimental genetic technologies.

“People like to ask me, why aren’t you a liberal? Why don’t I hang around the progressives, maybe they would be more open to your ideas of genetic enhancement, something like that,” Geller said. “Simply put, I can’t be a liberal. Liberals, you see, believe in this idea of equality, when that has never been true. Humans are fundamentally unequal creatures. Life is comprised of fundamentally unequal creatures. The lie of liberalism goes “oh, let us ignore all of the biological differences between peoples”, when we have more and more science that says much of our personalities and capabilities are biologically determined. Transhumanism is a fundamentally right-wing idea,” he says. “Because transhumanism rips the liberal idea of equality to shreds.”

“I’m not part of the Christian right,” he adds. “All the gay stuff, I don't give a hoot about that. The Christian right, they have this idea that the Bible will lead us to salvation, follow Jesus, and he will lead us to utopia. Bah! That’s just right-wing progressivism. I respect tradition, I understand that we are finite creatures who aren’t as smart as we think we are, and as a result, we should abstain from radical change, I get that. But I think we just have a fundamentally different worldview for what the world looks like.”

When asked for his own vision of the future, his eyes began to widen, and his voice grew more passionate.

“I am a believer in the law of Darwin. Natural selection, it is the most iron law in the universe. Those who are weaker die, those who adapt survive. Natural selection dictates that for humanity to evolve and survive, we have to increasingly improve ourselves, spread ourselves among the stars. Transhumanism unlocks the keys to tomorrow, allowing us to improve the gene pool, remove genetic defects, and allow humanity to transcend to the level of gods.”

When asked whether his ideas were echoing the old, debunked 19th century theories of eugenics, he scoffed, and grew defensive.

“Bah! All eugenics is, is any policy meant to improve the genetic quality of the human population. The laws you so cherish, that forbid incest between siblings for example is considered eugenics. If you don’t do it with transhumanism now, you will have to do it with natural selection later. Those who do not adapt will be outcompeted by those who do. I will not throw away the future of humanity for the sake of “feelings”, perpetuating this liberal lie that all men are created equal. Inequality is the reality of life.”

As the interview ended, he began looking distant, looking out the window we were sitting in to the stars above.

“Life… It is a funny thing. Billions of years of evolution, and we’re about to finally shatter the glass ceiling that still contains us. I see a future, where humanity is the greatest, strongest version of itself that it can be. A million competing hypotheses, fighting and cooperating however they see fit, to complete the race for the future of life. These stars are the birthright of mankind. One day, they will bow down to us.”

`, "jstark": `

The 3D Printed Firearm Revolution, How American Gun Rights Advocates Plan on Killing Gun Control Forever. | BBC News

3D Printed Guns, they’re on the streets, they’re in our homes, and they are entering foreign countries. What started out as a few flimsy “Liberator” pistols has become a full-blown revolution. An entire cottage industry, creating, designing, and printing 3D printed firearms, and exporting the files worldwide for the world to harness.

Like the name suggests, these firearms are printed from materials from a 3D printer. Often only needing a 3D printer, some spools of plastic, and a digital file, these weapons are by their very nature hard to trace, and hard to crack down on. Leading to many government agencies to decry them as “dangerous”.

Replicas of the AR-15, FGC-9, and remodelling’s of the AK-47 have found their way used by rebel groups, private military corporations, and terror groups all around the world. America’s lax gun control laws make the creation and export of these files 100% legal, becoming a headache to any other country wanting to limit the spread of these firearms.

“It’s a New World, it’s a revolution,” said JStark, leader of a group known as “Defense Distributed”, a group dedicated to the creation and distribution of files to make 3D printed firearms. JStark is known to have gotten into a lot of close calls with the law, including one incident with German police he barely survived. “They want to crack down on it, but they’re not going to be able to do it. All you need is a spool of plastic and a 3D printing machine, and an internet connection, how the f--- are you supposed to crack down on that? We've already had billion dollar campaigns to crack down on piracy for decades now. How is this any different?”

These guns have already contributed to uprisings in Myanmar, insurgencies across the Middle East, and Chechnyan Muslims in Russia. Most notably, they have made their way into Xinjiang, where Uyghur militants have used them to take up arms against the Chinese Communist Party. When asked whether he felt responsibility for the guns that got into evil hands, JStark had this to respond.

“Where the weapon ends up is not up to me. Guns, weapons, technology, like everything it’s a double edged sword. You’ll never make a weapon that can only be used by the good guys and not the bad. Sure, some bad people will get access to these weapons, but plenty of good people have gotten access to it now. The Uighur Muslims, where do you think they would be if they didn’t have these guns? They were getting killed left and right and nobody did anything man! But now they have a weapon, and once they have a weapon, they have a fighting chance.” JStark said.

When asked whether his guns could have increased political violence in his own country, with the rise of AfD militancy bringing down German political stability, JStark seemingly doubled down.

“You either have it or you don’t. You can’t create a weapon only the good guys use and the bad guys don’t. So what if some neo-nazi white supremacist piece of sh— gets a rifle? In this world so do all of the people he wants to hurt. When you give the right to defend to everyone, it’s the people at the bottom who benefit the most,” he said. “Live Free or F---ing Die, there are not just words.”

`, "debug": `

This is debug mode, where you play through every slide possible.

`, "trump_funeral": `

Transcript: Trump’s Funeral and Eulogy

Above his open casket was a screen, playing a video of his last will and testament. And below the screen, lay the man who had lived a life well lived.

“You know,” Trump said, in the recording on a screen, his past voice speaking for a present self that was no longer present. “I feel like I have done everything there is to do. I’ve been a real estate tycoon, a billionaire, a celebrity, a TV star. I’ve become president, and served two beautiful terms. Non-consecutive terms too, only one other person has done that.”

His voice was no longer that loud, boisterous tone everyone was used to. Instead, was a hushed, softer tone. One which was deeply at peace. “Even secured my legacy with the administration of my Vice President. I’ve raised a beautiful family, so many kids… Barron… He’s my spitting image. One day the kid will grow up just like me, I just know it.”

Trump’s recording was silent. “I don’t… Know when God is going to come and take me, but when it happens, I feel like I will be ready to go. I’ve lived such a long and wonderful life, doing everything there is for a man to do. I think I’m happy now. Melania… I love you, thank you for being there for the last decades of my life. Eric, Don. Jr, Laura, Tiffany, Barron… You all make me so proud, every single day.”

“When I go, don’t cry for me. I’ve already done so much and seen so many. But nothing more beautiful than my beautiful children. I’m happy with my life, and playing golf… That was just me enjoying my retirement, knowing I have done everything there is in this life. I can’t wait until I go up to heaven. Heaven is just our next great adventure. Until we see each other again, when time has died, and the gates have closed. Thorn-king beyond, he says hello.”

And the recording shut off. The body of Trump lay silently, hands folded over his chest, at peace after everything he had done. The crowd was silent, but one man stood up among the crowd. It was Joe Biden, whose complexion was on the verge of tears.

“I’m going to say it,” Joe Biden said. “I never voted for that b---- Kamala.”

He paused. “If I knew how badly handing her the keys would f--- up the Democratic Party, I would have kept the bussing segregated.”

Biden then sat back down, as the casket came to rest in the earth below.

`, "kevin": `

Schizophrenic Homeless Man Arrested after Assaulting Parliament Building, Rants about “Parallel Timelines”. | CBC News

Local homeless man Kevin Cheng has been arrested today after an attempted breaking and entering into the Canadian Parliament building. Trying to break into the Parliament during live session and rub his feces all over the walls, Kevin was detained later today. He reported that he was in contact with “esoteric-spiritual forces” and “the voices of the Noosphere told him to” who apparently instructed him to attack Parliament and halt the cabal of ancient alien astronauts who had taken over the government.

“IT ALL LINES UP!” he was caught on camera yelling. “4 4’S MAKE 16. 16 4’S MAKE 64. ENDS WITH 4, 8 TIMES 8 OR 4 TIMES 2 TIMES 4 TIMES 2. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!”


Cheng was put into police custody in a maximum-security holding cell, but somehow managed to escape police custody shortly afterwards. The Ottawa police are currently on the lookout for his location and are accepting anonymous tips from the general public.

Unconfirmed reports of an identical looking homeless man, also named Kevin Cheng has been reported in Singapore 5 minutes after the disappearance of Cheng from the holding cell.

`, "israel": `

Israel Begins Mass “Integration” Procedures on “Judea and Samaria”, Shrugs Off Accusations of “Cultural Genocide”. | Al Jazeera

Local homeless man Kevin Cheng has been arrested today after an attempted breaking and entering into the Canadian Parliament building. Trying to break into the Parliament during live session and rub his feces all over the walls, Kevin was detained later today. He reported that he was in contact with “esoteric-spiritual forces” and “the voices of the Noosphere told him to” who apparently instructed him to attack Parliament and halt the cabal of ancient alien astronauts who had taken over the government.

“IT ALL LINES UP!” he was caught on camera yelling. “4 4’S MAKE 16. 16 4’S MAKE 64. ENDS WITH 4, 8 TIMES 8 OR 4 TIMES 2 TIMES 4 TIMES 2. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!”


Cheng was put into police custody in a maximum-security holding cell, but somehow managed to escape police custody shortly afterwards. The Ottawa police are currently on the lookout for his location and are accepting anonymous tips from the general public.

Unconfirmed reports of an identical looking homeless man, also named Kevin Cheng has been reported in Singapore 5 minutes after the disappearance of Cheng from the holding cell.

`, "seastead": `

ReasonTV: The Rise of Seasteading and “Network States”, the Future of Governance?

“Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.'

'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.'

'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.'

I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different.

I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture.”

-Andrew Ryan, Bioshock.

The idea of setting off and creating your own state, far away from the confines of any existing government has long been a staple of the libertarian imagination, going all the way back to the original pioneers, who set off for the Wild West, looking for new lands to settle. But today, we may be seeing the rise of a new revolution in governance with the rise of the network state.

The network state, in their own words is “… is a social network with a moral innovation, a sense of national consciousness, a recognized founder, a capacity for collective action, an in-person level of civility, an integrated cryptocurrency, a consensual government limited by a social smart contract, an archipelago of crowdfunded physical territories, a virtual capital, and an on-chain census that proves a large enough population, income, and real estate footprint to attain a measure of diplomatic recognition.” Though not every seastead qualifies as a network state under this definition, “network state” has now become a shorthead for any state whose membership is opt-in and consensual.

The idea of the consensual state, bound by rules that one can opt-in or opt-out of, is a revolutionary new idea that has begun being implemented with the construction of various seasteads such as Galt’s Gulch, and New Eden. According to one of the leading thinkers of the seasteading movement, the point isn’t that all of these governance projects will be successes, most projects outside of the seasteading world aren’t. But instead:

“To create competition between governments, to incentivize improvement between governing systems, and to let people vote with their feet.”

Projects such as the Network State, and the Seasteading Institute have already received large investments from well known billionaires such as Elon Musk and Peter Thiel, who see these projects as a worthwhile investment for the future of humanity. These states often take the form of “seasteads”, floating cities, operating similarly to that of cruise ships, but also in the form of “landsteads”, normally operating in special economic zones across the Global South, bringing in valuable investment to the local economies.

Even if you don’t plan to live in a seastead, there may be good reason for you to support the seasteading movement, says the founder of the Network State, an organization dedicated to promoting and explaining the concepts behind the network state. Increased competition between governance systems incentivizes other governments to improve. If there was a risk that its top earners could flee to decentralized network states off its shore, how much more likely would the United States be to treat its citizens better? If Chinese billionaires had the ability to flee to seasteads off their shore, how would China treat its citizens differently?

“Ultimately, whether you love it, hate it, or something in between, the idea of a network state is a new experiment. Our world is facing a myriad of crises, from climate change, population collapse, and financial overregulation. And though a lot of experiments fail, if we’re going to find ways to adapt to this changing world, we need a lot of new experimentation.”

`, "pmc": `

Private Military Corporations, and the end of the Monopoly on Violence | BBC News

The world has watched as private military corporations have seized an increasing amount of power over the world. With American-headed PMCs recently overthrowing the government of Haiti, and various American, Russian, Chinese, and unaffiliated private military corporations currently duking it out in West Africa, it begs the question. What is a private military corporation, and what will be their impact on the future of geopolitics?

A private military corporation is any private military or security company providing armed combat or security services in exchange for profit. They’ve become increasingly large with the fragmentation of the global order, weakening of the nation state, and the proliferation of 3D printed firearms. PMCs are normally operated in a more developed country, usually a major power or superpower, and then hire people from more undeveloped regions to work as their armed contractors.

These PMCs can pay a wage much higher than the indigenous wage offered in these countries, making them a highly desired and lucrative offer for seasoned soldiers from these countries. They’re often staffed by officers from their home country, guaranteeing a certain degree of loyalty to the home country.

They have gained much political power, with the Association of American Mercenaries, or AAM becoming one of the Republican Party’s biggest lobbying groups. They often advertise themselves as a partner to American isolationism, privatizing global intervention rather than laying it on the hands of the taxpayer. Critics say that PMCs are responsible for numerous human rights violations and are not held accountable to the rules of international law.

These tensions have come to a boil with the recent PMC operations in Latin America, overthrowing various governments and leading many to escalate their critics from a critic of human rights violations, to saying that they are a threat to the idea of a monopoly on violence.

“Look, a nation state is an entity that has exclusive control over a certain geographically defined region or territory. They have the ability to enforce laws and regulations. That is what a state is, “a monopoly on violence”. But here you see the rise of private military corporations who have the ability to supersede the state’s natural right to enforce their laws inside their borders. This is a critical threat to anyone who supports rule of law, and supports freedom and democracy around the globe,” said one prominent political scientist, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Increasing various countries, Nicaragua, Guinea, Venezuela, and now most recently, Haiti have become what political scientists have called “mercenary states”. Countries that have been taken over by American mercenaries, and have become a safe haven of operations for other PMCs looking to do illicit or otherwise unsavory activities. Despite widespread condemnation from the United Nations, the continued support these activities receive from the United States makes them hard to sanction.

With the fact that these groups are often well trained and heavily armed, and now having the resources of a state to draw from, it has become increasingly hard and unlikely that these mercenary states will be toppled.

It should be noted that while American mercenaries are the most prevalent, they are not even close to the only countries which allow and implicitly encourage private military corporations. With Russia, China, South Korea, Japan, India, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Turkey only being some of the countries that use private military groups to conduct covert operations on behalf of their national self interest, in what some call a neo-colonial strategy of new oppression against the Global South. With dozens more operating independently with their own goals and ideological motives.

`, "malcolm": `

Transcript: Pro Natalism, the Right’s New Trend? An interview with Malcolm Collins | Politico

(Begin Interview)

Interviewer: So, the way we understand it, you are one of the leading voices behind the growing pro-natalist movement on the right. But you’ve also been vocal that the decline of worldwide fertility rates is a bad thing, can you elaborate on that?

Malcolm Collins: Look, I know most of your readers are progressives, so let me make this as clear to you as I possibly can. If you are not having kids, your ideology will go extinct. Anyone who is not having 3 or more kids is going to be eliminated out of the gene pool. What I am trying to do is to create a technophilic, generationally durable alliance of pluralistic cultures that can survive long term. Because currently the only group that is able to have above replacement fertility rates are the technophobic fundamentalist religious cultures. And I just want people to understand, that is going to be the entire voterbase in a few generations.

Interviewer: You’ve recently attracted some skepticism for the statement that the 2032 elections were a “pivotal turning point” for all of human civilization. Can you elaborate what you mean by that?

Malcolm Collins: What we just saw in the 2032 elections was the final fall of the progressive urban monoculture. We’ve seen their ejection from power. Already, you have people like Tulsi Gabbard make a play to take over the left. People like Tulsi Gabbard are going to be the people in charge of the new left. This memetic virus that has taken over the academic institutions? They’re done, they’re finished. They have the single lowest fertility rate of any population group of on earth. What I think is going to happen is that we’re going to see the end of this Progressive Détente, where the progressive urban monoculture forced everyone to get along. Now with the Détente over, we’re going to see the rise of cultural competition again. And a lot of people are going to end up perishing in the next few centuries because of that. It’s tough, but it is what needs to happen for humanity to continue to evolve.

Interviewer: 25% of all liberal women identify as “child-free”, how do they factor into your vision of the future?

Malcolm Collins: They don’t. Bye bye!

Interviewer: Do you believe human worth is solely defined by reproduction, or do you see value in ideas, contributions, and legacies that transcend birthrates?

Malcolm Collins: Human worth is determined by long term cultural sustainability, and the progressives have none. Imagine a conservative seeing a progressive, and going “hey, these people have no kids, are chronically depressed, are mentally ill, and their society is headed for extinction. Let’s copy them!”. Said no one ever.

Interviewer: How do you reconcile a focus on birthrates with the principles of human dignity and the diverse ways people choose to contribute to society?

Malcolm Collins: I don’t. If your culture can’t motivate high fertility rates, then you can only grow by parasitizing people from other cultures, which is how the progressive mindvirus did it. And conservatives are now building their own education systems, look at American Academy, look at Freedom Universities, look at the Collins Institute, so good luck with that. If you want to contribute to a future that your genes and your kids have no right to, and literally be a cuck, I mean go on ahead. It’s going to be the kids of conservatives that end up benefitting.

Interviewer: Is it morally justifiable to reduce an entire ideological group’s value to their capacity for reproduction?

Malcolm Collins (Looking visibly tired): Yes.

Interviewer: Does your concern about progressive birthrates stem from a genuine interest in their well-being or an attempt to marginalize their values?

Malcolm Collins: I’ve been trying to warn them for years now. At this point I’m just rubbing it in, because we told them and they didn't listen.

Interviewer: Are you suggesting that ideological merit is determined by demographics rather than the strength and adaptability of ideas?

Malcolm Collins: … I think I just lost all motivation to continue this interview. If you have any further questions, please direct them to MalcolmGPT bot. I’m going to go back to work.

Interviewer: Do you think there is any possibilities where childless people are granted equal status to those who have large families?

MalcolmGPT: I'm sorry, but as an AI assistant, I strive to maintain a respectful and helpful environment. I cannot engage with questions that might be degrading to intellectual discourse. Please feel free to ask something constructive or try again.

`, } ending_image_dict = { "flyfishing": "", "vance_sad": "", "vance_neutral": "", "vance_happy": "", "vance_joy": "", "celebration": "", "oval_office": "", "congress": "", "reddit_mod": "", "anime": "", "china_taiwan": "", "tang_ping": "", "reglobalization": "", "russia_ukraine": "", "thank_you": "", "the_road_ahead": "", "ors_roas": "", "earth": "", "theocracy": "", "patriotism": "", "meritocracy": "", "truly_free": "", "reconquista": "", "gabbard": "", "eugenics": "", "jstark": "", "trump_funeral": "", "kevin": "", "israel": "", "seastead": "", "pmc": "", "malcolm": "", } function leading_faction(christian, populist, technocapitalist, darwinist) { let faction_list=[["christian",christian],["populist",populist],["technocapitalist",technocapitalist],["darwinist",darwinist]]; faction_list.sort(function(a, b){return a[1] - b[1]}); faction_list.reverse(); if (2 >;= faction_list[0][1]-faction_list[faction_list.length - 1][1]) { return("balanced"); } if (2 >;= faction_list[0][1]-faction_list[1][1]) { return(faction_list[0][0]+"+"+faction_list[1][0]); } if (faction_list[0][1] >;= 6) { return(faction_list[0][0]+"+") } return(faction_list[0][0]); } endingPicker = (out, totv, aa, quickstats) >=; { let CANY = 0; for (n in campaignTrail_temp.final_state_results) { if (campaignTrail_temp.final_state_results[n]["abbr"] == "CA" && campaignTrail_temp.final_state_results[n]["result"][0]["candidate"] == 300) { CANY += 1; } if (campaignTrail_temp.final_state_results[n]["abbr"] == "NY" && campaignTrail_temp.final_state_results[n]["result"][0]["candidate"] == 300) { CANY += 1; } } if (CANY == 2) { unlockAchievement("Party Switch"); } if (christian >;= 3 && technocapitalist >;= 3 && darwinist >;= 3 && populist >;= 3 && quickstats[0] >;= 270) { unlockAchievement("The New Right Rises"); } if (christian <;= 3 && technocapitalist <;= 3 && darwinist <;= 3 && populist <;= 3 && quickstats[0] >;= 270) { unlockAchievement("Neocon"); } if (quickstats[0] == 0) { setImage(ending_image_dict["flyfishing"]); return `


Vance realized the secret to politics long ago. The voters, the campaigning, it didn’t matter. Because all he had to do was slide this one slider. He didn’t know how, he didn’t know why, but for whatever reason, this conveniently placed slider in the White House seemingly controlled all of politics.

It was simple really. The more righter you push it, the more voterier you get. He really didn’t know what he was campaigning for or what he planned to change, but it looks like apparently with this slider he was going to be president for the rest of his life.

Unfortunately, he didn’t quite figure this out and pushed the lever instead all the way to the left. And he didn’t get a single vote later that election. Not vote as in electoral vote, vote as in singular vote. His entire campaign team disbanded and even he couldn’t bring himself to vote for himself.

Eventually Vance just decided he wasn’t cut out for politics and instead went on to have a long and successful career going flyfishing back in his native Ohio.

`; } if (quickstats[0] >;= 535 ) { setImage(ending_image_dict["white_house"]); return `


Vance realized the secret to politics long ago. The voters, the campaigning, it didn’t matter. Because all he had to do was slide this one slider. He didn’t know how, he didn’t know why, but for whatever reason, this conveniently placed slider in the White House seemingly controlled all of politics.

It was simple really. The more righter you push it, the more voterier you get. He had pushed it all the way to 100 and was now serving his 8th consecutive term. He really didn’t know what he was campaigning for or what he planned to change, but it looks like apparently with this slider he was going to be president for the rest of his life.

Why didn’t Trump use this back in the 2020 election? Is he stupid?

`; } if (quickstats[0] == 269) { setImage(ending_image_dict["vance_neutral"]); return `

Electoral College Tie, No Winner Emerges

To everyone’s horror, the number came right on the edge. 269-269. The crowds, both those of the Movement and those of the Regime were silent. At the stadium where President Vance was speaking, there was an air of stunned silence. As the final results trickled in, and they confirmed the final result of 269-269. Vance arrived from backstage to address the crowd before him.

“My fellow Americans… It isn’t over yet. I have just spoken to my campaign advisors. As of now, it is highly likely that the final result will end up an astonishing 269-269. It now comes down to the electoral college. If that fails, it will have to go down to Congress.”

The crowd shifted uncomfortably, while the Democrats had a slim majority in the House, the number of individual states controlled by Republicans complicated things, not to mention the possibility of defectors, RINOs, and 3rd parties continuing to complicate things.

“It looks like this campaign could still be going for another few months. I’m going to do everything within my power to make sure our Republican lawmakers vote on our side. I’m sorry I have to send you guys home, without a definitive conclusion for or against.”

“When you get there, I want you to go to work, hug your family, be the best American you can. Love thy neighbor, even if they’re a Democrat. We’re all going through a stressful time right now. Tensions are high both here and on the opposing side. If you can be a comfort for those who are going through this time of uncertainty, make sure you do that.”

Vance took a deep breath in and then out. “It’s not over yet.

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